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Medical Terminology MOA150 Week 1

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1 Medical Terminology MOA150 Week 1
The animation on the slides have the definitions of each part come up separately, after a mouse click. After each part definition the terminology definition will appear on a mouse click at the bottom. The notes on the terminology slides identify where the part was given to the students to memorize as part of their weekly lists. If a part has not been previously given, it is stated thus, so you know you will have to coach the students on that part. Example: “My- 120, wk1” means the part “my-” was given on the terminology list for 120 week 1 list.

2 Narcolepsy Uncontrollable seizures of drowsiness and sleep narco =
Sleep, drowsiness seizure narco: 140w1 -lepsy 120 wk1, 110 wk4 Uncontrollable seizures of drowsiness and sleep

3 Insomnia Condition characterized by the inability to sleep in =
Not, without Sleep condition in: 120, wk1 somn 140w1 -ia 120, wk1; 110, wk3 Condition characterized by the inability to sleep

4 Meningomalacia Abnormal softening of the meninges meningo = meninges
Mening(o) 120, wk1 -malacia 110, wk3 Abnormal softening of the meninges

5 Echoencephalography Visual record of brain activity echo = echo
the process of recording echo: 110 wk3 Encephalo 120wk1 -graphy 120wk1 Visual record of brain activity

6 Neuroma Describes benign neoplasm made up of neurons and nerve fibers
tumor neuro 120wk1 -oma 120wk1 Describes benign neoplasm made up of neurons and nerve fibers

7 Psychology Study of the mind psycho = mind -ology= Study of
psych 120wk4 -ology 110wk2 Study of the mind

8 Kleptomania Disorder characterized by an abnormal desire to steal
Insanity, abnormal desire 140w1 Disorder characterized by an abnormal desire to steal

9 Biology Study of life bio = life -logy= Study of Bi(o) 110 wk1
-logy 140w1 Study of life

10 Keratosis Disease of the skin marked by overgrowth of horny tissue
Horny tissue, cornea, hardness Disease, condition of kerat 120 wk4 -osis 120wk1, 110wk1 Disease of the skin marked by overgrowth of horny tissue

11 Electroencephalogram
electricity, electric brain recorded information electro 140w1 Encephalo: 110wk1 -gram 120wk1 Recorded information of brain activity collected through use of electric waves

12 Cephalalgia Headache cephal = head -algia= pain Cephal: 140w1
-algia 120wk1 Headache

13 Myelosis Tumor of the spinal cord myel = marrow -osis=
Disease, condition of myel 120wk1, 110wk1 -osis 120wk1, 110wk1 Tumor of the spinal cord

14 Myelitis Inflammation of the spinal cord myel = marrow -itis=
myel 120wk1, 110wk1 -itis 120wk1, 110w1 Inflammation of the spinal cord

15 Pediculosis Infestation of lice pedicul = Louse (singular), lice
Disease, condition of pedicul: 140w1 -osis 120wk1, 110wk1 Infestation of lice

16 Cellulitis Inflammation of the connective tissues cellul =
Cellule (small cell) Inflammation of cellul: 140w1 -itis 120wk1, 110w1 Inflammation of the connective tissues

17 Urticaria urtic = -aria= Hives, rash Connected with 140w1 Hives

18 Hematoma hermat = -oma Blood tumor Hermat 110wk3 -oma 120w1 Mass of clotted blood trapped in a tissue, organ or body space as a result of a broken blood vessel

19 Dermatologist dermat = -ologist= skin specialist dermat 110w2 -ologist 120w1 Physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders and disease of the skin

20 Alopecia Condition of being bald alopec = baldness -ia= condition
Alopec 140w1 -ia 120w1, 110w1 Condition of being bald

21 Neurologist neur = -ologist= nerve specialist neur 120w1 -ologist120w1, 110w1 A specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system

22 Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain encephal = brain -itis=
encephal 120w1 -itis 120w1, 110w1 Inflammation of the brain

23 Hyperhidrosis Hyper= hidr = -osis= Overactive, excessive sweat Disease, condition of Hyper 120w3, 110w3 hidr 140 w1 -osis 110w1, 120w1 Condition of excessive sweating in one area or over the whole body

24 Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord
mening 120w1, 110w1 -itis 120w1, 110w1 Inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord

25 Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin dermat= skin -itis =
dermat 110w2 -itis 110w1, 120w1 Inflammation of the skin

26 Lipocytes Fat cells lipo= Fat, fatty tissue -cytes = Cell, cellular
lipo 110w2 -cytes 110w2 Fat cells

27 Rhytidectomy Surgical removal of a wrinkle (s) rhytid= wrinkle
Surgical removal, cutting out rhytid MA140, wk1 -ectomy 120w1, 110w1 Surgical removal of a wrinkle (s)

28 onychophagia Fingernail biting onycho= Nail(s) -phagia =
Swallowing, consuming onycho 110w2 -phagia 110w3 Fingernail biting

29 Onychomycosis Condition of having a nail fungus onycho= Nail(s) Myc=
Disease, condition of onycho 110w2 Myc 110w2 -osis 120w1, 110w1 Condition of having a nail fungus

30 Melanosis Condition characterized by dark or black skin melan= black
Disease, condition of melan 110w2 -osis 120w1, 110w1 Condition characterized by dark or black skin

31 Anhidrosis Condition characterized by the inability to sweat an=
Without, not Sweat Disease, condition of an 120w1 hidr MA140, wk1 -osis 120w1, 110w1 Condition characterized by the inability to sweat

32 Ecchymosis ecchym = -osis Pouring out of juice Disease, condition of ecchym 140w1 -osis 120w1, 110w1 The escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels marked by a livid black & blue or purple spot

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