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Published byDavon Molpus Modified over 10 years ago
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 1 Coupled Thermal-hydraulic and Neutronic Model for the Ascó NPP using RELAP5- 3D/NESTLE L. Batet, R. Pericas, E. Morales and F. Reventós Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 2 Contents Introduction Ascó NPP description Ascó model description –Thermal-hydraulic –Neutronics Model testing –Steady State –Load Rejection transient –Main Steam line Break transient Sensitivities Conclusions
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 3 Introduction The Dept. of Physics and Nuclear Engineering of the (UPC) holds a large background in the use of TH codes for the Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The Thermal Hydraulic Studies Group has been cooperating for 15 years with the operators of the Catalan nuclear plants, Ascó (2 units) and Vandellós II (all of them 3 loop PWR Westinghouse design). Ascó-1 NPP started commercial operation on December 1984. RELAP5 model developed by its analysts. Extensively qualified and validated. The presentation represents a continuation of the presentation in 2006 seminar: L. Batet et al. “Status of the activities related to the use of RELAP5-3D at the Technical University of Catalonia”
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 4 Introduction A 3D vessel component and neutronic data have been added to the existing model allow full 3D NKTH coupling. Neutronic data taken from previous model RELAP5 (NRC)/PARCS. We have faced problems in adapting the data. What we are presenting is a set of preliminary calculations. The work has been basically done by undergraduate students (following a previous work presented in the 2006 seminar). This is a first step done with the aim of achieving full neutronic-TH simulation capabilities in the UPC.
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 5 Ascó NPP description Ascó-I is owned by ENDESA (100%). Ascó-II is owned by ENDESA (85%) and IBERDORLA (15%). Units are located close to Tarragona, in the north east of Spain, and they use the Ebro River as a final heat sink.
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 6 Ascó NPP description The actual nominal power of each unit is 2952.3 MWt and 1028 MWe. The reactor vessel is cold head type. 3 Siemens (type SG 61 W/D3) steam generators. FW fed directly to the upper part of the downcomer via J-tubes. The circulation ratio on the secondary side of the steam generators is 3.65 at rated power. The auxiliary feed water system is impulsed by one turbo pump and two motor pumps. In the plant there are, among others, control systems for the reactivity (rods and boron), primary pressure, pressurizer level, steam dump and steam generator level. The reactor protection system includes safety valves in the pressurizer and the steam generator.
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 7 Ascó NPP description Thermal reactor power (MWt)2952.3 Electric power (MWe)1028 FuelUO 2 Number of fuel elements157 Loops3 Reactor operation pressure (MPa)15,51 Average coolant temperature (K): Hot Zero Power Hot Full Power 564,8 582,3 Steam generator Siemens SG 61W/D3 Number of U-tubes in SG5130 Total tube length (m)98759 Inside tubes diameter (m)0.0156 Tubes materialINCONEL Pumps typeWestinghouse D 100 Primary Circuit volume (m 3 )106.19 Pressurizer volume (m 3 )39.65 Heaters power (kW)1400 Summary of the plant main features
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 8 Plant thermal-hydraulic model The RELAP5 model of Ascó NPP is prepared to simulate both units of the plant. Only slight changes are needed, concerning mainly to the fuel load, to switch from one to another. The model includes: –Hydrodynamic elements (primary, secondary, safety systems and auxiliary systems) –Heat structures, and –Control and protection systems. The model has been prepared for RELAP5/MOD3.2 and has been subjected to a thoroughly validation and qualification process, which includes the simulation of transients occurred in the plant itself.
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 9 Plant thermal-hydraulic model Summary of the model degree of detail COMPONENT TYPE NUMBER OF ELEMENTS Hydrodynamic volumes549 Heat slabs138 Heat structure nodes559 Control variables1454 Variable trips219 Logical trips431 Tables241
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 10 Plant thermal-hydraulic model
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 11 FW modeling MFW AFW Plant thermal-hydraulic model
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 12 Logic diagram (partial) of the MFW control system Plant thermal-hydraulic model
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 13 In order to perform 3D NK calculations, in the Ascó model, the vessel has been converted in a set of RELAP5-3D multid components. The 3D vessel model had been previously developed for Vandellòs-II by an undergraduate student (X. Sabaté). A previous R5/Parcs model existed (used in the MSLB benchmark) Vessel thermal-hydraulic model 1D Vessel Model Relap5/3.23D Vessel Model Relap5-3D Pseudo 3D Model RELAP5/PARCS
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 14 One of the nodalization proposals: –RPV consists of 5 multid (cartesian + cylindrical) –500 hydraulic nodi –Some of them are disabled (by applying small volume factors) in the corners 21 core channels Vessel thermal-hydraulic model
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 15 Vessel thermal-hydraulic model Vessel inlets and downcomers. –3 azimuthal sectors. –1 radial sector. –5 axial levels. –Primary circuit to vessel inlets (120º). Bypass. –8 azimuthal sectors. –1 radial sector. –1 axial level. Core. –21 thermal-hydraulic nodes –9 axial levels including: Core entrance, Core exit, Core auxiliary exit and Core. –5x5 Cartesian matrix. Model adopted for the vessel Lower plenum. –8 azimuthal sectors. –2 radial sectors. –1 axial level. Upper head. –8 azimuthal sectors. –2 radial sectors. –2 axial levels.
