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Introduction to Medical Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Medical Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Medical Terminology
Chapter 1

2 Primary Medical Terms Primary medical terms enable you to prioritize terms in your study of medical terminology.

3 What Parts Are the Key! Four basic types of word parts are used to create complex medical terms: Word roots Combining forms Suffixes Prefixes (continues)

4 What Parts Are the Key!

5 Word Roots Word roots usually, but not always, indicate the part of the body involved. (continues)

6 Word Roots Examples: cardi = heart gastr = stomach neur = nerve Note: Word roots do not mean pertaining to or relating to; that meaning comes from the suffix.

7 Combining Forms Created by adding a vowel (usually the letter “o”) to the end of a word root. Used when connecting word roots or when the word root is joined to a suffix that begins with a consonant. (continues)

8 Combining Forms Examples: cardi/o = heart gastr/o = stomach
neur/o = nerve (continues)

9 Combining Forms

10 Suffixes Suffixes usually, but not always,indicate the procedure, condition, disorder, or disease. Examples: cardiomegaly gastralgia neuritis (continues)

11 Suffixes Examples:

12 Prefixes Prefixes usually, but not always, indicate location, time, number, or status. Examples: pericardium epigastric polyneuritis (continues)

13 Prefixes Examples:

14 Determining Meanings on the Basis of Word Parts
Decipher these medical terms based on their word parts: cardiologist gastritis neuralgia (continues)

15 Determining Meanings on the Basis of Word Parts
An example to take apart:

16 Additional Lessons in This Chapter
Using a medical dictionary The “sounds-like” pronunciation system Why spelling counts Caution when using abbreviations (continues)

17 Additional Lessons in This Chapter
Singular and plural endings Basic medical terms Look-alike, sound-alike terms and word parts

18 Key Word Parts and Definitions
-algia pain, painful condition dys- bad, difficult, or painful -ectomy surgical removal, cutting out, excision hyper- excessive, increased (continues)

19 Key Word Parts and Definitions
hypo- deficient, decreased -itis inflammation -osis abnormal condition, disease (continues)

20 Key Word Parts and Definitions
-ostomy the surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface -otomy cutting, surgical incision -plasty surgical repair -rrhage bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge (continues)

21 Key Word Parts and Definitions
-rrhaphy surgical suturing -rrhea flow or discharge -rrhexis rupture -sclerosis abnormal hardening

22 Questions

23 Question A vertebra is a bone in the spine. What is the plural of vertebra? vertebras vertebri vertebrae

24 Answer c. vertebrae

25 Question Inter- means within or inside. True or False?

26 Answer False. Intra- means within or inside. Inter- means between or among.

27 Question Losing a large amount of blood in a short time is a: hemorage
hemorrhage hemorhage

28 Answer b. hemorrhage

29 Question The ilium is part of the hip bone, and the ileum is part of the small intestine. True or False?

30 Answer True

31 Word Roots that indicate Color
Cyan/o = blue Erythr/o = red Leuk/o = white Melan/o = black Poli/o = gray

32 16. –malacia=abn softening 17. –megaly = abn enlargement 18
16. –malacia=abn softening 17. –megaly = abn enlargement 18. –necrosis = tissue death 19. –stenosis= abn narrowing 20. –sclerosis= abn hardening

33 Suffixes related to procedures
21. –Centesis=sx pnct to rmv fluid 22. –graphy= process of recording A picture or record 23. gram= picture or recording 24. prenatal= evnts b4 birth 25. Peri = surrounding

34 26. Ology = study of 27. rhino= nose 28. arteri/o= artery 29
26. Ology = study of 27.rhino= nose 28. arteri/o= artery 29. ather/o= plaque or fatty substance 30. Arthr/o= joint Copy table 1.4 on p 9. (no repeats)

35 31. Pyro=fever 32. Inflammation vs. Infection 33. Pyo=Pus 34
31. Pyro=fever 32. Inflammation vs. Infection 33. Pyo=Pus 34. gallbladder=cholesto 35. Hepat/o= liver 36. my/o= muscle 37. neur/o= nerve 38. gastro=stomach 39. oste/o= bone 40. ren/o=kidney 41. pulmon/o or pneum/o= lung 42. cardi/o= heart 43. cerebr/o=brain

36 Test Next Class  On your phones

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