Branding Through Imagery Originally Presented by Maya Bourdeau Study Session Facilitators: Amy Ivey & Dohnia Dorman.

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Presentation on theme: "Branding Through Imagery Originally Presented by Maya Bourdeau Study Session Facilitators: Amy Ivey & Dohnia Dorman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Branding Through Imagery Originally Presented by Maya Bourdeau Study Session Facilitators: Amy Ivey & Dohnia Dorman

2 Four Basic Principles for Branding 1.To conduct image based research 2.Test and retest sensory cues 3.Choose ideas for emotional power above all else 4.Work within the consumer’s frame

3 Understanding Subconscious Cues We make decisions subconsciously. Our subconscious speaks in imagery, metaphor and stories. Words describe our thoughts. Words are not our thoughts.

4 Principle 1: Conducting Image Based Research Consider the value of qualitative over quantitative research. Qualitative research requires smaller samples that quantitative. Hold one-on-one interviews instead of focus groups. Ask for imagery and metaphor. Interview 6-12 people for generalization and to discover commonalities.

5 Principle 2: Test and Retest Sensory Cues Test and retest in smaller rounds. Test sensory cues in ads to get the greatest emotional impact. Test early and test cheaply.

6 Principle 3: Choose Ideas for Emotional Power Emotionally rewarding campaigns outperform rational, information-based campaigns. Recall the “evoked set” (the top few brands that come to your mind for a particular product). The financial sector combines emotional power and rational power in its advertising.

7 Principle 4: Work Within Consumers’ Frame It’s important to understand a person’s frame of reference and work within it. Use the consumer’s emotional experience. Add simple, positive solutions for the consumer when you use negative messaging.

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