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Mark Scharff, Washington University in St. Louis MOUG Annual Meeting 2011, Philadelphia, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Scharff, Washington University in St. Louis MOUG Annual Meeting 2011, Philadelphia, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Scharff, Washington University in St. Louis MOUG Annual Meeting 2011, Philadelphia, PA

2  What are ETD’s?  How do they differ from analog counterparts?  How are they described?

3  Textual (including music)—two possibilities  Submitted as a print document and subsequently digitized  Submitted as an electronic document  Audio/visual  Submitted in analog formats and subsequently digitized  Submitted as digital files  Present as illustrative material

4  May include embedded links to other online documents, spreadsheets, videos, programs  Access may be greater, or restricted by different means

5  “Born-digital” ETDs are on the agenda  The electronic document is an remote online resource.  Separate record for electronic version, not a “one-record approach”  Will not deal with cataloging analog version (much)

6  How are the files received?  Where do files reside?  What if any metadata is present there? Who created it?  Does the student provide metadata? Is it harvestable?  Will the cataloger be involved in creating non- MARC cataloging?

7  Type (Leader/06)—code for predominant intellectual content, as published resource.  Fixed field Form (008/23)  s = generic code for electronic resources  o = code for online resource

8  006—add to bring out computer file attributes and attributes of any accompanying material  007—add if desired to bring out attributes of computer file or of accompanying material. Provider-neutral guidelines—1 st 2 bytes mandatory

9  245--$h [electronic resource]  260—mileage varies  Date only ($c)—analogous to print  “[S.l. : s.n., date]”—published item with unknown details—Provider-neutral guidelines  Robert Bremer (OCLC)—regard university or department as the publisher.

10  300—variety of approaches here, too  Purely digital description—AACR2 9.5  1 electronic text (1 file : 240,000 bytes)  Purely in analog terms, minus $c  ix, 256 p. : ill.  Hybrid approach (Provider-neutral)  1 online resource (ix, 256 p. : ill.)

11  Notes  Source of title (500)  Dissertation note (502)  Restrictions on access (506)—generally local  Type of computer file (516)—for unusual stuff

12  More Notes  Additional physical form (530)  Only if you’re concerned with an analog copy  Provider-neutral guidelines—use 776 field instead  System details note (538)—only if access is other than WWW  Abstract (520)

13  Main entry (1XX)—nothing unusual  Subject headings (6XX)—for intellectual content; no standardized genre/form headings to add, but local practice might call for them  Added entries (7XX)—may wish to give one for the publisher (university or department)

14  Supplementary material to text  If described as part of main thesis, may call for additional 007 fields and some additional information in notes.  Musical scores  As remote electronic resources, they are considered published (Type “c”)  May include other sorts of files (e.g. composition for electronics and orchestra)

15  Videorecordings  Example: OCLC #688159417 (though cataloged as text with video as supplementary material, from 2010)  Example: OCLC #69020881 (also text with video supplement, from 2006)  Sound files  No examples found where sound file was principal element

16  Guidelines for students submitting ETDs ( nes.html) nes.html  Students submit to WU (theses) or to ProQuest (dissertations)  Submission instructions require student to login with WUSTL Key (one-stop username and password)

17  Theses go directly to the WU ETD Repository (part of the Digital Library)  Dissertations go to UMI, who sends them back to WU for ingest into the repository  Metadata is created within the digital library using Oxygen and MARCEdit, then sent to the cataloging unit

18  The records are loaded into an OCLC Connexion local save file  Constant data is applied to records one by one  Records are manually edited for content, capitalization, punctuation, filing indicators, added entries  Records are contributed to OCLC at Level K (WU does not assign subject headings to theses and dissertations except for music)

19  td.pdf td.pdf  OhioLINK standard, dating from 2007  f f  U. of Georgia policy which seems to presume that EDTs will all be reproductions  ml ml  Publicly available copy of 1995 article by Gail McMillan on ETD cataloging at Uva and Va. Tech

20  atref/eresources/etd.html#geninfo atref/eresources/etd.html#geninfo  Penn State U guidelines   ETD bibliography, dated Nov. 2010  aloging/default.shtm aloging/default.shtm OCLC guidelines for ETD, sort of

21  ms-v1.00-rev2.html ms-v1.00-rev2.html  Latest NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations) guidelines  Guide.pdf Guide.pdf  PCC’s guidelines for provider-neutral bibliographic records for electronic resources

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