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Writing Paragraphs Jose J. Gonzalez, Jr.. What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences which attempts to present one and sometimes two ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Paragraphs Jose J. Gonzalez, Jr.. What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences which attempts to present one and sometimes two ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Paragraphs Jose J. Gonzalez, Jr.

2 What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences which attempts to present one and sometimes two ideas coherently.

3 A paragraph is a group of sentences which attempts to present one and sometimes two ideas COHERENTLY.  What that heck does coherently mean?  For sure, it is a word that English teachers like to use.

4 Definition of coherent  If an argument, set of ideas or a plan is coherent, it is clear and carefully considered, and each part of it connects or follows in a natural or sensible way.

5 Structure of a Paragraph  More or less, a paragraph has three main parts which have to be, of course, coherent!  Topic Sentence  Supporting Details  Concluding or Transitional Sentence

6 Let’s discuss each part individually and see how they interact together.

7 What do you do in a topic sentence?  Identify what the paragraph is about  Make a point about the topic  Connect to the previous paragraph

8 Topic sentence...  Most novice writers write unfocused topic sentences Example: Some members of minority groups do not approve of affirmative action. More focused: Some members of minority groups disapprove of affirmative action because it implies that they are not capable of obtaining employment based on their own accomplishments.

9 Where should you place the topic sentence?  Most of the time the topic sentence should be placed in the beginning of the paragraph; however, it can be placed anywhere you like.  But if you are just beginning to sharpen your writing skills, it is best to place it in the beginning.

10 What do supporting details do: explain the topic sentence What should you ask yourself while writing the supporting details?  At all times you should ask yourself if what you are writing goes back to support or further the topic sentence.  Support the topic sentence with evidence, such as examples, facts, statistics, personal experience, and definitions

11 Concluding or Transitional Sentence  Draws the paragraph to a close; often you should simply repeat the topic sentence, but in a simplified version.  Leads to the next paragraph

12  Email and instant messaging are important technological advances, but they have hidden limitations, even dangers. While email and instant messaging allow fast and efficient communication and exchange of information, they provide a different quality of human interaction. It is too easy to avoid talking to people. It is easier to click on one’s “Buddy list” and check to see if she wants to meet for dinner than it would be to look up her number and actually talk to her. Online you can post a ‘be right back” message, avoiding an intrusion into your life. In fact, using these services can become addictive. For example, some students on campus are obsessed with checking their email several times throughout the day. They spend their free time emailing acquaintances across the country, while ignoring interesting people right in the same room. Because computer interaction is not face to face, email, and instant messenger addicts are shortchanging themselves of real human contact. There is something to be said for responding not only to a person’s word’s, but to their expressions, gestures, and tone of voice.

13 Now, let’s get to work...  Topics  Movies  Parents  Christmas  Spring Break  Friends  Cell Phones  Food  Pick one of these topics

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