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One Church What More Can We Do?.

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1 One Church What More Can We Do?
















17 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH An Invitation to the Churches to Renew Their Commitment to the Search for Unity and to Deepen Their Dialogue

18 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH Primary purpose of WCC: Visible unity One Faith One Eucharistic Fellowship Common Life in Christ Witness and service to the world that the world may believe

19 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Created by the Word of God One Faith differently expressed Each church is ‘the church’ in mutual accountability

20 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH Baptism: The Spirit confers holiness upon Christ’s members. One Baptism Impels the churches towards sharing in the one ministry of Christ.

21 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH The Church is a mystery, sign, and instrument of what God intends for the salvation of the world.

22 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH The church receives the gift of unity as it participates in the apostolic mission. The church is called to proclaim the gospel and to offer the living Christ to the whole creation

23 The kingdom of God can be perceived in a reconciled and reconciling community called to holiness a community that strives to overcome sinful social structures and working for healing and unity in the human community

24 Ten Questions To what extent can your church discern the faithful expression of the apostolic faith in its own life, prayer, and witness and in that of other churches? To what extent can your church discern the faithful expression of the apostolic faith in its own life, prayer, and witness and in that of other churches?

25 Question 2 Where does your church perceive fidelity to Christ in the faith and life of other churches? Where does your church perceive fidelity to Christ in the faith and life of other churches?

26 Question 3 Question 3 Does your church recognize a common pattern of Christian initiation, grounded in baptism, in the life of other churches? Does your church recognize a common pattern of Christian initiation, grounded in baptism, in the life of other churches?

27 Question 4 Why does your church believe that it is necessary, or permissible, or not possible to share the Lord’s Supper with those of other churches? Why does your church believe that it is necessary, or permissible, or not possible to share the Lord’s Supper with those of other churches?

28 Question 5 In what ways is your church able to recognize the ordered ministries of other churches? In what ways is your church able to recognize the ordered ministries of other churches?

29 Question 6 To what extent can your church share the spirituality of other churches? To what extent can your church share the spirituality of other churches?

30 Question 7 How will your church stand with other churches to contend with problems such as social and political hegemonies, persecution, oppression, poverty, and violence? How will your church stand with other churches to contend with problems such as social and political hegemonies, persecution, oppression, poverty, and violence?

31 Question 8 To what extent does your church share with other churches in the apostolic mission? To what extent does your church share with other churches in the apostolic mission?

32 Question 9 To what extent can your church share with other churches in faith formation and theological education? To what extent can your church share with other churches in faith formation and theological education?

33 Question 10 How fully can your church share in prayer with other churches? How fully can your church share in prayer with other churches?

34 CALLED TO BE THE ONE CHURCH An Invitation to the Churches to Renew Their Commitment to the Search for Unity and to Deepen Their Dialogue



37 The Basis of the National Council of Churches in Australia: The NCCA gathers together in pilgrimage those churches and Christian communities, which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures and commit themselves to deepen their relationship with each other in order to express more visibly the unity willed by Christ for his Church, and to work together towards the fulfilment of their mission of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

38 The Commitment of the National Council of Churches in Australia: to deepen their relationship with each other in order to express more visibly the unity willed by Christ for his Church, and

39 The Commitment of the National Council of Churches in Australia: to work together towards the fulfilment of their mission of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.








47 DECLARATION OF INTENT As member churches of the National Council of Churches in Australia We RE-AFFIRM our commitment to one another as partners on the ecumenical journey

48 We RECOGNISE ONE ANOTHER as Communities of Faith, Hope and Love, committed to following Christ and pledged to serve God’s kingdom

49 We BELIEVE that we are being blessed in our generation to witness the action of the Spirit in drawing the Churches in a common search for a fuller expression of unity

50 We REJOICE in all we have in common and GIVE THANKS for the richness of our diversity, though recognizing that our disunity is a hindrance to the Church’s mission

51 We therefore MAKE A COMMITMENT TO EACH OTHER to engage in an ongoing process of growing together (covenanting), not knowing what visible form unity, which is God’s will and gift, may take, but believing that, by taking the steps to which we now commit ourselves, we shall be led to grow ever more deeply into that unity.

52 Dimension One: General To join in common prayer with one another To intercede and care for one another To explore with one another our Christian convictions and their present application

53 Dimension Two: Shared Use of Physical Resources To support initiatives for sharing physical resources, such as buildings, and to encourage consultation between the appropriate governing bodies of our churches before new major developments are undertaken

54 Dimension Three: Common Mission and Ministry To explore with one another issues and strategies for mission To seek to develop clear and sensitive guidelines dealing with how our churches together can best meet to needs of people in local (especially rural) situations

55 Dimension Four: Common Sacraments To recognize the Sacrament of Baptism administered in each other’s church, and to promote the use of the common Certificate of Baptism

56 Dimension Four: Common Sacraments To invite and welcome members of each other’s church to share in the Eucharist according to pastoral need

57 Dimension Five: Shared Ordained Ministries To continue to work towards the goal of sharing with each other a mutually recognized ordained ministry

58 THE FUTURE PLEDGE To continue to discuss and articulate within our churches the meaning and significance of our involvement in the quest for a more visible expression of unity and the possibilities for further engagement in ecumenical partnership

59 THE FUTURE PLEDGE To explore such further steps as will be necessary to make more clearly visible the unity of all Christian people in this country

60 Table Groups What Are We Now Doing? What More Can We Do?

61 Each Person Please complete the questionnaire. Thank You!

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