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The London Invasive Species Initiative Joanna Heisse – Biodiversity Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "The London Invasive Species Initiative Joanna Heisse – Biodiversity Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The London Invasive Species Initiative Joanna Heisse – Biodiversity Officer May 2011

2 Introduction Why the group was set up What the group is about How the group operates When action will begin Your involvement

3 Invasive species issues in London Natural environment under pressure Heavily built environment and infrastructure High risk of new and emerging species appearing – commercial port, 5 airports and large markets Source of invasive species Invasive species can be emotive Greater potential for inconsistent approaches to management

4 The London Invasive Species Initiative Network under the London Biodiversity Partnership – 26 organisations to date Encourages collaborative working and co-ordination of existing resources. Follows a national framework and guidance. Relevant to London’s unique environmental resource.

5 Objectives and achievements to date Data Action plans Facilitating action Linking research and practice Early warning system Awareness raising Species selection GIGL - Data Instigating projects

6 Species selection Established methodology trialled by Natural England in Norfolk and Cumbria. Compiled from existing lists of recognised invasive non-native species 64 species: 43 plants – 15 wetland and freshwater species 21 animals – 14 aquatic species Split into 5 categories Added to GIGL data searches and reports

7 High risk species not present in London Look to raise awareness, prevent establishment and respond rapidly to new records. 8 species Photo courtesy of Phase4 Environmental Limited Killer shrimp – Dikerogammarus villosus

8 American bullfrog – Rana catesbiana Asian hornet – Vespa velutina © J. HaxaireGBNNSS RPS Group Carolina water-shield – Cabomba caroliniana

9 High risk species present at specific sites Should be priorities for management or eradication Possible eradication in London 19 species- mixed Water primrose - Ludwigia grandiflora Pale galingale – Cyperus eragrostis

10 Widespread species in need of large scale action High impact species which will require concerted and widespread effort to tackle Need for action plans and effective collaboration 11 species Floating pennywort on the river Wandle

11 Additional categories Widespread species where eradication is unfeasible – e.g.: Chinese mitten crab and crayfish Species where there was insufficient data or evidence to categorise – e.g.: Foxglove tree and curly water thyme Species not currently considered a risk but in need of ‘watching briefs’ – e.g.: water-hyacinth and passion flower. Chinese mitten crab Passion flower

12 How we plan to work Re-direct existing resources Collaboration and synergy Quick wins Linking to volunteer groups Providing training, support and technical advice Linking to national campaigns Collation of data and evidence Potential future LISI coordinator

13 What you should do to help Think about the resource you can bring. eg: Officer time, links to volunteer groups, action on the ground, championing a species, piloting new management approaches, funding. Focus and prioritise local action in line with LISI Report achievements to LISI Share data with GIGL

14 Thank you Questions? Joanna Heisse –

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