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What are prepositions? The following are all examples of prepositions: in, on, at, around, above, near, underneath, alongside, of, and for. A preposition.

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Presentation on theme: "What are prepositions? The following are all examples of prepositions: in, on, at, around, above, near, underneath, alongside, of, and for. A preposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are prepositions? The following are all examples of prepositions: in, on, at, around, above, near, underneath, alongside, of, and for. A preposition sits before a noun (or a pronoun) to show the noun's relationship to another word in the sentence. (If that explanation is too complicated, it might help you to think of a preposition as a word which describes anywhere a mouse could go.)

2 Two-way prepositions Startblock You learned that certain prepositions are always followed by the accusative case, while others are always followed by the dative case. A small number of prepositions can be followed by either the dative or the accusative, depending on the situation. 2

3 Two-way prepositions Prepositions that can be followed by either the dative or the accusative are called two-way prepositions.. Ich trage ein T-Shirt unter dem Pullover. I’m wearing a T-shirt under my sweater. Stell deine Schuhe nicht auf den Tisch! Don’t put your shoes on the table!

4 Two-way prepositions Whether you choose a dative or an accusative object to follow a two-way preposition depends on the meaning of the sentence. If the verb indicates movement toward a destination, use an object in the accusative. Ich fahre das Auto in die Garage. I’m driving the car into the garage. Der Hund geht in die Küche. The dog is going into the kitchen.

5 Two-way prepositions ACHTUNG
Remember that dative prepositions always take a dative object, even if the verb in the sentence indicates movement: Ich fahre mit meinem Onkel. 5

6 Two-way prepositions If the verb does not indicate movement toward a destination, use an object in the dative case. Das Auto ist in der Garage. The car is in the garage. Der Hund isst in der Küche. The dog eats in the kitchen.

7 Two-way prepositions When you use a two-way preposition with a pronoun, make sure to select a pronoun in the appropriate case. Ich sitze neben dem alten Mann. I’m sitting next to the old man. Ich sitze neben ihm. I’m sitting next to him. Er hat den Teller vor seinen Sohn gestellt. He put the plate in front of his son. Er hat den Teller vor ihn gestellt. He put the plate in front of him.

8 Two-way prepositions Here are some common contractions of two-way prepositions and definite articles.

9 Two-way prepositions The question wohin? (where to?) asks about movement. When you answer this question with a two-way preposition, always use an object in the accusative case. Wohin fahren wir morgen? Where are we going tomorrow? Wir fahren morgen in die Stadt. We’re going to the city tomorrow. Wohin gehen die Leute? Where are the people going? Sie gehen ins Konzert. They’re going to the concert.

10 Two-way prepositions The question wo? (where?) asks about location. When you answer this question with a two-way preposition, always use an object in the dative case. Wo ist mein Schal? Where is my scarf? Dein Schal liegt auf dem Tisch. Your scarf is lying on the table. Wo hängt das Bild? Where is the picture hanging? Es hängt an der Wand. It’s hanging on the wall.

11 Two-way prepositions The following verbs can be used with two-way prepositions to show location or to describe a destination.

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