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PRAY 4 THE JAHANKA until all Jahanka hear! Why pray? “ Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations to you.” -Psalm 2.8a NASB God, in the Great Comission.

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Presentation on theme: "PRAY 4 THE JAHANKA until all Jahanka hear! Why pray? “ Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations to you.” -Psalm 2.8a NASB God, in the Great Comission."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRAY 4 THE JAHANKA until all Jahanka hear!

3 Why pray? “ Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations to you.” -Psalm 2.8a NASB God, in the Great Comission commands believers to be on mission with him. You can go, give, and most of all, you can pray! Prayer is the power behind missions...pray for the harvest!

4 Unengaged People Groups An unreached people group is one that cannot hear the gospel in a way they can understand There are over 2,000 identified unengaged people groups. These people have no evangelical Christians working among them. Your prayers are essential in preparing the way for the gospel to be shared with these people

5 The Jahanka An unengaged people group of Senegal and Guinea

6 Meet the Jahanka There are 24,000-50,000 Jahanka people in mainly Guniea and Senegal of West Africa. They are one of the 53 Mande people groups in 8 West African countries that have yet to receive the gospel. They have no written, visual or audio recordings of Scripture in their language, which is little known, and 95 percent have never heard the gospel. Will you go to God on behalf of these people living in darkness?

7 The Jahanka are an unreached people group of West Africa, living mostly in the arid lands of Senegal and Guinea. They were once known as the “great Islamic teachers” but are now agriculturalists. Many are still religious scholars who avoid the notion of jihad (holy war). They are a sub-group of the Mande people, speaking Mandinka, Jahanka, and Arabic. They are 100% Muslim. Currently, there as few as two Christian workers among them.

8 The Jahanka in Bondage The Jahanka used to own slaves. The end of slavery altered their way of life but the stigma still remains. Most villages continue to have distinct quarters that segregate slave descendents. The darkness of Islam covers all aspects of life. Works are the only way to reach God and fear covers the people. The religious leader, the marabout, is believed to hold secrets of reaching God. He has a special connection with God because of his sacred prayer beads and can invoke curses or blessings with a secret name of God.

9 The Lostness of the Jahanka Total Population: Over 27,000 Only 1,200 have heard the gospel-all of those by outside influence Known Christians: none Scripture in Jahanka: none Jesus film: none Christian broadcasts: none 95% have never heard the gospel

10 What is being done to reach these precious children of God? There are personnel requests with the IMB to work with the Jahanka, but with the limited funds it may not be a reality. The Jahanka is a small group among the many unpreached. There are some Christians working among them, but about 2 for 50,000 people.

11 You can commit to pray for these precious people and join the Jahanka prayer network. Be a Prayer Pillar: All it takes is committing to pray for the Jahanka and to enlist 10 other people to pray. Be a Prayer Partner: Is 5 minutes a day too much to ask to pray for thousands who cannot even hear about Christ in their own language? What can YOU do?

12 Pillars and Partners

13 Resources for updated prayer requests Brochures and commitment cards available from Nicole Tingle Those interested in being a prayer pillar and getting more brochures for their prayer partners, contact Nicole To join the newsletter, visit the website and go to the “Join the Prayer Network” Page

14 Who will stand in the gap? Remember, there is no scripture and no Christian witness in the language of Azer. These beautiful people cannot even hear the gospel in their native tongue. Please pray the Father will send someone to begin living among them to learn the language and culture so they may begin using chronological Bible storying with them.

15 They must hear...Who will pray so they can hear? So they can believe? Who will stand in the gap as a prayer advocate on behalf of these people.... Will you?

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