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CBF Global Missions Embrace the World North Africa.

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1 CBF Global Missions Embrace the World North Africa


3 CBF Global Missions Our purpose is to introduce people to Jesus by both word and deed, and our primary focus is on some of the worlds most neglected peoples. This purpose launches us on a journey ministering with and among unreached and marginalized peoples. As we travel, we are committed to collaborating with churches and Christians to engage in holistic ministries with the most neglected people in a world without borders.

4 CBF Offering for Global Missions The CBF Offering for Global Missions is the primary way CBF field personnel and projects are supported. Through the Offering, CBF churches participate together to do things we could never do alone.


6 Offering Goal This years goal for the Offering for Global Missions is: $6,100,000 This Offering will support field personnel serving in countries around the world.

7 Offering Spotlight Jane and Sam Moras* North Africa *For security reasons, names of field personnel have been changed.

8 Jane and Sam Moras* work in North Africa primarily among the Berber people, the original inhabitants of North Africa, who are often nomadic or disconnected from the larger Arab population.

9 In North Africa – where sharing the gospel in public settings is illegal – Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel like Jane and her husband, Sam, cant hand out Bibles on a street corner, project the Jesus Film on the side of a neighborhood house, or invite people to attend church. But they can love people.


11 Jesus helped others with a hands-on approach. We dont have to pass out Bibles to teach others about Jesus. Our call is to love others, take care of the poor, the needy, the widows, the orphans and to let others see Christ shining through us. - Jane

12 Some of the Moras work in North Africa includes: Purchasing sheep, whose wool provides a much-needed source of income for Berber women. Partnering with an organization that helps homeless children by providing food and showers and exchanging clean clothes for dirty. Giving away medicines in rural villages and helping to ensure people with mobility impairments have wheelchairs.


14 Religious freedom is very limited in the region where Jane and Sam work. Following Christ is a costly decision. Sometimes Christians lose their job or their family shuns them. Jane and Sam know North Africans who have been imprisoned, beaten or even raped because they have turned from Islam.

15 Yet many Christians still meet together in homes, changing locations each week as to not be suspected or caught for meeting as Christians. They sing and worship – but they do it quietly. They read the Bible, pray and disciple each other.


17 Jane and Sam have worked with underground churches for years, connecting new believers with indigenous churches, allowing North Africans to disciple, support and lead their own.

18 The work in North Africa is directly funded by the CBF Offering for Global Missions. Without this Offering, the work could not continue.

19 Without your participation and support for the Offering for Global Missions, the opportunity for these people to hear the Gospel message wouldnt be there. We love the people who are around us. We love our friends, and we couldnt do what we do without the Offering. Thank you for your gifts to the Offering. Thank you for helping us embrace the world. - Sam Moras


21 Give generously to the This years goal for the Offering for Global Missions is: $6,100,000

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