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Silence and Prayer. Confirmation Objectives 1.Know the matter, form, ordinary/extra-ordinary minister in the Latin Rite 2.List the effects of the sacrament.

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Presentation on theme: "Silence and Prayer. Confirmation Objectives 1.Know the matter, form, ordinary/extra-ordinary minister in the Latin Rite 2.List the effects of the sacrament."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silence and Prayer

2 Confirmation Objectives 1.Know the matter, form, ordinary/extra-ordinary minister in the Latin Rite 2.List the effects of the sacrament 3.Explain why the sacrament is celebrated differently in the West as compared to the Eastern Rites

3 Signs



6 Water


8 Symbolizes

9 Seals Baptismal Graces

10 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

11 Soldier of Christ

12 Perfects Our Bond with Jesus

13 Matter Anointing with oil by the imposition of hands Anointing highlights the name Christian Oil is Chrism blessed by the Bishop on Holy Thursday

14 Form Words said by the Bishop “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”

15 Minister Latin Rite – Bishop Extra-ordinary minister - Priest

16 Effects 1. Baptismal grace is deepened 2. Leaves an indelible mark on the soul 3. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are conferred 4. Confess the faith boldly even to shedding blood –Light slap on the cheek in former times 5. Bond with Christ is perfected

17 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord

18 Acts 8:14-17 –Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, –who went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the holy Spirit, –for it had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. –Then they laid hands on them and they received the holy Spirit.

19 East vs West Early Church small numbers –Catechumenate –Baptism on Holy Saturday –Bishop presides –As converts increase and more infant Baptisms there is a logistical problem Latin Rite wants to emphasize the role of the Bishop East wants to emphasize the unity of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation

20 Quiz 1. Who is the ordinary minister of Confirmation in the Latin Rite? 2. Christ means________ 3. What is the name of the oil used? 4. When is this oil blessed? 5. Only a bishop can Confirm. T/F

21 Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Study the “Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit” handout. For each of the seven gifts give me an original example of that gift in practice in our world today. Be sure to explain how your example applies. For example: Hope = The people of Egypt working for democracy. They are inspired by hope to work for a better future for themselves.

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