Venomous Snakes of Florida. SNAKES!!!!!!! Introduction Most snake bites caused by non venomous snakes 120 Known species in North America 20 Venomous to.

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1 Venomous Snakes of Florida

2 SNAKES!!!!!!! Introduction Most snake bites caused by non venomous snakes 120 Known species in North America 20 Venomous to humans, (except Hawaii) 50% Snake bites by venomous species are “Dry Bites” ~ No venom injected

3 SNAKES!!!!!!! Facts 5 0f 6 venomous snakes found in Florida are Pit Vipers Key Identifying Feature: Facial pit (heat sensing) between eye and nostril on each side of the head; primary sense used to track, triangulate, and bite Venom is hemotoxin which destroys blood & walls of blood vessels Venom glands give the snake head a triangle shape. Glands are located behind jaw Vipers, generally have a pronounced ridge over the eye giving it a ‘mean’ appearance

4 SNAKES!!!!!!! Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Largest of the rattlers Strike & Recoil in ¼ Second Typically will not chase and gives rattle/ hiss warning Does not have to coil to strike Keep 6’ away Accurately strikes ½ body length Bites often result of carelessness Prey: Rabbits, Squirrels, rats, mice, etc. Found in palmettos, pinewoods, bushy & grassy areas Source:

5 SNAKES!!!!!!! Timber Rattlesnake Habitat: Sugar cane fields, plantations, flatwoods, river bottoms, farms The Pit of a Pit Viper Source:

6 SNAKES!!!!!!! Pigmy Rattlesnake Aggressive Rattle sounds like an insect buzz Habitat: Same as diamondback Source:

7 SNAKES!!!!!!! Water Moccasin Cottonmouth Vary in color while maturing In defense it will coil and open its mouth Does not have to be coiled to strike Can bite underwater Habitat: Near water, trees, grassy patches, Will often hold its ground! Source:

8 SNAKES!!!!!!! Southern Copperhead Habitat: Wet & Dry areas around wood piles Feed on frogs, small rodents Source:

9 SNAKES!!!!!!! Coral Snake Related to the Mamba & Cobra Not a viper. Will have a slender head Venom is a neurotoxin which attacks the nervous system causing paralysis. The most potent venom! Timid, non aggressive~ bite can be deadly Habitat: Burrow in ground, wood piles Identification: Yellow and red bands together; bands go completely around body Black head. Scarlett King bellies are white –Red & Black= Friend of Jack. Red & Yellow= Kill a fellow King snake in Florida does not resemble a Coral snake Source:

10 SNAKES!!!!!!! U.S. Snake Bite Incidence Snake Bites are not accurately tracked, often go unreported Average: 45,000 Snake Bites/ year in US, 7000- 8000 by venomous snakes Between 10-15 Deaths/ Year Majority of bites in SW due to large population of rattlesnakes North Carolina has highest state incidence Average: 19bites/100,000 persons per year National Average: 4bites/100,000 persons per year

11 SNAKES!!!!!!! Prevention/ Safety WATCH YOUR STEP!!! Do not touch dead snakes with bare hands. A detached snake head can still inflict a bite! Most snakes will only bite when startled, provoked, threatened, or cornered When working in wooded areas: –Where sturdy over the ankle boots, durable pants, and use gloves to handle refuse –Tread heavily, snakes will hear you and flea Direct Encounters: Back away, keep your eyes on the snake

12 SNAKES!!!!!!! Prevention/ Safety Do not blindly reach into wood piles, flip over rocks, etc. Avoid snakes appearing to be dead. They often use this as a defense mechanism Contractors engaging in activities where snakes live should provide training, have a plan in case of snake bite to include locating nearest hospital and if they are experienced in treating bites, should train employees on prevention, and outfit workers properlyContractors engaging in activities where snakes live should provide training, have a plan in case of snake bite to include locating nearest hospital and if they are experienced in treating bites, should train employees on prevention, and outfit workers properly

13 SNAKES!!!!!!! First Aid SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY!!!!! Treat all bites as poisonous Keep person calm and as still as possible Remove all jewelry Wash wound with soap & water Apply suction device if person is more than an hour from treatment Immobilize limb below the heart Give 100% oxygen if available Perform CPR if necessary Source: WebMD

14 SNAKES!!!!!!! Outmoded Treatments Do not administer pain medication or give food Tourniquets Cutting the wound open Sucking out venom by mouth Snake stones Application of any chemicals Use of electroshock therapy Often field treatments by untrained personnel result in damage to victim or by the person applying treatment

15 SNAKES!!!!!!! Summary Watch your step in hazardous environment Wear protective clothing If a snake is encountered, leave it alone! In the event of a bite, seek medical assistance immediately

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