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Enumclaw Leadership Mr. Stokke

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1 Enumclaw Leadership Mr. Stokke
40 Day Character Dare Enumclaw Leadership Mr. Stokke

2 4 Stages of Character Development

3 Be an encourager. Give a genuine compliment based on your observations.
Day One Kindness

4 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON KINDNESS. Practice impulse control. Hold the door open for someone. Allow a peer to do a task their way rather than trying to show them how you do it. Let others speak. Allow another person to enter a line in front of you. Day 2 Patience

ENTRY TASK: ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS ON YESTERDAY’S TOPIC: PATIENCE. WHAT DID YOU DO, HOW DID IT FEEL? Practice listening this week Use the SOFTEN model to actively listen by asking good questions, paraphrasing, and reflecting. Be interested in the other person. Day 3 Respect

Set self-improvement goals. My goals are: Day 4 Commitment

What did you learn about yourself over the first 4 days? What did you learn about others? What would you like to do differently if you could do the first four dares again? What is one word to describe your experience so far? Day 5: Reflection

8 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. Smile at someone you need to forgive. Think of someone at school who has hurt you. Go out of your way to smile and say hello to that person, every time you see them. And mean it! Day 6: Forgiveness

9 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. Open the door today for someone you know, and for someone you don’t know. Day 7: Selflessness

10 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. Isolate one area of division in your life and reflect on it by writing about the issue and what needs to happen for healing to occur. Take one step today to make that healing happen. Day 8: Honesty

ENTRY TASK: ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS ON YESTERDAY’S TOPIC: _______. WHAT DID YOU DO, HOW DID IT FEEL? Apologize to someone today. Remember that an apology is not an admission of guilt or wrongdoing. It’s an acknowledgement that you’re willing to do better next time. Day 9: Humility

12 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. Choose a dare to do again. How did people react to you when you completed the tasks. Day 10: Reflection

ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR BINDER, REFLECT ON YESTERDAY’S DARE. HUMILITY Be interested in what other have to say: Practice impulse control by holding your tongue today and giving others a chance to share. ` Day 11 Patience

14 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Do something out of the ordinary today for someone in your life. Do something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on a choice and nothing else. Wash their car. Clean the kitchen. Buy their favorite morning drink. Day 12 Kindness

15 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _KINDNESS. We Dare you to… Improve your self-discipline. Make a list of areas in your life where you lack discipline, where you consistently fail or fall. Resolve to begin, in one area, to discipline yourself to change. Find a friend or relation who will hold you accountable to that change. Set daily challenges/disciplines for yourself and practice them. Day 13 Respect

16 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Tell 5 people about your goals. These five don’t have to know all your goals. For example, you might tell your coach about your goal to run a sub-five minute mile, while you might tell your Mom about your goal to be more patient with your little brother. Some people will know about several goals, some only one. Day 14 Commitment

17 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Reflect on your experience so far. What has been the most and least satisfying of the dares? Why? What does this tell you about yourself Day 15: Reflection

18 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON COMMITMENT. We Dare you to… Write three thank you notes. Choose three individuals in your school that make a difference on daily basis but are not recognized (secretary, janitor, student assistant in office/kitchen, etc). Write them a sincere note thanking them for the contributions they make to your school. Day 16: Humility

19 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON __HUMILITY___________. We Dare you to… Refrain from any negative talk, gossip, backstabbing, etc. This includes swearing or complaining! Keep track of the number of times you do slip and see how low a number you can get. Day 17: Honesty

20 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Put yourself in another’s shoes. Remind yourself several times today that neither you nor anyone else is perfect. When you are frustrated or impatient, look at situations from the point of view of the other person so you can understand and forgive their actions Day 18: Forgiveness

21 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON FORGIVENESS . We Dare you to… Go to an event (sporting, music, chess club…) that you would not normally go to. Afterward, seek out someone who was involved and give a complement to them. Day 19: Selflessness

22 Share with two neighbors the highlights of your vacation.
Get your papers ready to turn in along with the outline. Clean up tubs in the room. Welcome back!

23 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Reflect on why you are doing the Leadership Dare. Why are you still continuing to do these dares? What are you gaining? The dares will get harder. Consider carefully, do you want to continue for the remaining 20 days? Why? Day 20: Reflection

24 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Choose to have a positive attitude all day. When you are annoyed or frustrated or bored, choose to find the positive. Choose to be upbeat, patient, kind. Day 21: Patience

25 If you really knew our school….
How would it sound? How would it look? How would it feel? If you really knew our school….

