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Sustainability Strategies Revolution Private Label Behaviour Inflation Established Markets Deflation Impact Social Media Growth Flat Lining Global Shopper.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Strategies Revolution Private Label Behaviour Inflation Established Markets Deflation Impact Social Media Growth Flat Lining Global Shopper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Strategies Revolution Private Label Behaviour Inflation Established Markets Deflation Impact Social Media Growth Flat Lining Global Shopper Attitudes Shopping Convenience Innovation Localisation Till Roll Big 4 Post Recession Media Priorities Penetration Myths Advertising Digital Trade Channels Grocery Shopper Individuals Insight Pricing Instrumentality Trends Basket Size Brands Media Spend Life Stage Change Market Dynamics Crossroads Households Demographics Consumer Consumption Online Retail Landscapes Income Discounters Evolution Segmentation Frequency Attitudes Established Brands Retailers Supermarkets Promotions Simplicity Household Size Presentation cover slide. Add your own presentation title. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! ARE BRANDS THE BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS?


3 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. SO WHY LOOK TO BRANDS? THEY ALL OUTPERFORM THEIR MARKETS THEY DRIVE INCREMENTAL VALUE THEY PROVIDE SOLUTIONS

4 Divider slide Add your own call-out. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! Long Term Volume Decline

5 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. 102 Number of times we purchase produce per year.

6 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. -11kgs Decline in produce volume of average household over 5 years

7 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. LONG TERM VOLUME CHANGE – KEY MARKETS Millions KGs

8 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. 28% % of produce market in long term decline

9 Divider slide Add your own call-out. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! Deflation

10 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. INFLATION GOES INTO REVERSE FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS CENTURY

11 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. PRODUCE PRICES 2014 -4.7% -£486 mn

12 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. Average Price (£)/(g) | Yr on Yr % Change Total Produce | 52 w/e THE BIG CATEGORIES ARE SLASHING PRICES % PRICE/KG CHANGE YOY

13 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. PRODUCE TYPICALLY ACCOUNTS FOR 10% OF TOTAL GROCERY VALUE BUT IN THE LATEST 12 WEEKS 7%

14 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams.

15 Divider slide Add your own call-out. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! The Impact of The Discounters

16 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. 8.3% of Total Grocery 13% of produce volume 10% of produce value

17 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. 90p 89p £1

18 Headline slide. Use this slide when you need to add your own graphics or diagrams. PRODUCEPOTATOES £114mn £10mn £66mn £6mn SWITCHING GAINS

19 Sustainability Strategies Revolution Private Label Behaviour Inflation Established Markets Deflation Impact Social Media Growth Flat Lining Global Shopper Attitudes Shopping Convenience Innovation Localisation Till Roll Big 4 Post Recession Media Priorities Penetration Myths Advertising Digital Trade Channels Grocery Shopper Individuals Insight Pricing Instrumentality Trends Basket Size Brands Media Spend Life Stage Change Market Dynamics Crossroads Households Demographics Consumer Consumption Online Retail Landscapes Income Discounters Evolution Segmentation Frequency Attitudes Established Brands Retailers Supermarkets Promotions Simplicity Household Size 1 st slide after cover – this tree animates in conjunction with the title slide. Add your own 1 st call-out. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! SHOULD WE LOOK TO BRANDS?

20 Content slide – animated. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! These brands make up about 90% of the Branded Produce market

21 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! VALUE +5% VOLUME +18% BRANDED PRODUCE IS WORTH £291MN IN THE LAST YEAR Basket Size +6.8% Frequency +9.7%

22 © Kantar Worldpanel 22 BRAND VALUE BRAND% CHANGE CATEGORY % CHANGE £108mn +10% -1.3% £59mn +4% +2% £19mn +30% -9% £43mn +3% -14% £9.9mn +38% -14%

23 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! +3% Value Growth +23% Volume Growth 4% more likely to be an AB SHOPPER 10% more likely to be a 45-65 yr old +25% More Shoppers £7.7mn in switching gains from other Potato varieties £1.2mn in incremental spend added to category

24 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! Value £ Branded Produce STRONG GROWTH OVER THE PAST DECADE

25 Divider slide Add your own call-out. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! BRANDS DRIVE VALUE FOR RETAILERS

26 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! GREAT NEWS FOR THE CATEGORY - ALL THE BRANDS ARE DRIVING INCREMENTAL GROWTH

27 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! AWP £ in Total Produce per Branded Buyer GREAT NEWS FOR RETAILERS 1 - THOSE WHO BUY BRANDS IN PRODUCE SPEND A LOT MORE ON THE CATEGORY…

28 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! 78% more GREAT NEWS FOR RETAILERS 2 ….AND THEY SPEND A LOT MORE ON TOTAL GROCERY ALSO BRANDED PRODUCE BUYER VS AVERAGE PRODUCE BUYER (TOTAL GROCERY)

29 Divider slide Add your own call-out. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! BRANDS ARE A POINT OF DIFFERENCE

30 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! Branded Broccoli Leafy Salads Potatoes Apples EACH BRAND FINDS ITS OWN SPOT IN THE MARKET

31 Content slide. Use this slide for text and bullet points. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders!

32 Sustainability Strategies Revolution Private Label Behaviour Inflation Established Markets Deflation Impact Social Media Growth Flat Lining Global Shopper Attitudes Shopping Convenience Innovation Localisation Till Roll Big 4 Post Recession Media Priorities Penetration Myths Advertising Digital Trade Channels Grocery Shopper Individuals Insight Pricing Instrumentality Trends Basket Size Brands Media Spend Life Stage Change Market Dynamics Crossroads Households Demographics Consumer Consumption Online Retail Landscapes Income Discounters Evolution Segmentation Frequency Attitudes Established Brands Retailers Supermarkets Promotions Simplicity Household Size Presentation cover slide. Add your own presentation title. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! CONCLUSION NOT NECESSARILY TO LAUNCH A BRAND IT’S NOT ABOUT PRICING & PROMOTIONS PROVIDE SOLUTIONS YOU NEED TO HELP THE RETAILERS IN PRODUCE BUT TO THINK LIKE A BRAND

33 Sustainability Strategies Revolution Private Label Behaviour Inflation Established Markets Deflation Impact Social Media Growth Flat Lining Global Shopper Attitudes Shopping Convenience Innovation Localisation Till Roll Big 4 Post Recession Media Priorities Penetration Myths Advertising Digital Trade Channels Grocery Shopper Individuals Insight Pricing Instrumentality Trends Basket Size Brands Media Spend Life Stage Change Market Dynamics Crossroads Households Demographics Consumer Consumption Online Retail Landscapes Income Discounters Evolution Segmentation Frequency Attitudes Established Brands Retailers Supermarkets Promotions Simplicity Household Size Presentation cover slide. Add your own presentation title. Do not add copy outside of the assigned placeholders! ARE BRANDS THE BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS?

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