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Class Name, Instructor Name Date, Semester Criminal Justice 2011 Chapter 5: Interviews and Interrogations.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Name, Instructor Name Date, Semester Criminal Justice 2011 Chapter 5: Interviews and Interrogations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Name, Instructor Name Date, Semester Criminal Justice 2011 Chapter 5: Interviews and Interrogations

2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Differentiate between interviews and interrogations. Describe effective interviewing and interrogation techniques. Summarize the legal requirements of interviewing and interrogation, including Miranda rights. Identify how lying and deception are detected. Explain why people confess and how confessions are documented. CHAPTER SUMMARY Summarize how to take written and recorded statements. 5.6

3 Differentiate between interviews and interrogations. Learning Objectives After this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcome 5.1

4 Formal conversation Interview vs. Interrogation 5.1 The Interview

5 Systematic Questioning Interview vs. Interrogation 5.1 The Interrogation

6 Describe effective interviewing and interrogation techniques. Learning Objectives After this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcome 5.2

7 Build rapport Create privacy Use active Listen skills Ask open- ended questions

8 5.2 Photo placeholder Effective Interrogations Good Cop?

9 Effective Interrogations 5.2

10 Photo placeholder Interrogation Setting

11 Interrogation Styles 5.2 Logical Sympathetic Indifferent Face-saving Egotistical

12 Summarize the legal requirements of interviewing and interrogation, including Miranda rights. Learning Objectives After this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcome 5.3

13 Interrogation 5.3 Legal Requirements Photo placeholder

14 When Miranda isn't Required 5.3 When questioning isn’t accusatory When questioning isn’t accusatory Prior to arrest When the offense is not criminal When the suspect is NOT in custody

15 Identify how lying and deception are detected. Learning Objectives After this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcome 5.4

16 Signs of Deception 5.4

17 Deception 5.4 Physical Characteristics Photo placeholder

18 5.4 Signs of Deception

19 Explain why people confess and how confessions are documented. Learning Objectives After this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcome 5.5

20 Why Do People Confess? 5.5 Suspect is seeking positive feedback Suspect detects empathy Suspect believes that talking to the police will help The interrogator correctly identifies the motive for the crime

21 Confessions 5.5 AdmissionsConfessions vs.

22 Documenting Confessions 5.5 Obtain a Written Confession Photo placeholder

23 Summarize how to take written and recorded statements. Learning Objectives After this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcome 5.6

24 Taking Written Statements Narratives Forms

25 Recorded Statements 5.6 Picture of a video recorder here

26 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Differentiate between interviews and interrogations. Describe effective interviewing and interrogation techniques. Summarize the legal requirements of interviewing and interrogation, including Miranda rights. Identify how lying and deception are detected. Explain why people confess and how confessions are documented. CHAPTER Review Summarize how to take written and recorded statements. 5.6

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