A little about me… I live on Mercer island and this is my 3 rd year at Island Park. I have been teaching for over 20 years. Taught 4 th & 5 th grade,

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3 A little about me… I live on Mercer island and this is my 3 rd year at Island Park. I have been teaching for over 20 years. Taught 4 th & 5 th grade, in Advanced Learning Program in Seattle as well as middle and High school classes. I have three children; 2 in Mercer Island Public Schools, one at the Univ. of Montana. (Go Grizzlies!) I love traveling & skiing with friends and family, teaching, walking my dog, camping, biking, reading and soccer.





8 Math: 5 th Grade Math Expressions Common Core: Inquiry environment Math Talk Fractions and Decimals Operations and Word Problems Geometry & Measurement Algebra, Patterns, Coordinate Graphs Fluency- Mad Minute Math Numberworks + enrichment Practice math facts!!! Science: Salmon & Water Flight & Rocketry Solar System Human Body Science Studies Weekly (newspaper) Investigation and the Scientific Method Social Studies: US History Our Land and First People Exploration & Settlement The English Colonies The American Revolution US Constitution

9 Writing Writer’s Workshop Narrative/ Research-Based Argument Essay Lens of History Essay/Memoir Integrated throughout the curriculum Conventions Spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing… Handwriting: Zaner-bloser curriculum Reading: Leveled Readers Literature Groups Guided Reading Levels – aligned to the common core Independent Reading Time for Kids, Science Weekly- nonfiction reading practice Aimsweb Benchmark Screening for fluency-oral reading : Technology One-to-one iPads with keyboards Digital Etiquette, Online Safety, Cyberbullying Keyboarding using Type to Learn,Word Processing/Desktop Publishing using Word, Curriculum- related Games & Activities, Charts/Graphs/Data Analysis using Excel, Presentations using PowerPoint Internet research & notetaking Blogging Other current technology for project-based assignments





14 "Education: It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.” ~ William Feather

15  Typical Behaviors (meltdowns – social/academic/puberty; always hungry; getting used to the routine)  Creating a Homework Habit (always have it, place, time, avoid procrastination)  Planning Projects (break down into small pieces, plan around activities, start earlier than later)  Organization (pack backpack night before, do binder checks, emails, Friday Folder)  Goal is to Move Towards Independence






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