New Mexico Public School Department Guidelines for Annual Teacher Performance Evaluation School Year 2005-2006 PDP Revision Committee: Dr. Janaan Diemer,

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Presentation on theme: "New Mexico Public School Department Guidelines for Annual Teacher Performance Evaluation School Year 2005-2006 PDP Revision Committee: Dr. Janaan Diemer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Mexico Public School Department Guidelines for Annual Teacher Performance Evaluation School Year 2005-2006 PDP Revision Committee: Dr. Janaan Diemer, Terry Stuart, Jennifer Amis, Cindy Baker, Jennifer Terrazas and Sheryl White

2 State Guidelines Include  Guidelines for Performance Evaluation  Guidelines for Professional Development Plans  Descriptions of Teacher competence in the 3-Tiered Licensure System  District Requirements Page 8

3 State Required Components  Training for Teachers and Administrators  Creation of Professional Development Plan  System for Data Collection: Classroom Observations  Evaluation of Level I Teachers  Progressive Documentation and Evaluation of Level II and Level III Teachers  Evaluation Competencies and Indicators Pages 10-12

4 Professional Evaluation Requirements Page 13

5 Orientation and Ongoing Training on Teacher Competencies and the Evaluation System AdministratorsStaff Development of PDP to address Competencies/Indicators, Previous Evaluations, and Highly Qualified Standards Multiple Observations and Data Collection Feedback and Reflection on Annual PDP Annual Summative Evaluation based on Completion of PDP and Competencies/Indicators for Level I Licensure Developed annually by the 40 th school day Administrative Intervention as needed Growth Plan PGP Annual Evaluation of Level I Teachers Page 14

6 Developed annually by the 40 th school day Orientation and Ongoing Training on Teacher Competencies/ Indicators and the Evaluation System AdministratorsStaff Development of PDP to address Competencies/ Indicators, Previous Evaluations, and Highly Qualified Standards Progressive Documentation (Formative Evaluation) Data Collection and Feedback Must include: 1. Annual Observation 2. Reflection on Annual PDP Year 3 Summative Evaluation based on Completion of PDP and Competencies/Indicators for either Level II or Level III through Progressive Documentation Administrative intervention as needed, PGP, Possible Intensive Growth Plan This is a 3-year process during which data are collected regarding performance of the Competencies/Indicators Page 15 Progressive Documentation & Evaluation of Level II & III Teachers

7 Las Cruces Evaluation Procedures  Purpose: –Improvement of instruction, curriculum, professional growth –Collaborative Process –Assess the 9 teaching competencies –Indicators for each level –Provide Training –Accountability and teacher quality –Remediation goals –Support fair, valid and legal decisions for rehire, promotion or termination Pages 21-24

8 Training for Teachers and Administrators  Annual Evaluation Orientation –Teachers at the Building  Provided by School Administrator (Handbook and PowerPoint)  Provided by HR and Professional Development –Administrators  Today; Sign Training Form for File  Follow-up Date with Professional Development Center –Assistant Principals or Principal Review September 14 (1:30 or 3:00)

9 Professional Development Plans  Every Year  Collaborative  No later than 40 th day  Objectives based on; – 9 competencies –Licensure Level Indicators –Previous year’s evaluation –Assurance of Highly Qualified Status Page 21

10 PDP Forms  Each Form Based on Level (See Appendix)  Employee’s responsibility to meet the goals  Evaluator’s responsibility to provide support and assistance  Before March 15, both will meet to assess goal completion  Evaluation completed with the Reflection Form Page 21

11 Observation and Data Collection Procedures  An administrator shall observe each employee a minimum of once annually  Pre and Post conference required (new form) –All new employees –All Level I teachers –Employees new to the building if past evaluations unavailable  First Pre conference and Observation due during first semester (new form) Page 22

12 Observation and Data Collection Procedures Continued  All observation dates will be documented on the new Pre- Conference form  Observation and post-observation will take place within 4 weeks of pre-observation conference  Post-observation conference within 5 days of observation  Informal/unscheduled observations may be done and are encouraged  Copies of any written documentation will be given to the employee  CWT data are not evaluative, but if written, copies should be provided to the employee Page 22

13 Evaluation 1 Assessment of value; the act of considering or examining something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, extent or condition 2.Statement of value: a spoken or written statement of the value, quality, importance, extent, or condition of something Encarta Dictionary: English (North America)

14 Love?

15 Leadership?

16 Evaluations  Level I Teachers: Every year (up to 5 years) –PDP and Reflection;  Due by Oct. 15 (turn in to HR)  Based on Level I competencies (new form specific to Level I) –Annual Observation; one required, two or three suggested with informal added –Summative Evaluation based on Level I competencies page 22

17 Evaluations  Level II and III Teachers: –Evaluated over three years –Progressive Documentation –PDP based on Level Competencies (new form based on Level II and III); due to HR October 15 –Reflection of PDP –Annual Observation –Summative Evaluation at end of Third Year Page 22

18 Administrator Responsibilities  Conference with employee to discuss results at end of year  Follow through on Observation Dates  Provide written documentation to employees about observations  Provide clear and documented help before beginning a Professional Growth Plan/PGP

19 Professional Growth Plan  Initiated at any time  Administrator must identify specific concerns  Initiate as soon as concerns are observed  Employee must have opportunity to improve before summative is conducted  Conferences must be held on PGP (new form)  Time allowed to correct  Written record kept on all conferences Page 22-23

20 Things Not to Do  No “1” given on summative unless he/she has had a Professional Growth Plan (PGP)  “1” can be given if concerns are not addressed  If “1” given, PGP may be carried over to 40 th day of following school year

21 Unsatisfactory Evaluation  A Tenured Employee may ask for another evaluation conference and evaluation by an Administrator appointed by the Supt. (NEW)  Certified employees will be evaluated whenever there is a concern  Level III Employee recommended to Licensure Dept. for Reduction in Level Page 23-24

22 Change of Employee Status  Transferred: –Send all evaluation information to new school –Within 10 days  Leave –Maintain documents at site –Return before March 15: Evaluate –After March 15: Postpone until next year –Forward all paperwork to HR with leave status information  New to District –Begin first year of cycle if Level II or III Page 24

23 Pre/Post

24  PDP Level I PDP Level I PDP Level I

25 PDP Level II PDP Level II

26 PDP Level III PDP Level III

27 Professional Growth Plan Professional Growth Plan

28 The teacher who constantly learns and grows becomes a professional educator. ~Harry Wong Thank you!

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