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NEW TEACHER INDUCTION 2013 Student Services Department.

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1 NEW TEACHER INDUCTION 2013 Student Services Department

2 Strategic Plan Priority #1 Elevate Student Achievement Objective 5: Increase strategic interventions and supports for special populations (English Language Learners and Student with Disabilities) to help bridge the achievement gap. Strategies: Increase intervention and supports for students who require ELL services: 1) align instruction to new ELD standards that correspond to the CCSS in English and Math, 2) prepare for the implementation of ELPA 21, and 3) support best practices in ELD instruction. Increase intervention and supports for students with disabilities: 1) align instruction and interventions with the CCSS in English and Math, 2) prepare for the Smarter Balanced Assessment and the Alternate Assessment, and 3) support best practices in Special Education instruction. Expand and integrate initiatives/programs to ensure that HS students in special populations are on track to graduate and are college and career ready.

3 2013-2014 Develop team of special education teachers to train on CCSS Develop team of ELL teachers to train on CCSS Summer curriculum days for special education teachers to align IEP goals to CCSS Train all special education teachers to align IEP goals to CCSS Summer curriculum days for ELL teachers to align ELD curriculum to new ELD standards. Special education and ELL teachers to pilot new assessments.

4 2014-2015 Summer curriculum days for ELL teachers to align ELD curriculum to new ELD standards. Train special education and ELL teachers on new assessments

5 Strategic Plan Priority #3: Sustain Safe and Vibrant School Communities Personalized supports that nurture stakeholder engagement, student success, and safe and effective school environments. Strategies: Develop plan for support to all schools with implementation of PBIS, including; collecting and analyzing data. Training to improve cultural competency. Maintain partnerships with Safe School Alliance. Coordinate and expand RSD’s work to ensure safe schools (i.e. anti- bullying and harassment, substance abuse prevention, violence prevention, etc.) by partnering with community resources. Coordinate and expand RSD’s work to ensure safe campuses and facilities.

6 Strategic Plan Objective 3: Increase Parent and Community Involvement Strategies: Help all families establish home environments to support children as students. Design effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school communications about school programs and children's progress. Recruit and organize parent help and support. Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions, and planning. Include parents in school decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives. 8pH7GWSw&feature=player_embedded#t=4 8pH7GWSw&feature=player_embedded#t=4

7 Student Services Philosophy  Students do well when they can…if they can’t it our job as educators to figure out why, so we can teach them. (adapted from Stuart Ablon, Ph.D.)  Students have the right to receive the CORE curriculum with their peers  Students have the right to the supports they need to be successful  Believe in what is positive and possible!

8 Student Services Special Education ELL 504 TAG Alternative Education Programs Nurses Community Learning Centers FAN Homeless Support PBIS District Counseling Program

9 Student Services Website

10 Referral Process Phase 1: Recognition Student exhibits atypical needs as compared to peers. Phase 2: Pre-referral Student is provided interventions developed by a school- based team that includes parents. RTI is tried at this point. Interventions may be provided over a period of time and change during that time depending on the student’s response to the intervention  Successful intervention Process stops  Interventions not successful try different interventions or move to Referral

11 Referral Process Phase 3: Referral Student is officially referred for evaluation for special education services by an adult with intimate knowledge of the student’s ability. Phase 4: Evaluation With consent of the parents, the student is evaluated with a variety of assessment tools and strategies. The assessments must not discriminate and should provide information to help determine the unique needs of the student.

12 Referral Process Phase 5: Eligibility IEP team determines if the is eligible for special education services. The student must have a disability that negatively impacts his/her educational performance and the child needs specially designed instruction in order to benefit from education.  No disability is noted that impacts educational performance. Special education not required. Process stops. Student referred for interventions again.  Determination that a disability impacts educational performance and eligibility is completed for special education services.

13 Referral Process Phase 6: IEP Process (IEP and LRE) A multi-disciplinary team of parents, general and special education teachers, administrators, and others meets to develop the Individualized Education Program (IEP). This document guides the special education program that will be provided for the student. The IEP team must also determine the least restrictive environment (LRE) and provide justification in the IEP for more restrictive placements. Phase 7: IEP Implementation (FAPE) The entire IEP team has the responsibility to ensure that the IEP is implemented Phase 8: Annual IEP Each year, the IEP team is required to meet for the dual purpose of evaluating the implementation of the current IEP and to develop the next annual IEP. Eligibility must be reestablished every three years.

14 Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion needs_a_champion.html needs_a_champion.html

15 Things to Consider What I can do to embrace every student in my class? Share with your elbow partner. What resources, including staff, can I enlist to assist me with accommodations or strategies that I may use to meet the student needs.

16 Thank You!

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