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 16 Core bypass Lower plenum Vessel thermal-hydraulic model Upper plenum and Upper head CoreDowncomer Core
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 17 Vessel neutronic model Neutronic data taken from previous model R5/PARCS. At that time (2001) Cross Section libraries were taken from SEANAP (Univ. Polit. Madrid) Additional work has been done to transfer from PARCS format values to NESTLE format values. We have faced problems in adapting the data
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 18 Vessel neutronic model 17x17 Matrix; 157 elements/level. 13 axial levels. –2 reflector levels. –11 power levels. 190 different compositions (XS). Mapping from 13 levels (NK) 8 levels (TH). Don’t ask me why
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 19 Vessel neutronic model 157 neutronic nodes
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 20 Control Rod core distribution Control Rod group A Control Rod group B Control Rod group C Control Rod group D
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 21 Model Testing Steady state Load rejection transient. –Load rejection (50%) corresponding to the testing after fuel reload (Ascó I, 1999, cycle 13) MSLB –UPC participated in the OECD-CSNI PWR MSLB benchmark with RELAP5/PARCS. As a culmination, a MSLB was calculated for the Ascó NPP (A. Cuadra, JL Gago, F. Reventós, Analysis of a Main-Steam-Line Break in Ascó NPP, ANS Technical Paper - Thermal Hydraulics, Volume 146, Number 1, April 2004, Pages 41-48)
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 22 Steady state calculation at Beginning Of Life conditions, for the Ascó-1 NPP cycle 13. Reference value Obtained value Nuclear power (MW)29002896 Average Temperature (ºC)306.6306.54 PZR pressure (MPa)15.115.41 Secondary pressure (MPa)6.536.48 Steam Flow (kg/s)538.2535.80 Turbine flow (kg/s)1549.31541.36 RCS flow (kg/s)1398013976 MFW flow (kg/s)538541.47 Boron Concentration (ppm)17281729.30 Steady State
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 23 Steady State Something to be improved in the kinetics data or in mapping
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 24 Steady State
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 25 Load rejection Transient from 100% to 50% steady state power in 12 seconds. Control Rod group D insertion. Intervention of kinetics, TH, control systems; the actuation of one system affecting the others We usually perform this test whenever we make an improvement to the model. We performed this test with the 1D TH (point kinetics) model using R5-3D in 2006
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 26 Load rejection
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 27 Control Rod group D Load rejection
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 28 Load Rejection Power axial profiles
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 29 Load rejection Power evolution Axial top level temperature evolution
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 30 Main Steam Line Break Objective: Try to get the good results obtained after the MSLB benchmark using R5/PARCS Loop 2 pipe break at 10,060 seconds (loop 2) inside containment (double-guillotine between nodes 750-752). Stop AFW Turbopumps, 3 min after the break. Flow control to 15% of AFW motorpumps, 4 min after the break. Base case + 1 sensitivity: no safety injection (no credit for boron injection)
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 31 MSLB Base Case
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 32 MSLB Base Case Isn’t the primary a closed system?
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 33 Power evolution Axial top level temperature evolution MSLB Base Case
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 34 MSLB Sens. No safety injection
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 35 MSLB Sens. No safety injection
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 36 Ongoing work and conclusions The well validated Ascó model for R5 has been converted into a 3D model by substituting the vessel volumes by multid components. 3D NK using Nestle XS library adapted from previous Parcs model (facing problems) –On going: try to refine the conversion process and use the >600 compositions in the original model At present we depend on borrowed XS –On going: initiating a research line in neutronics (try to use SCALE to produce 2 group XS)
2008 RELAP5 Users Seminar, 18-20 Nov, Idaho Falls, USA 37 Ongoing work and conclusions The goal is to have fully 3D NKTH computational capabilities at the THSG. Plant data available to (partially) validate the future model (e.g. temperature and power maps for the 50% load rejection transient) Comments and suggestions are welcome.
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