26 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAG RAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON PATIENCE. We Dare you to… Write a hand-written note of gratitude. 1. Select the person 2. Choose a postcard, letter, or card. 3. Write a warm, sincere message 4. Deliver or send it today Day 22: Kindness

27 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON KINDNESS______. We Dare you to… Show respect to your Mom or Dad. Honestly evaluate where you could improve in terms of respect. Begin to practice by saying and/or doing things that show respect to your mom, your dad, or both. It could be anything from simply doing the dishes without being told to granting or asking for forgiveness in a particular area. Or it might be in a change in the tone of your voice. Day 23: Respect

28 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Recommit to your self-improvement goals. Get out a piece of paper and on one side write all the positives that will happen if you complete this goal, on the other side write all the negatives that will happen if you do not complete it. Recommit yourself to this goal – call your accountability partner today! Day 24: Commitment

29 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Refresh your batteries; watch your favorite inspirational movie. If you don’t have one, some suggestions are: Radio Rudy Pay it Forward Groundhog’s Day Day 25: Reflection

30 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Ask someone to join you for lunch that you have observed consistently eating by themselves. Start a conversation centered on the individual, their family, interests, etc. so that you actually get to know something about the person. Use their name – and remember it for future encounters. Day 26: Humility

31 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Deal directly with an issue or complaint. Show honesty today by communicating directly to a family member or friend something you need to address and resolve to make it right. Day 27: Honesty

32 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it. Let your anger go, and move on from that person. Untangle yourself from a relationship that may be poisoning you. Day 28: Forgiveness

33 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Buy a school lunch/drink/etc. today for the person behind you in line. Day 29: Selflessness

34 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Reflect today on all you have accomplished. What positive things have come out of your actions over the last 30 days? What have you done over the last 30 days that you are most proud of? Day 30: Reflection

35 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Be kind to yourself today. When something doesn’t go right, tell yourself, “I did my best; my best is all I have to give. I’ll grow and do it better next time.” Buy yourself your favorite snack/treat. You deserve it! Day 31: Patience

36 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Write a letter to a U.S. Military Hero Select a soldier you know or one who is related to someone you know. Write a letter from your heart that expresses your gratitude, shows your support, and provides encouragement. Share a little bit about yourself as well as ask questions about the person you’re writing. Send the letter. Day 32: Kindness

37 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Speak up. Think of something, some situation, where you have failed to speak up for whatever reason. Resolve that today you will say what needs to be said, that you will at least make it known that you believe something needs to change. Day 33: Respect

38 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Treat someone you disrespect in a respectful way. Identify someone in your life that you look down upon or generally disrespect. Make the effort to spend some time with that person and truly listen, treat them like they are important. Don’t fake it, mean it. Day 34: Humility

39 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Go back and do one dare over. Reflect today on what you would do differently. If I do this dare again, how will I do it differently, better? Day 35: Reflection

40 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Forgive someone. Who do you need to forgive? Choose a friend or family member you need to forgive totally and unconditionally. Choose an appropriate time to let them know you forgive them. Find the courage and go tell them so. Day 36: Forgiveness

41 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Ask for feedback. Choose someone close to you to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must listen without attacking them or trying to justify or make excuses for your behavior. Thank them for taking the risk to share this with you. Day 37: Committment

42 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Remove an obstacle to being who you want to be. Show honesty today by removing anything that is hindering your relationships, any addiction or influence that’s stealing your feelings and turning your heart away from serving others. What will it take to remove this obstacle? Work to make that happen starting today! Day 38:

43 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Verbally thank your “toughest” teacher for the lesson they provide today. Be specific about what you liked or found helpful. Day 39:

44 ENTRY TASK: IN YOUR 3 RING BINDER, ENTER YOUR THOUGHTS IN PARAGRAPH FORM ON YESTERDAY’S ENTRY ON _____________. We Dare you to… Keep on growing, stretching and daring for a lifetime… Recruit a small group of people to take on the leadership dare and go through it again alongside them. Create a third set of 40 dares that is specific to your own growth needs. Find an accountability partner to keep you on track with this third set of dares. Day 40: Selflessness

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