Senior Portfolio c/o 2014 Heritage High School “Building a Legacy”

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1 Senior Portfolio c/o 2014 Heritage High School “Building a Legacy”

2 Purchasing Your Portfolio Binders complete with 6 divider tabs and plastic sleeves are for sale at ASB for $5 If you cannot pay for a portfolio, please speak with your counselor so they may get one for you at no cost.

3 Paths Each senior will choose one of three paths to focus their portfolio: o College Path o Military Path o Career Path

4 Assignments Seniors will work on their portfolios both in their Senior English class and at home. All assignments are listed on the HHS Homepage in the senior section All Seniors, regardless of Senior English class or teacher, have the same portfolio due date and the same grade value for the portfolio.

5 Due Date and Grade Senior Portfolios are due NOVEMBER 15 th Senior Portfolios are worth 20% of your first semester grade. No late portfolios will be accepted for any reason without a parent-teacher-counselor meeting to discuss the assignment. Teacher may then accept the assignment, at their discretion, with up to 50% off the final grade.

6 Career Path Students who choose this path intend to build a portfolio that will reflect their desire to gain employment immediately following high school graduation

7 Military Path Students who choose this path intend to build a portfolio that will reflect their desire to join one of the four branches of the armed services, or the Coast Guard, upon graduating high school

8 College Path Students who choose this path intend to build a portfolio that will reflect their desire to enroll in a two or four-year university, Art or trade school upon graduating high school.

9 LEGACY The senior portfolio will have six sections, each one tied to the word LEGACY 1. L eadership 2. E xcellence 3. G enerosity 4. A cademics 5. C haracter 6.opportunit Y

10 Table of Contents This will be the first inside page of your portfolio and will include section, assignment, and page number. Your English teacher will work with you on format.

11 Personal Declaration This will be the 2 nd page of your portfolio, before the “L” divider. You will answer the question appropriate to your chosen path.

12 Career Path: - What career/job field are you looking to enter and why? College Path: - What colleges are you desiring to attend, why and what will your major be? Military Path: - What branches of the military are you considering, why and what career would you like to pursue once in?

13 Section Assignments Please take note of the differences in assignments between paths

14 Leadership Career Path: o UC Application Essay (freshman prompt) Military Path: o UC Application Essay (freshman prompt) College Path: o UC Application Essay (freshman and general prompt)

15 Excellence Career/Military Path: o Cover Letter o Resume o Completed Job Application o Awards/Certificates (optional) o Verification of participation with Heritage athletic team (optional) o Verification of participation with ROP (optional) o Verification of participation with JROTC (optional) o Verification of participation with AVID (optional) College Path: o Cover Letter o Resume o Awards/Certificates (optional) o Verification of participation with Heritage athletic team (optional) o Verification of participation with ROP (optional) o Verification of participation with JROTC (optional) o Verification of participation with AVID (optional)

16 Generosity Career/Military/College Path: o Verification of Community Service/Volunteer Hours ( minimum of ten ) o Thank You Letter o Verification of participation with Clubs/Groups

17 Academics Career Path: o Transcripts (get from Ms. Smith in the career center) o CAHSEE Scores (if not listed on transcript) Military Path: o Transcripts (get from Ms. Smith in the career center) o CAHSEE Scores (if not listed on transcript) o ASVAB test results College Path: o Transcripts (get from Ms. Smith in the career center) o SAT/PSAT/ACT Scores for 4-year o CAHSEE/CST Scores for 2-year o EAP Score

18 Character Career/Military/College Path: o 3 Personal Letters of Rec. (cannot be from a relative) o “ME” Page

19 opportunitY Career Path: o Interview with business member o Interview Reflection o Career Description (3 total) Military Path: o Interview with military recruiter o Interview Reflection o Military Career Description (3 total) o Attendance at Annual Heritage High School College Fair College Path: o Interview with college admissions person o Interview Reflection o College Description (3 total) o Attendance at Annual Heritage High School College Fair

20 Scholarship Info. Page College Path: o Students attending a 2 or 4-year college should consider providing the following optional information to be considered for scholarships: Parents financial statement Letter indicating need/merit for scholarship

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