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Solving Word Problems by Elimination Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Word Problems by Elimination Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Word Problems by Elimination Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?

2 Reminder EITHER OF THE VARIABLES MUST HAVE THE SAME/OPPOSITE COEFFICIENT, ONE OF THEM HAS TO… Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?

3 STEPS FOR ELIMINATION WORD PROBS Step 1 - READ the problem. Step 2 - Pick out your Superman sentence (keep things +). Step 3 – Pick out your Bizarro sentence (keep things - ). Step 4 - Solve using elimination. *** YOU WILL NEED TO COME UP WITH DIFFERENT VARIABLES FOR X AND Y*** Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?



6 Commercial Break Quote of the Day: “The struggle you’re having today is developing the strength you’ll have tomorrow. Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?



9 iPad Exit Ticket Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?

10 iPad Exit Ticket Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?

11 GIST: Then write 3-4 sentences to answer the GIST Summary E.Q. Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?

12 1. Y.11 (50) Essential Question: A girl scout sold boxes for 26 thin mint cookies and 13 peanut butter cookies, with total receipts of $1,404. How would you create a linear equation from that statement with two variables?

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