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Pictures: “Funusara” Sequence All rounder 35min flow Source: Pictures:

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Presentation on theme: "Pictures: “Funusara” Sequence All rounder 35min flow Source: Pictures:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pictures:
“Funusara” Sequence All rounder 35min flow Source: Pictures:

2 Pictures:
Hero’s Pose – Virasana Start in Virasana hands in anjali mudra Roll shoulders back a few times Lift both arms up and bend sideways stretching both the right and the left side waist Easy twist both sides to wake up the core Easy shoulder opening Source: Pictures:

3 Pictures:
Hero’s Pose – Virasana Start in Virasana hands in anjali mudra Roll shoulders back a few times Lift both arms up and bend sideways stretching both the right and the left side waist Easy twist both sides to wake up the core Easy shoulder opening Source: Pictures:

4 Cat and Cow – Marjaryasana and Bitilasana
Repeat 2x to wake up the spine and your uddiyana bandha and gently open the heart Source: Pictures:

5 Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
Peddle the feet to open up the calfs and the hamstrings Source: Pictures:

6 Mountain pose – Tadasana
Source: Pictures:

7 Standing Forward bend variation – Uttanasana variation
To open up the shoulders as well as the hamstrings Source: Pictures:

8 Sun Salutation A - Surya Namaskar A
Repeat approx twice staying in plank pose on your last one Source: Pictures:

9 Pictures:
Dolphin Plank Pose + Dolphin side plank- Makara Adho mukha svanasana + Forearm Vasisthasana Focus on open and strong shoulders and strong core Wake up the obliques by shifting sideways to a forearm vasisthasana Return to the middle after finishing both sides Source: Pictures:

10 Pictures:
Dolphin Plank Pose + Dolphin side plank- Makara Adho mukha svanasana + Forearm Vasisthasana Side 2: Focus on open and strong shoulders and strong core Wake up the obliques by shifting sideways to a forearm vasisthasana Return to the middle after finishing both sides Source: Pictures:

11 Sphinx Pose – Salamba Bhujangasana
Source: Pictures:

12 Dolphin pose + Extended leg Variation – Makarasana
Variation of basic pose: lift your legs up, one at a time keeping them straight and active with toes facing downward (keeping your hips level) Source: Pictures:

13 Feathered Peacock pose – Pincha Mayurasana
Source: Pictures:

14 Child’s Pose – Balasana
Short break  Source: Pictures:

15 Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
Source: Pictures:

16 Warrior II – ViraBhadrasana II
Source: Pictures:

17 Reverse Warrior – Viparita Virabhadrasana
Source: Pictures:

18 Half Moon Pose – Ardha Chandrasana
Source: Pictures:

19 Warrior II – ViraBhadrasana II
Source: Pictures:

20 Temple pose with eagle arm variation – with Garundasana arm variation
Side 1, optional forward bend Source: Pictures:

21 Temple pose with eagle arm variation – with Garundasana arm variation
Side 2, optional forward bend Source: Pictures:

22 Warrior II – ViraBhadrasana II
Side 2 Source: Pictures:

23 Reverse Warrior – Viparita Virabhadrasana
Side 2 Source: Pictures:

24 Half Moon Pose – Ardha Chandrasana
Side 2 Source: Pictures:

25 Warrior II – ViraBhadrasana II
Side 2 Source: Pictures:

26 Pictures:
Vinyasa = Plank + Chaturanga + Up Dog/cobra - Uttihita Chaturanga dandasana + Chaturanga Dandasana + Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Bhujangasana Source: Pictures:

27 Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
Source: Pictures:

28 Mountain pose – Tadasana
Source: Pictures:

29 Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana
Source: Pictures:

30 Pictures:
Extended hand-to-big-toe pose or Knee variation - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Source: Pictures:

31 Pictures:
Extended hand-to-big-toe pose or Knee variation - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Side 2 Source: Pictures:

32 Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana
Source: Pictures:

33 high Lunge Pose (Horse Rider’s pose) – Ashva sanchalanasana
Source: Pictures:

34 high Lunge Pose (Horse Rider’s pose) – Ashva sanchalanasana
Scissor jump & side 2 Source: Pictures:

35 Spidey Pose – Skandasana
Inhale come to the middle Exhale and stretch your inner groin muscles and open your hip by straightening one leg while bending the other Keep the foot of the bent leg firmly on the floor Your hands rest lightly on the floor bearing as little weight as possible. OPTIONS: the toes of the straight foot point straight up, or are also anchored to the floor and both feet are parallel Repeat a few times on each side Image courtesy of Spiderman  Source: Pictures:

36 Garland Pose – Malasana
Source: Pictures:

37 Pictures:
Twisting Garland Pose (prep for bound Garland pose) – (prep pose for) Bada Malasana Bada Malasana – more advanced twist variation Source: Pictures:

38 Pictures:
Twisting Garland Pose (prep for bound Garland pose) – (prep pose for) Bada Malasana Bada Malasana – more advanced twist variation Side 2 Source: Pictures:

39 Crane Pose/Side Crane Pose– Bakasana/Parsva Bakasana
Basic variation More advanced variation Source: Pictures:

40 Pictures:
Supported Headstand/Headstand/Rabbit Pose – Salamba Sirsasana/sirsasana/Sasangasana Beginner variation Source: Pictures:

41 Child’s Pose – Balasana
Short break  Source: Pictures:

42 Upward plank pose/Table pose – Purvottanasana
Repeat 3x Beginner variation Source: Pictures:

43 Head-to-Knee forward bend – Janu sirsasana
Side 1 Source: Pictures:

44 Head-to-Knee forward bend – Janu sirsasana
Side 2 Source: Pictures:

45 Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottanasana
Source: Pictures:

46 Corpse Pose/Relaxation pose – Savasana
Source: Pictures:

47 Pictures:
Foetus POse Source: Pictures:

48 Simple cross-legged pose – sukhasana
Source: Pictures:

49 Pictures:
Namaste! You made it! Source: Pictures:

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