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Sect To Cut; Seperate. Bi sect Dis sect In sect In ter sec tion Sec tion Sec tion al Sec tor Tran sect Tri sect Vi vi sec tion.

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Presentation on theme: "Sect To Cut; Seperate. Bi sect Dis sect In sect In ter sec tion Sec tion Sec tion al Sec tor Tran sect Tri sect Vi vi sec tion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sect To Cut; Seperate

2 Bi sect Dis sect In sect In ter sec tion Sec tion Sec tion al Sec tor Tran sect Tri sect Vi vi sec tion

3 Bisect (v): to cut –into two pieces. After I lost the bet, I bisected the dollar in half.

4 Dissect (v): to cut –apart –for investigation. During science class, we got to dissect a slimy squid.

5 Insect (n): an animal –has three separate sections to their bodies. Travis likes to look for insects in the backyard.

6 Intersection (n): a point –where two lines or roads cut across each other. I will meet you at the intersection of San Dimas Ave. and Arrow Hwy at 10:00am.

7 Section (n): a part –Separate of something. I need to study for the science section of my test.

8 Sectional (n): a couch –made of separate sections. We bought a new sectional for our living room this weekend.

9 Sector (n): a part –Separate of a society group, or area. Our sector of the city wanted the woman candidate to win the election.

10 Transect (v): to cut –across something. I will transect the route by going through the field; it will save me 10 minutes.

11 Trisect (v): to cut –into three separate pieces. I wasn’t so hungry, so I took the slice of pizza and trisected it.

12 Vivisection (n): surgery –into a living animal –to study organs, tissues, or diseases. The veterinarian was concerned for the dog and had to perform a vivisection.

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