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Chapters 8 through 10 Europe in the Middle Ages: 500-1400.

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1 Chapters 8 through 10 Europe in the Middle Ages: 500-1400

2 I.Terms II.End of the Beginning III.Transformation of the Roman World i.New Germanic Kingdoms a)Franks b)Role of the Church c)Monks and their Mission d)Church Support for Clovis’ Descendants IV.Charlemagne and the Carolingians i.Intellectual Renewal ii.Daily Life a)Family, Marriage, Sexuality b)Diet and Health

3 V.Lords and Vassals i.Invasions of the 9 th and 10 th century a)Muslims b)Magyars c)Vikings ii.Development of Fief Holding iii.Subinfeudination iv.Feudal Contract

4 VI.Evolution of European Kingdoms i.England in the High Middle Ages a)William b)Henry II c)Richard d)John e)Edward I VII.Daily World i.New Agriculture ii.Manorial System a)Nobility  Daily Life  Role of Women b)Peasants / Serfs  Daily Life  Role of Women

5 iii.Life in the Medieval City i.Daily Life ii.Mores VIII.Culture of the High Middle Ages i.Universities ii.Scholasticism IX.Crusades X.Castles XI.Conclusion

6 I. TERMS MIDDLE AGES:378 – 1400 Dark Ages378 - 800 Middle Ages800 - 1300 High Middle Ages1300 - 1400 6

7 II. END OF THE BEGINNING 250 – migrations Visogoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Franks, Alemanni, Burgundians, Lombards BUT FOR THE HUNS 8

8 III.Transformation of the Roman World i.New Germanic Kingdoms a.Kingdom of the Franks i.Line of Merovingian kings – Clovis I (481-511) b.Role of the Christian Church i.Link to ancient world – time of order and structure ii.Church role iii.Council of Nicea, 325 iv.Heresy v.Cluniac Reform Movement vi.Augustine vii.Petrine Doctrine viii.Interdict ix.Purgatory x.Concordat of Worms 1122 10

9 c)Monks and Their Mission  Ascetism  St Francis d)Church support for descendants of Clovis – OUT OF NEED i.‘Hammer’ – Charles Martel iii.Charles Martel’s son – Pepin  first Carolingian King 741 12

10 IV.Charlemagne and the Carolingians Charlemagne extended Frankish power by conquest over virtually all of Gaul and into Germany and Italy Symbolized fusion of Roman, Germanic and Christian culture Missi dominici Rise of other powers – Normans, Saxons

11 i.Intellectual Renewal  recruited intellectuals from England, Spain, Ireland, Italy to lead an educational reform program

12 ii.Daily Life a.Family, Marriage, Sexuality civil institution ~ church Marriages arranged by fathers

13 b.Diet and health BREAD Lower classes; Upper class:

14 V.Lords and Vassals i.Invasions of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries a.Muslims  Stopped at battle of Poitiers, 732 by Charles Martel – France  Stopped at Constantinople in 717. b.Magyars from western Asia  Magyars defeated at battle of Lechfeld, 955; converted to Christianity c.The Vikings  Norsemen out of Norway  Reasons for invasions ii.Development of Fief-Holding a.Breakdown of government b.Vassalage ii.Fief

15 iii.Subinfeudation iv.Feudal contract of fief holding  Vassal ~ Lord  Lord ~ Vassal

16 VI.Evolution of European Kingdoms Cast of Characters: Anglo-Saxons Normans 26

17 i.England in the High Middle Ages a.William of Normandy  Origins:  King Edward  Harold Godwinson  1066 – Battle of Hastings.  Feudalism  English language  Domesday Book (Doomsday)

18 b.Henry II (1154-1189), Plantagenet  Born March 1133, crowned 1154.  Eleanor of Aquitaine. Marries her 1152.  Thomas à Becket  1173 – Revolt.  1183 – 2 nd Revolt by Henry’s son Henry.

19 c.Richard the Lion-Hearted Legends and myths 10 year reign Crusades – 3 rd Crusade, September 1190 June 1191 – Arrives at Acre to relieve city of siege from Saladin Captured by Leopold V ~ Henry VI Brother – John 1199 – France

20 d.John (1199-1216)  Loss of Normandy, Maine, Anjou, Touraine, and Brittany  Identity  Magna Carta, June 12, 1215

21 e.Edward I (1272-1307) – Longshanks – Born 1239. – 1 st – Eleanor of Castile – 2 nd - Marguerite of France – Military: » 8 th – 9 th Crusades » Welsh wars 1260s » Scottish wars 1291-1305ish – English Parliament, 1295 » Two knights from every county and two residents from each town meet with the Grand Council » House of Lords and House of Commons » Law made in consultation with representatives 42

22 VII.Daily World i.The New Agriculture ii.The Manorial system manor sustained the three orders of medieval society – Noble – Pray – Clergy – Fight – Knights – Serfs / Peasants a)Nobles  Demesne  Daily Life  Aristocratic Women b)Serfs / Peasants  Daily Life  Role of Women

23 iii.Daily Life in the Medieval City a.Daily Life b.Mores c.Industry in Medieval Cities Guilds 45

24 VIII.The Culture of the High Middle Ages a)Rise of universities  Irnerius (1088-1125), Bologna  University of Paris  Oxford  Liberal arts curriculum b)Development of Scholasticism  Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Summa Theologica  Vernacular literature

25 The Crusades 7 th century (638) – control of Jerusalem up until that time ? In 1071, Byzantine forces routed and Constantinople in question – called upon Europe for help. 1095 – Council of Clermont – Pope Urban II 1st Crusade 1095-1099 One important result of 1st crusade was economic growth for Italy. Arab unity 2nd Crusade: 3rd Crusade - 1189 4th Crusade turned against the Venetians Children’s Crusade - 1212 5 th Crusade - 1219 6th Crusade led by Frederick II resulted in retaking Jerusalem w/o a fight. Large civilian population killed, Arab unity

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