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Preparing for Adulthood Workshop Halton Employment, Learning & Skills Specialist Strategic Partnership (ELS SSP) and Halton Employment Partnership Including.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Adulthood Workshop Halton Employment, Learning & Skills Specialist Strategic Partnership (ELS SSP) and Halton Employment Partnership Including."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Adulthood Workshop Halton Employment, Learning & Skills Specialist Strategic Partnership (ELS SSP) and Halton Employment Partnership Including Invited Guests

2 Welcome & Workshop Aims Wesley Rourke Operational Director, Economy, Enterprise & Property Halton Borough Council Chair Halton Employment, Learning & Skills Specialist Strategic Partnership (ELS SSP)

3 Welcome & Workshop Aims Context for the Workshop o SEND Reforms o Preparing for Adulthood element To develop the Halton Employment Pathway o What does it mean for you? Identify Halton’s Key Initiatives Identify the Resources

4 Background of Preparing for Adulthood Linda Jordan Preparing for Adulthood Regional Support Lead National Development Team for Inclusion

5 Partnership between HAS, CDC and the NDTi successfully bid to deliver Preparing for Adulthood programme for the testing and implementation of the SEND Reforms Were asked to build on the Getting a Life programme and introduce person-centred outcome focused planning and the four pathways to the Reform delivery programme 2011-2013 Worked with 19 pathfinders who were focusing on the 14-25 age group Now – supporting all local areas through the regional support programme Background of Preparing for Adulthood

6 Poor outcomes for young people, especially employment, independent living, health and community inclusion Parents (and young people) finding the system bureaucratic, bewildering and adversarial Lack of support that leads to full adulthood lives for all Poor history of clear purpose of education for some young people Why change?

7 Publish Local Offer - what is normally available? How is targeted support used? How is high needs support used? Support for life outcomes – employment, independent living, friends, relationships and community and good health Joint commissioning plan Transfer statements to Education, Health and Care Plans for young people leaving school Carry out an EHC assessment for young people in post-16 provision who request one Plans to include life outcomes Must Do’s – this year

8 Learning from SEND Pathfinders Linda Jordan Preparing for Adulthood Regional Support Lead National Development Team for Inclusion

9 Expected Developments and Learning from the SEND Pathfinders/others Study programmes Supported Internships Supported employment partnerships Five (or seven) day packages and interface with Care Act 2014 Joint commissioning and multi-agency working Transfer to EHC plans for young people remaining in education after 2016 Robust approach to ceasing EHC Plan and to ensure young people are ready to leave education

10 Ceasing an EHC Plan for a young person over 19 - things to be considered Have the educational or training outcomes been achieved? Has the young person and their family been involved in the decision? Has this been planned carefully? Is the young person eligible for adult care and support? Has the young person access to support which promotes their emotional wellbeing and builds social connections?

11 Aspiration I want to work in an office Outcome I will have had work experience in some offices Steps 1.Employ a job coach 2.Job Coach to assist doing a vocational profile with input from college, family and support workers 3.Plan work experiences Educational Targets I will work with my tutor and job coach for one hour a week to talk about the things I enjoy and what’s not going so well at the moment Example

12 Developing the Halton Employment Pathway Linda Jordan Preparing for Adulthood Regional Support Lead National Development Team for Inclusion

13 Young disabled people need support for employment. Many need intensive support to explore creative and innovative approaches which enable them to make their full contribution to society. This support includes: Expectations on them throughout their lives that they will work Access to good disabled role models for young people and their families Access to supported employment expertise from at least school year 9 Vocational profiling Planned supported work experience while still at school Person-centred outcome-focused planning Developing the Halton Employment Pathway



16 Group-work Session: Key Questions Where do we want to be in 5 years’ time? What have we got in place now to support this vision? What are the gaps? What do we need to do to fill the gaps? How will we start?

17 Key Initiates for Halton Linda Jordan Preparing for Adulthood Regional Support Lead National Development Team for Inclusion

18 Identify Resources Linda Jordan Preparing for Adulthood Regional Support Lead National Development Team for Inclusion

19 Preparing for Adulthood – Contact Us Email: Web: FB: Twitter: @PfA_tweets@PfA_tweets Contact: Linda Jordan Mobile: 07903205526

20 Next Steps Wesley Rourke Operational Director, Economy, Enterprise & Property Halton Borough Council Chair Halton Employment, Learning & Skills Specialist Strategic Partnership (ELS SSP)

21 Event Close Feedback/Evaluation Forms Presentation will be available on SEND Local Offer for Halton website under ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ Thank you for attending

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