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Education Participation in Sri Lanka – Why all are not in school

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1 Education Participation in Sri Lanka – Why all are not in school
Nisha Arunatilake Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

2 Background Formal education in Sri Lanka is provided through an extensive network of more than 10,000 schools spread across the country Since the Free education act of 1949 education has been free up to first degree University level Only 93% of 5-14 year olds are in school 97% - among the richest one fifth 92% among the poorest one fifth

3 Background contd… Since 1987 Education has been decentralized
But all policies formulated and implemented from the centre Provincial authorities largely limited to administrative functions Ambitious development plans, but funding problems impeding implementation Often recurrent expenditure takes priority over much needed physical and human capital investment related expenditure

4 Background contd. Although education is provided “free” of charge, out of pocket expenditure on education is quite high 27% of total spending on education from private sources on: tuition , books, stationery and clothing Although education is accessible in terms distance and affordability, wide disparities in quality of available education

5 Availability of resources in govt. Schools
WP NP/EP NCP UP Urban Rural Estate Divided classes (%) 72 96 15 94 95 93 73 Separate Furniture for students (%) 62 28 48 58 53 61 71 Teacher availability (%) 97 82 89 84 77 Student Teacher ratio 20 31 18 21 24

6 Children in communities with poor school resources – by expenditure quintile (per cent)
1 (poorest) 2 3 4 5 Poor ed. inputs 66 61 56 46 Teacher vacancies 50 44 47 35 31 Poor phy. facilities 79 75 70 60 Sample size 1519 1398 1278 1145 962

7 Motivation for the present study
In January 1998, Sri Lanka legislated compulsory education for 5-14 year olds Implemented through local committees whose job is to confront parents of non-schooling children to persuade them to send children to school Persuasion alone may not succeed in getting children to attend school This study evaluates the reasons for school non-attendance It hopes to help formulate policy that would facilitate school participation

8 Data Sri Lanka Integrated Survey 1999/2000
7,500 households representing all provinces in 500 urban rural and estate communities The survey collected information both at the household and the community levels

9 Sample and Estimation Sample is restricted to children between 5 to 14 years Dependent variable – school participation Results estimated using binary logit

10 Explanatory Variables
School quality indicators Poor resources (learning and teaching) [m=0.56] Teacher vacancies [m=0.38] Poor school facilities [m=0.71] Out of pocket expenditure on education (annual community averages) Essential school expenditure [m=Rs. 1,160] Tuition expenditure [m=Rs.630]

11 Explanatory Variables
Individual characteristics gender, age Household characteristics Time to school, ethnicity, sector, province Number of children in the hh Education of hh_head and spouse Employment of hh_head Expenditure/Income group Community level characteristics Main livelihood of community

12 Main Findings School Quality Indicators Teacher vacancies
Negatively affected school attendance In overall, richest, poorest and under_9 Poor Physical facilities in school Unexpectedly, positively influences school participation of children nine and younger Possibly due to subjective evaluation of school facilities

13 Main Findings Direct costs of schooling Tuition expenditure
Negatively influences school participation In the overall and poorest, 9 or less, 9 plus samples Essential school expenditure (text books, stationery, etc.) In the poorest and the 9 plus samples

14 Main Findings Location and Community Level Characteristics
Community livelihood Being in a community where main livelihood is agriculture or fishing negatively influences school participation Overall, poorest and richest samples, and 9 or less (?)

15 Main Findings Other HH characteristics
Ethnicity influences school participation significantly Relative to Sinhalese (main ethnic group) children from other ethnic groups less likely to be in schools (explanation – teacher vacancies?/ cultural factors?) Employment of hh_head HH_head owning a farm, in informal employment or not working negatively affects schooling HH composition Children from HHs with young kids (0 to 6) less likely to be in school

16 Main Findings Access to schools HH expenditure/income
Did not influence school participation significantly HH expenditure/income Relative to children in the richest group children in the poorest group, less likely to attend school

17 Main Findings Individual level characteristics Age
Being a male (in the poorer samples) decreased the likelihood of attending school (unusual for most developing countries/ possibly due to larger opportunity cost of attending school) Age Children seem to start schooling late (not at age 5) and drop out as they age – school attendance is highest for children in 9 – 11 age group

18 Summary Poverty influences schooling negatively
School quality affects schooling decision (teacher vacancies/ tuition expenditure) Opportunity costs of schooling affects schooling decision Being in an agricultural/ fishing community Employment of hh_head Coming from families with small children

19 Summary Limited know-how/ motivation of parents affects schooling
Starting school late, cultural factors

20 Discussion Appointment of local communities to compel parents to send children to school is not a sustainable solution Despite government’s attempts to assist school attendance through the provision of free uniforms and text books, high out of pocket expenditure is keeping children away from school

21 Discussion Children from farming communities and families owning farms are probably not attending school due to high opportunity costs. School calendars in these areas should take into account the high demand periods for farm labour More attention should be given to improve quality of schooling

22 Discussion Lastly, inadequacy of government funding seems to affect many problems related to school quality. Especial attention should be given to improve funding for the sector – either public or private Thank you

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