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L’imperfetto I was watching Sesame Street I lived in Wakefield when I was little He was short and chubby What were you doing? I used to watch Sesame Street.

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Presentation on theme: "L’imperfetto I was watching Sesame Street I lived in Wakefield when I was little He was short and chubby What were you doing? I used to watch Sesame Street."— Presentation transcript:

1 L’imperfetto I was watching Sesame Street I lived in Wakefield when I was little He was short and chubby What were you doing? I used to watch Sesame Street

2 L’ imperfetto - A PAST tense, used to describe: What one USED TO do or WAS DOING in the past Repetitive, Habitual actions Physical, Mental and Emotional states Age Time Date Weather IN THE PAST

3 L’imperfetto Start with the INFINITIVE, then remove the: ARE ERE IRE Add the following endings: -vo –vi –va –vamo –vate -vano

4 L’ imperfetto parlarescrivere capire parlavoscrivevo capivo parlaviscrivevi capivi parlava scriveva capiva parlavamo scrivevamo capivamo parlavate scrivevate capivate parlavano scrivevano capivano

5 Do aloud Avere = _________________________ Mangiare = ______________________ Dormire = ________________________ Seguire = ________________________ Giocare = _________________________

6 Irregolari beredirefare bevevodicevo facevo bevevidicevo facevi bevevadicevo faceva bevevamodicevamo facevamo bevevatedicevate facevate bevevanodicevano facevano

7 Irregulari ESSERE – to be = WAS Ero Eri Era Eravamo Eravate Erano

8 Words frequently seen with the IMPERFETTO anni fa = many years ago di solito = usually sempre = always una volta = some time ago, once –C’era una volta = once upon atime il lunedì, il martedì etc. –days of the week preceded by a definite article – meaning ON MONDAYS etc

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