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Viruses Wkbk 20.1 Watch for vocab, diagrams, and understanding structure and function of viruses.

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1 Viruses Wkbk 20.1 Watch for vocab, diagrams, and understanding structure and function of viruses

2 The Discovery of Viruses
*1. What is a bacteriophage? Virus that attacks bacteria *2. What are viruses? Particles of nucleic acid, protein, and lipids that reproduce only by infecting living cells *3. What is a capsid? Protein coat on a virus (for protection) 4. How does a typical virus get inside a cell? Capsid proteins “trick” the cell by binding to its receptors 5. What occurs when viruses get inside cells? Virus genes (DNA) are expressed; may lead to cell’s destruction

3 Viral Infections 6. Visual Analogy: Why is the outlaw locking up the sheriff, instead of the other way around? Virus = outlaw that takes hostage of the cell Cell = sheriff (no longer in control)

4 Lytic Cycle Label: bacterial DNA, host bacterium, viral DNA, virus
***Lytic Cycle Label: bacterial DNA, host bacterium, viral DNA, virus. Circle the step that shows lysis of the host cells VIRUS HOST BACTERIUM VIRAL DNA BACTERIAL DNA

5 Viral Infections Cont’d
8. In a lysogenic infection, how can one virus infect many cells? Virus DNA is copied into cell’s DNA, and it gets multiplied every time the cell multiplies

6 9. How is the common cold like HIV. Both are RNA viruses. 10
9. How is the common cold like HIV? Both are RNA viruses *10. What would happen to a virus that never came in contact with a living cell? Explain your answer. It would never reproduce, just sit there waiting. Cannot do ANYTHING without a host – can’t move by itself either

7 Compare Virus vs. Cell

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