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3.23.2015 Term 4 1 st day! E.Lyon. Term 4! Welcome back! This is our last term today  before the summer Today, Figure Drawing! But first a review.

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Presentation on theme: "3.23.2015 Term 4 1 st day! E.Lyon. Term 4! Welcome back! This is our last term today  before the summer Today, Figure Drawing! But first a review."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.23.2015 Term 4 1 st day! E.Lyon

2 Term 4! Welcome back! This is our last term today  before the summer Today, Figure Drawing! But first a review

3 Today! Figure Drawing and emotion 1 st – review figure drawing Day a pose – 2 min. x2 – 5 min. x 2 – 15 min. – Last 30 min. Between each a few mini-lessons

4 You will need… 6 pieces of newsprint paper Something to draw with: – Charcoal – Pencil We will be adding color, so you can use either, watercolor or pastels/chalk

5 Charcoal and Cante Crayons

6 Review









15 Reminders When drawing, fill the page as much as you can If you finish, find a new perspective or focus on a detail aspect of the figure near your drawing Or, add a background/shadows to your work

16 Posers You can pick a prop in the room Make sure you can stay in that pose for the amount of time needed for the drawing Everyone will pose this week

17 Drawing 1 – 2 min. Getting in the grove of drawing Focus on moving your arm, work from your shoulder and back, not your hand or forearm

18 Drawing 2 – 2 min. Focus on proportions Use your pencil to make sure you have the proportions correct Block out the figure first

19 Drawing 3 – 5 min. Block out figure Get in proportion Create movement with your lines

20 Drawing 4 – 5 min. Block out figure Get in proportion Try to show emotion with your lines

21 BREAK! Take a break, stand up Get either pastels, chalk or watercolor for the next two drawings You will pick one color to work with – Hint: If you are working with a lighter color, pick a darker paper

22 Drawing 5 – 5 min. Block out figure Get in proportion Use the color to show the emotion of the piece

23 Drawing 6 – 5 min. Just draw the figure!

24 Drawing 7 – 15 min(30min.) Take what you have learned today and draw for an extended period of time with this pose Make sure you have the proportions blocked out Add as much detail as you can, but always working from basic outline to detail

25 Next Class 3.23.15 More figure drawing and talking about body language and emotions using color Those that didn’t pose today will pose next class Any questions? Festivals of Arts, all art due, Friday!


27 Blocking xPE xPE

28 Proportions Review n8Lg n8Lg Review of body proportions

29 32dXU 32dXU Gesture drawing stop at 6 min. wexc wexc Another gesture drawing

30 Perspective with figure drawing 6oA 6oA

31 Term Review Figure drawing – general shape Contour Line Drawing – the outline Gesture Drawing – capturing movement

32 Pick a project Gesture Drawing over lap Perspective Drawing(of a human) Contour Line Drawing of a person – to show emotion You have two weeks to work on this draw, I recommend taking a photo of someone in a pose or yourself, we can print them off(Friday)

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