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Theology 8 Semester 1 Final Exam Review. Unit 1 – Introduction.

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1 Theology 8 Semester 1 Final Exam Review

2 Unit 1 – Introduction

3 1. Name several ways we can discover God. Through observation and reason (a.k.a. Natural Revelation) Through the voice of our conscience (a.k.a. Natural Law) Through the Bible Through the Church (teachings, Sacred Tradition)

4 2. What are the twin sources of God’s revealed truth (a.k.a. Divine Revelation)? Sacred Scripture Sacred Tradition

5 3. Briefly explain the Catholic understanding of biblical inspiration. God is the ultimate author of all scripture The Holy Spirit inspired the human authors of scripture to write exactly what God wants us to know for our salvation. Inaccuracy in scientific or historical details do not make it “untrue” It is God’s message to His people written to lead all people to salvation.

6 4. What is the ultimate event in Salvation History? God sending his only son, Jesus Christ, into the world

7 5. To what or whom did God entrust his Divine Revelation? The Church (beginning with the 12 Apostles) – Apostolic Succession

8 6. Briefly explain the concept of Original Sin. What effect does it have on human beings? The sin by which the first humans disobeyed God and thereby lost their original holiness and became subject to death. It is transmitted to every human born into the world. Human reason is clouded by Original Sin

9 7. Briefly describe the process of Natural Revelation. Involves observing Creation and listening to the voice of conscience to discover the existence of God

10 8. What is the Magisterium? The teaching office of the Church Made up of bishops under the leadership of the Pope Responsible for teaching, interpreting, and preserving Scripture and Tradition until Christ returns

11 9. What are the Gospels? Name them. The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament. They focus on the person, life, teachings, death and Resurrection of Jesus Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

12 10. What is God’s sacred name? To whom did he reveal it? Yahweh (I Am Who I Am) Revealed to Moses in the burning bush

13 11. What are the Epistles? 21 Letters in the New Testament Written by St. Paul and other early Christian leaders Give teaching and guidance to individuals and the first Christian communities

14 Unit 2 – The Creed, Part A

15 1. What is faith? The gift of God by which one freely accepts God’s full Revelation in Jesus Christ. One of the three theological virtues: faith, love and hope

16 2. What is grace? The free and undeserved gift of God’s loving and active presence in the universe and in our lives.

17 3. What/whom provides the human mechanism through which God’s Revelation is passed on and safeguarded? The Church (under the guidance of the Holy Spirit)

18 4. What is the central mystery of the Christian faith? The Blessed Trinity

19 5. What are angels? What purpose do they serve? From the word meaning “messenger” Immortal creatures with intelligence and free will Created to serve as God’s messengers and glorify God always

20 6. Name three things that the creation accounts in Genesis teach us. Humans are made in the image of God Humans were not meant to be alone God meant for us to be in a loving relationship with Him

21 7. In God’s covenant with Abraham, what 3 (or more) things did God ask of him and his descendents? To recognize Him as the one, true God To live life without sin To practice circumcision as a physical mark of the covenant

22 8. Why are there 4 different gospels? The four authors – called Evangelists – were members of different communities, facing different concerns and challenges The gospels are faith portraits of Jesus, not historical biographies – when the evangelists wrote their gospels, they did so in a way that emphasized the religious truths their particular communities had learned about Jesus. This is why we need all four gospels to understand the whole truth about Jesus

23 9. Briefly explain the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Belief that the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from sin from the first moment of her conception. Celebrated on December 8 th – A holy day of obligation

24 10. What event marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry? His baptism by John the Baptist

25 11. What did Jesus mean when he referred to the “Kingdom of God?” The reign or rule of God over the hearts of people The development of a new social order based on unconditional love Also called the “Reign of God” Exists now wherever people are genuinely trying to live out God’s call to love and forgiveness

26 12. Briefly explain Apostolic Succession. The uninterrupted passing on of authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops. It is accomplished through the laying on of hands when a bishop is ordained.

27 13. Briefly explain “free will.” The gift from God that allows human beings to choose from among various actions, for which we are held accountable. It is the basis for moral responsibility.

28 Unit 3 – The Creed, Part B

29 1. What are three metaphors that explain how Jesus’ death frees us? The Suffering Servant The Ransom for Many The Paschal Lamb

30 2. What are two conclusions we can draw from the Resurrection? He is divine – He is who he says he is (the Son of God) All of his teachings are true

31 3. Briefly explain why we celebrate Pentecost. On Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit It is the “birthday” of the Church We call it “Pentecost” b/c it happened on the Jewish feast of the same name Occurs 50 days after Easter

32 4. Name several images associated with the Holy Spirit. Fire Water A dove

33 5. How did Jesus provide a basic structure for the Church before he ascended into heaven? He chose the 12 Apostles and trained them for leadership – with St. Peter as their head. This structure continues today, with the bishops as the successors to the Apostles and the Pope as the successor to St. Peter. The word “apostle” derived from the term meaning “to send out”

34 6. Name several scriptural images of the Church. Body of Christ Temple of the Holy Spirit People of God (notice – very Trinitarian)

35 7. What are the four Marks of the Church? One Holy Catholic Apostolic

36 8. To which two other religions does the Catholic Church have special ties? What are they? Judaism & Islam The Jewish faith is already a response to God’s Revelation in the Old Covenant. Jews are our spiritual ancestors – God’s chosen people Like Jews and Christians, Muslims trace their origins back to Abraham & Sarah Muslims believe in one God, the Creator of all

37 9. What is the calling of the Laity? To share in the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of the Church By virtue of our baptism

38 10. What are some of the responsibilities of bishops? Providing pastoral care for people within a particular area (called a diocese) – confirmations, assigning priests to parishes/ministries, setting policies and ensuring that the faith is being properly taught & practiced within the diocese Working with other bishops and the Pope to lead the worldwide Church

39 11. Of what crime was Jesus accused that led to his crucifixion? blasphemy

40 12. What is the mission of the Holy Spirit? To reveal God the Father and Jesus the Son

41 13. What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit? Wisdom Understanding Right judgment Courage Knowledge Reverence Wonder & awe

42 14. What are charisms? Special graces of the Holy Spirit given to the members of the Church for the good of the Church and the world

43 15. Briefly describe Heaven, Hell & Purgatory. Heaven = a joyful state of personal relationship with the Holy Trinity after death Hell = a state of complete, eternal separation from God Purgatory = a state of final purification or cleansing, which one may need to enter following death and before entry into heaven (all souls in Purgatory are assured of salvation)

44 16. Briefly describe the Communion of Saints. The spiritual union of al those who believe in Christ and have been redeemed, including those who have died and those who are still living

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