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Collaborative Conversations: Common Core Math

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Conversations: Common Core Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Conversations: Common Core Math
Math Leadership Network December 4, 2015 Jim Short Vicki Vierra

2 Agenda Tools for Sharing with Stakeholders
Course Placement and Sequences Curricular Materials

3 The Challenge Support the Implementation of CCSS-Math, including preparing students for the SBAC assessments Transforming the culture of math education for teachers, students, and parents What does it mean to know and do math? What should math classrooms look/sound like? What should math homework look like?

4 Ventura County Math Leadership Network
Goals Connecting teachers and administrators leading the CCSS-M implementation Sharing of challenges, strategies, and successes (and lessons learned from “failures”) Sharing of research and best practices Identifying needs and developing resources to meet those needs Next meeting Jan. 8, 2015, 9:00 – Noon Registration flyers available

5 Why is Math Different Now?
Raj Shah explains the purpose for changes in Common Core math instruction

6 Tools for Sharing with Stakeholders
Resources: Educational Services Curriculum and Instruction Common Core Grade 1 “Kiri’s Math Matching Game” NCTM Common Core Tools: “Common Core Math - A Grade-by-Grade View for Parents” What has your district/school done to inform families about the shifts in Common Core Math? Create a “Tweet” (120 characters) Put it on your district/school poster

7 High School Math Standards
Specifies the content of the mathematics that all students should study for college and career readiness Does not mandate a particular arrangement of the standards into courses Does not dictate specific curriculum, pedagogy, or delivery of content Standards for Mathematical Practice – making rigor a reality – dictates a change in kind of mathematical questions and thinking students engage with

8 High School Pathways

9 Background information
Note that Integrated Math I, II and II each include standards from 1997 Algebra 1, 1997 Geometry, and 1997 Algebra 2, as well as transformational geometry, introductory trigonometry, and some AP Statistics. Provided by Heather Dallas,UCLA

10 Issue Is Issue Is Not integrated a lot vs. integrated a little
When are specific standards taught How math should be taught Teacher PD needed CCSS-M aligned materials, particularly SMPs integrated vs. traditional What standards should be taught How math should be taught Teachers already know one pathway, not other Materials for traditional, not for integrated

11 Acceleration in CCSS-Math
Major Changes: Little repetition from year to year (6th, 7th & 8th ) CCSS-M Grade 8 is more rigorous and more demanding than the earlier versions of Algebra 1 In depth study of linear relationships and equations More formal treatment of functions Exploration of rational numbers Transformational geometry, linking geometry and algebra in ways not done previously Statistics linking linear relations with representation of bivariate data

12 Framework Recommendations
Students need to be appropriately challenged and engaged Inappropriate placement has negative consequences for student learning Decisions to accelerate students in CCSS-M before 9th grade should not be rushed Not to compact standards before Grade 7 Decisions to accelerate require solid evidence of mastery of pre-requisite standards (including the Standards of Mathematical Practice)

13 Framework Recommendations
Compacted courses should include the same CCSS as the non-compacted courses Do NOT compact 2 years into 1 year – rather look for 3 years in 2, or 4 years in 3 Ensure compacted courses appropriately emphasize the Standards for Mathematical Practice Allow a variety of ways and opportunities for students to access higher level math courses

14 Course Placement and Sequences
Appendix A, CA Mathematics Framework Unedited version (Nov. 2013) available: What has your district/school done with regard to course placement and sequencing? Create a “Tweet” (120 characters) Put it on your district/school poster

15 Piloting Math Materials
Materials do not need to be on the CA Math Adoption list, as long as you follow a rigorous plan with comprehensive input from teachers. Google Doc spreadsheet – continue adding information What has your district/school done with regard to piloting and adopting new materials? Create a “Tweet” (120 characters) Put it on your district/school poster

16 Next Steps Please leave your poster for compilation and sharing
Complete and return registration forms for the Math Leadership Network Ensure that the district/school contact information form has been completed and returned Update the pilot/adoption spreadsheet Discussions of these complex issues will continue January 8 – hope to see you and/or your representatives there!

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