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Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Report Oakland University Senate November 13, 2008.

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1 Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Report Oakland University Senate November 13, 2008

2 Making the Case in Lansing Oakland University is the 8 th largest of the 15 public universities in Michigan The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWBSM) announcement was well received in Lansing The Office of Government Relations has been expanded to include a state relations director in Lansing and an assistant to the vice president on campus

3 Making the Case in Lansing Governor Granholm signed into law a capital outlay budget (SB 511), which authorizes state funding for six universities, including Oakland University, and 12 community colleges The legislature and governor approved a 1% appropriations increase for state universities and a 2% increase for community colleges for FY09 State Senator Wayne Kuipers, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, unveiled a plan earlier this year to create a voucher like, equal per student funding program for students attending a state university in Michigan. The proposal also included $60 million for research at MSU, UM – Ann Arbor and WSU

4 Making the Case in Lansing This year 44 of the 110 members of the Michigan House of Representatives are term limited 30 of the 38 members of the Michigan Senate are serving their final two years A set of bills (SB 1329 and HB 6149) to allow community colleges to grant baccalaureate degrees in applied technical fields were introduced, but are not expected to pass in the lame duck session The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education unanimously approved Governor Granholm’s appointment of Mr. Richard Flynn and Mr. Michael Kramer to Oakland University’s Board of Trustees for terms that expire August 11, 2016

5 Comparison of State Appropriation Average Percentage Increase Versus OU Percentage Source: Enacted state appropriation bills

6 Oakland University Appropriation per FYES Oakland University’s FY 2009 appropriation per FYES is estimated to be $951 per FYES less than the FY 2000 level. (Budgeted)

7 Since 1992, Oakland University’s relative reliance on tuition and fees in the General Fund has grown from 41% to a budgeted 72% in 2009. Comparison of General Fund Revenue Sources FY 1992, FY 2002 and FY 2009 Budget Budgeted

8 Category Base One-Time Budget Reductions $ 6,412,400$ 6,096,000 Cost Containment9,951,7683,394,188 Total Reductions/Containment$16,364,168$9,490,188 Financial Stewardship Budget Reductions and Cost Containment Cumulative FY 2003 – 2008

9 Academic Affairs – FY 2009 Incremental Budget Allocations Faculty Positions $ 434,961 New and Incentive Programs Instructional Support, including Faculty 2,530,943 Summer Instructional Support 151,237 Divisional Operating Support 101,834 School of Health Sciences Assoc. Dean Salary and FB 134,123 School of Nursing Operating Budget to Replace Assessment Testing Fee170,020 Library Collections 56,729 E-Learning and Instructional Tech. Re-Organization224,330 Assoc. Provost, Asst. VP Strategic Prog., Event Coordinator411,027 Other 83,630 Total $ 4,298,834

10 Oakland University Fall Full-Time Faculty Headcount

11 FY 2009 New & Replacement Faculty Positions College of Arts and Sciences 22 (5) School of Business Administration 3 (5) School of Education and Human Services 3 (4) School of Engineering and Computer Science 3 (1) School of Health Sciences 3 (0) Kresge Library 1 (0) School of Nursing 3 (18) Total38 Note: Number in ( ) represents full-time visitors in regular & incentive programs

12 Academic Affairs – FY 2008 One-Time Budget Allocations

13 Oakland University Grant and Contract Activity Fiscal Years 2001 - 2007

14 Capital Campaign Dollars to Units August 2008

15 Oakland University Environmental Scan Challenges and Opportunities Legislative Commission on Government Efficiency State Appropriations Demographics - High Schools Tuition Waiver - Graduate Students Competition

16 Oakland University Environmental Scan Challenges and Opportunities Community College Enrollment “The Great Consumer Crash of 2009” Extramural Funding – Research Economic Climate and Giving

17 Oakland University Environmental Scan Challenges and Opportunities Answers/Process –Senior Leadership Retreat Six Questions –School of Business Faculty –Dykema Financial Crisis Team –Campus Leaders Briefing (11/18) –Campus Consultation –Implement OU Position

18 Oakland University Environmental Scan Challenges and Opportunities 1.In your responsible areas, what is the likely negative impact of the current financial crisis on state funding, enrollment, fund raising, investments, programs, research, services, outreach, etc.? 2.What are your proposed solutions to the stated negative impact of the financial crisis (in 1. above) on state funding, enrollment, fund raising, investments, programs, research, services, outreach, etc.? 3.What is the likely positive impact of the financial crisis on state funding, enrollment, fund raising, investments, programs, research, services, outreach, etc.?

19 Oakland University Environmental Scan Challenges and Opportunities 4.What opportunities are apparent for OU in this financial crisis? 5.What actions should we implement to reposition OU to take advantage of opportunities in this crisis? 6.What steps should we immediately take to manage our resources in light of the current financial crisis?

20 Oakland University Environmental Scan Challenges and Opportunities Answers/Process –Senior Leadership Retreat Six Questions –School of Business Faculty –Dykema Financial Crisis Team –Campus Leaders Briefing (11/18) –Campus Consultation –Implement OU Position


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