Promoting RDs Through Public Policy Katherine Nashatker, MS, RD, LD, CDE Nina Crowley, MS, RD, LD.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting RDs Through Public Policy Katherine Nashatker, MS, RD, LD, CDE Nina Crowley, MS, RD, LD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting RDs Through Public Policy Katherine Nashatker, MS, RD, LD, CDE Nina Crowley, MS, RD, LD

2 Public Policy Workshop 2012 Washington, DC

3 Be Aware  Know who your lawmakers are, visit the Academy’s Action Center  Members  Public Policy  Legislation OR Take Action  Find information about your lawmakers on their websites, or your state General Assembly website.   Know the political calendar and how often each office is up for election  Federal Senate (6 yrs) State Senate (4 yrs ), House (2 yrs)  SC General Assembly's annual session begins on the 2 nd Tuesday in January and runs through the 1 st Thursday in June  Know party platform positions on health care issues, visit The American Presidency Project  tforms.php tforms.php

4 US Representatives for SC 1st District -Tim Scott (R)Tim Scott 2nd District -Joe Wilson (R)Joe Wilson 3rd District- Jeff Duncan (R)Jeff Duncan 4th District- Trey Gowdy (R)Trey Gowdy 5th District- Mick Mulvaney (R)Mick Mulvaney 6th District- James Clyburn (D)James Clyburn US Senators for SC Jim DeMint (R)Jim DeMint Lindsey Graham (R)Lindsey Graham

5 State Senators & Representatives  46 State Senators  26 Republicans  19 Democrats  1 vacancy  124 Representatives  76 Republicans  48 Democrats  Speaker of the House – Bobby Harrell  Look at committees legislators are involved in – some that have to do with medical issues

6 Academy Public Policy Priority Areas  Members  Public Policy  Legislative and Public Policy Priority Areas  Consumer and Community Issues  Prevention and treatment of chronic disease, including health care equity  Meeting nutrition needs through the life cycle: Maternal and child nutrition to healthy aging  Quality food and nutrition through education, production, access and delivery  Nutrition monitoring and research  Professional Issues  Licensure: Protection of the Public  Workforce demand: Assuring the Public has access to nutrition services delivered by qualified practitioners  Outcome driven nutrition services in changing health systems

7 Academy Resources  On the Pulse  A weekly report on topics that reflect the Academy’s legislative and regulatory priorities in Washington and the states, as well as reimbursement, science and practice-related matters  Action Alert  Action Alerts are sent to all members requesting them to contact their state representatives in order to bring awareness on pending legislation  for more public policy

8 Older Americans Act  Reauthorization: OAA of 1965  Congregate Nutrition Services (Title III)  Home-Delivered Meal Services (Title III)  Target: >60 years, low-income and homebound  Results: 92 million meals, 1.7 million seniors served (63% rely on home-delivered meals for half or more of their total daily intake)  South Carolina: annual cost of meals: $1,107 compared to annual cost of a nursing home stay: $25,000-$37,000

9 The Farm Bill (aka “The Food Bill”)  The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)  The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)  The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)  eligibility, program access, benefits levels & (SNAP-Ed)  40.3 million people in 18.6 million households “The economic return of nutrition education far exceeds the cost, with a return investment of $9.58 in health care and productivity savings for every $1 spent”

10 Expanding MNT for Pre-diabetes  General Population  1 in 10 people have DM, 4 out of 10 have pre-diabetes (annual cost to healthcare: $174 billion)  Incidence in Medicare  7 out of 10 are affected by DM or pre-diabetes  For 5 out of the 10, DM may be prevented if access to diet and exercise lifestyle interventions is provided  New bill would increase scope of MNT provided to beneficiary with pre-diabetes, in addition to with diabetes.

11 Drug Shortages Affecting Patient Care  The Drug Shortage Prevention Act  “critical drug” list, public alerts, revise FDA approval process  Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act  6 month notice required of any planned interruption  Penalty: $10,000/violation not to exceed $1.8 million  Require manufactures to submit notice to FDA for:  Adjustments related to supply of raw materials  Adjustments to production capabilities  Business decisions that may affect manufacturer of the drug

12 Announce  Be able to explain what you know to others  Provide clients with the facts supporting advocacy for RD services  “The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics National Coverage Determination Formal Request,” by Prashanthi Rao Raman, Esq, MPH, and Erica Gradwell, MS, RD, in the January 2012, volume 112, issue 1 of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics  Presents evidence from over 20 scientific studies demonstrating the health benefits and cost effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy.  Contact your legislator, share who you are, what you do, and why it matters to them  Invite legislators to local dietetic membership meetings, outreach activities, and/or sponsored events

13 Get Active  Respond to Action Alerts on Grassroots Manager on the Academy website   Attend townhall meetings  Contribute to a political party  As a registered dietitian, offer to serve as a subject expert for your legislator, in public policy or health advice  Offer to volunteer during a legislator’s campaign, or hold a fundraiser (if you are not a government employee), the more local a candidate, the more low-key the fundraising events—don’t be intimidated!  If legislators vote the way you request, thank them  Attend State Dietetic Association Legislative Day and Academy Public Policy Workshop (March 10-12, 2013 in Washington DC)

14 Meet with your Legislator  To prepare for a visit watch the video “Removing the Fear Factor” produced by Lisa Eaton Wright, MS, RD, LDN   Bring handouts to support your message:  “Top 10 Reasons How Registered Dietitians Can Improve the Health of Americans and Save Health Care Dollars”  0795 0795  “MNT Coverage for Medicare and Prediabetes”  442468706&libID=6442468688 442468706&libID=6442468688  Bring your business card and write the Bill Number on the back of the card to encourage co-sponsorship

15 Learning to be a Passionate Advocate  Basic RULES of Politics  R egistered voter who is a passionate advocate  U nderstand the process  L oyalty to the Academy and some insight into political parties  E lectronic media use  S upport the Academy’s Public Policy Priority Areas  Tips  Read the local newspaper  Get on the party’s email list ($25), if you give $50 you have to write down your profession – Dietitian!  Choose a political party to join (only 1 during a 2 year election cycle)  Contribute $25+ to a political party (but not both parties)  Get on legislators website, facebook/twitter pages, newsletters and attend townhall meetings

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