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Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five  Word Work Word Work  High Frequency Words High Frequency Words  Phonics Practice Phonics Practice  Additional.

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Presentation on theme: "Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five  Word Work Word Work  High Frequency Words High Frequency Words  Phonics Practice Phonics Practice  Additional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five  Word Work Word Work  High Frequency Words High Frequency Words  Phonics Practice Phonics Practice  Additional Resources Additional Resources

2 What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic?

3 Classify and Categorize In the story, there are many animals. Some live only in the water, some live on the land, and some live in both. We can remember information about the animals if we remember the ways they are the same. We can put animals that are alike together. This is called classify and categorize.

4 Classify and Categorize In the book, all the animals live in a cold climate, but not all of the animals can go onto the land. Penguins and seals can go on land and in water. Why would whales not belong in that group?

5 Amazing Words

6 it is cold

7 It is cold.



10 Word Practice petms b n lg

11 Word Practice two one four

12 High Frequency Words

13 Word Practice G il

14 g ot

15 s ad

16 p op

17 M om

18 h ad

19 pl an

20 Word Practice fl ag

21 Word Practice n ot


23 /ĕ/ elephant egg elbow

24 Five Little Elephants Five little elephants are at the water pool. Evelyn said, "The water is cool." Elbert said, "The water is deep." Ellen said, "I want to sleep." Eldon said, "I'll just put my trunk in." Ester yelled, "Watch out! Ed's going to jump in." Ed came running along the path. Splash! Five little elephants took a shower and bath! Listen for /e/


26 Upper Case Letters and Periods A complete sentence must start with an uppercase letter and end with a period. i sat in my seat I sat in my seat.

27 Grammar Practice


29 How can you go from Antarctica to here? cruises/?gclid=CK_mk7OWzZgCFQNbxwodWT3W1A

30 can ken get a pet

31 Can Ken get a pet?

32 Shared Reading Pages 2–3 If you could go to Antarctica, you would probably leave from here. What is the name of this continent? Where is Antarctica on this map? Pages 4–5 What is the weather like in Antarctica? How can you tell from the pictures that it is very cold there? Pages 6–7 What is special about the snow and ice in Antarctica? What else makes it feel cold there?

33 Shared Reading Pages 8–9 What sometimes breaks off and falls into the sea? What are these floating shapes called? Pages 10–11 What animal do we see on this page? Why do penguins gather in large groups? Pages 12–13 How are penguins different from most other birds? How do penguins move quickly on the ice?

34 Shared Reading Pages 14–15 What other animal might you see in Antarctica? What helps keep them warm? Pages 16–17 What other animal might you see in Antarctica? Pages 18–19 Why might you not see any plants in Antarctica? How is that different from where you live?

35 Shared Reading Pages 20–21 Who are the only people you might see in Antarctica? What are they studying there? Pages 22–23 If you could go to Antarctica, what would you see? Would you visit if you could? Why or why not?

36 Classify and Categorize The book tells us what it is like on the coldest place on Earth, Antarctica. Which animals live in Antarctica? What is the land like in Antarctica? Who are the only people living in Antarctica? If we made a group of Things in Antarctica, we could write whales, penguins, seals, icebergs, ice, ocean, and scientists. Could trees be a part of that group? Could cows and horses be a part of that group? Trees, cows, and horses do not belong in the group Things in Antarctica because they cannot live in Antarctica

37 Word Practice pe n

38 he n

39 pe t

40 be ll

41 Word Practice ca n

42 fa t

43 re d

44 see

45 Word Practice do

46 Word Practice have

47 Word Practice my

48 Word Practice you





53 Telling Sentences A lemon is yellow.

54 Let’s Write! If I could go to Antarctica, I would see many things. I would see different kinds of animals and a lot of ice. I might also see a few people. I would like to see penguins the most. Write a sentence about what you would see:


56 Do you want to sled in Antarctica?

57 i have a Red sled

58 I have a red sled.

59 Main Idea What was If You Could Go to Antarctica all about? Antarctica is icy and cold. Antarctica has penguins, whales, and seals, but very few plants. There are few plants because it almost never gets warm enough for them to grow. This is what the selection is all about.

60 Classify and Categorize The animals in If You Could Go to Antarctica all swim, so in that way they are the same. But in other ways they are each different. What kind of animal are penguins? Which animal in the book can lunge high out of the ocean and then dive deep underwater? Who wears coats, boots, scarves, and gloves to keep warm in Antarctica?

61 Word Practice penBenKenhengetcan ranhiddidnotgotLen

62 Word Practice look the to little here from we go four look five two at three one




66 Let’s Write Many animals live in Antarctica.

67 What adventures can you have in the winter?

68 it is cold here

69 It is cold here.


71 Word Practice NatDadgetsred netsledsendten




75 Describing with our Senses Adventure in Antarctica (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell") We see the penguins dive. On a trip to Antarctica, we see the penguins dive. Let's rewrite the song using our other senses. We hear ______________. We taste ______________. We touch______________. We smell______________.

76 What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic?

77 the sled Is red?

78 The sled is red.

79 here

80 are

81 do

82 one

83 go

84 that

85 they

86 you

87 of

88 two

89 look

90 from

91 see

92 she

93 three

94 with

95 me

96 for

97 four

98 he

99 we

100 my

101 five

102 like

103 have

104 is

105 little

106 I

107 a

108 the

109 Websites: Cookie Monster- letter Ee - Starfall- letter Ee - CVC Pop- Starfall Make-A-Word (#2 -et, en) - to-read/load.htm?f to-read/load.htm?f Letter Lifter- beginning sounds - Photos of Antarctica - Antarctica info and pics Resource page for penguin pics and video clips

110 Websites: Capitalization games

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