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OnomatopoeiaOnomatopoeia Learning Objective What are some types of figurative language that we already know? What is figurative language? Where do we.

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2 OnomatopoeiaOnomatopoeia

3 Learning Objective What are some types of figurative language that we already know? What is figurative language? Where do we see figurative language?

4 Today we will define and identify onomatopoeia. LR 3.5 What will we define and identify today? What does identify mean?

5 Why is it important to know how to define and identify Onomatopoeia? Onomatopoeia is the tool a writer needs to describe sounds made by common objects, animals, or nature. Onomatopoeia makes our writing more interesting. When Hollywood makes a movie, an artist creates special sound effects so the action will seem real. Onomatopoeia, especially when read aloud, can make your writing come alive just like sound effects in the movie.

6 What is ONOMATOPOEIA? Onomatopoeia is using sound effect words.

7 I think that when you’ve read this list, you’ll get the main idea…All these crazy sound effects are onomatopoeia! Once you learn to say that word you kind of want to yell it, but even though you yell the word I bet you cannot spell it! You can learn to spell this word in just a single day… O-N-O--M-A-T-O-P-O-E-I-A Onomatopoeia, My what a word! It means every sound effect you have ever heard. Crash, crunch, zing, zip, meow, munch, roar, rip, sizzle, crackle, splat, kerplunk, bang, clank, woof, thunk, hiss, whiz, oink, moo, pong, ping, bong, bing, sniff, snap, cough, achoo, dong, ding, pong, ping,, bong, bing, zap, zing!

8 Start off with a “BANG”! Onomatopoeia-The use of words whose sound makes you think of their meaning. Buzz Zip Slurp Snip Pop Ding Hiss Smack Gulp Crush Drip Creek Sizzle Snap

9 Cow Cat Pig Animal Sounds Can you write the word that matches the sound? moo meow oink

10 Machine Sounds Can you write the word that matches the sound? Telephone Car Chainsaw ring vroom buzz

11 More Sounds Can you write the word that matches the sound? Blast Bird Keyboarding boom tweet click

12 What about the joke: Knock-knock Who's there? Boo Boo who? Don't cry, I was only joking Knock-knock Boo who Can you identify the onomatopoeia?

13 Fasten your seatbelts, All hands inside, Everyone aboard for the Roller coaster ride! Click-clack, click-clack Creeping up the hill, Daredevil laughter, Ready for the thrill. S-L-O-W-L-Y, S-L-O-W-L-Y Cresting to the top, Hands start to tremble, Hearts almost stop. Plunge down the steep slope, Faster than a rocket, Loose change and sunglasses, Fly from your pocket. Swoop round the sharp bend, Twisting in a loop, Scream like a Banshee, Yelling out a whoop! Sail down the valleys, Race up the hills, Nothing else can equal Roller coaster thrills. Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, Round the final bend, Why does every roller coaster Have…to…have…an…end? Can you identify the onomatopoeia?

14 Summarization of what we have learned Onomatopoeia is used to bring to life a story, poem, play, or movie. Onomatopoeia, or sound effects greatly enhances the author’s writing. Onomatopoeia helps you think of the meaning of the sound. Onomatopoeia describes sounds made by common objects, animals, or nature. Onomatopoeia is fun to use and spell!

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