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HATE SLAVE. Just like Isaac, Jacob had a favorite son. Joseph was 17 and Jacob’s favorite Genesis 37:1-3.

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Presentation on theme: "HATE SLAVE. Just like Isaac, Jacob had a favorite son. Joseph was 17 and Jacob’s favorite Genesis 37:1-3."— Presentation transcript:


2 Just like Isaac, Jacob had a favorite son. Joseph was 17 and Jacob’s favorite Genesis 37:1-3

3 Talked unkindly

4 Brother’s sheaves bowed down to his Genesis 37:7,9

5 Told his brothers and parents Brothers were jealous Dad thought about what it could mean. Genesis 37:7, 9, 11

6 Genesis 37: 32 None of the brothers had one like it

7 A bad day in the making Check on your brothers and the sheep

8 The plan Genesis 37:18 Don’t kill him

9 Genesis 37:12- 28 Sold for 20 Shekels

10 Sold by his own brothers! Don’t know the language! Taken to a land far from home.

11 Genesis 37:31-34 The story Jacob mourned for his son

12 Joseph found favor Promoted Genesis 39:3 Promoted Genesis 39:3

13 How can I do this?

14 Sin hurts other people Sin is against God

15 Accused Sent to Prision God was with him Genesis 39:7-20

16 Put in charge Was trusted The Lord was with him Genesis 39:20-23

17 Does the Lord ever leave us? Can we trust HIM?

18 King’s Butler and Baker were sent to prison

19 Only GOD interprets dreams

20 Would get his job back Released in 3 days Genesis 40

21 He would have his head lifted off 30 days

22 Baker is hanged Butler gets his job back Genesis 40

23 Pretty good guy. God is with him Blessed in all he does

24 Matthew 19: 15-16 “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good.”

25 God is Good Jesus is God God is Good Jesus is God Jesus is Good Things go wrong

26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

27 Means good Letters taken together mean The son nailed to a cross Letters taken together mean The son nailed to a cross

28 Because the Son was nailed to the cross, we can have eternal life with Him in heaven if we believe him and turn from our sin.


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