The Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC) Environmental Summit May 11, 2005 Sieglinde Kinne E2 Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "The Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC) Environmental Summit May 11, 2005 Sieglinde Kinne E2 Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC) Environmental Summit May 11, 2005 Sieglinde Kinne E2 Specialist

2 KPPC’s Services, Core Competencies & Mission  Services üTechnical assistance üOutreach & Training üApplied research  Core competencies are in P2, E2 & Environmental Management Systems (EMS)  Mission: The Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center at the University of Louisville is the Commonwealth's primary resource for technical information and assistance to improve environmental performance. The Center facilitates and promotes the proactive implementation of management systems and technologies to improve the competitiveness of businesses, industries, and other organizations.

3 KPPC’s Services  Outreach & Training üWorkshops, teleconferences, CD/DVD production & manuals üWebsite at  On-site assessments üPollution Prevention (P2) üEnergy Efficiency (E2) üEnvironmental Management System (EMS) ü500+ over last 10 years (including 30 EMS & 45 E2)

4 E2 Program Summary for FY 2000-2003 Conducted 17 energy audits r 47 Total Opportunities: ð Potential Savings >2.17 Million kWh usage & 3,800 kW demand ð Annual Savings = $900,000 ð Implementation Costs = $438,000 ð Overall Average Payback = 6 months

5 Conducted 16 energy audits r 63 Total Opportunities ðPotential Savings >7 Million kWh usage & 13,400 kW demand ðAnnual Savings = $700,000 ðImplementation Costs = $3.2 Million ðOverall Average Payback = 7 Years E2 Program Summary for 2003-2004

6 Conducted 22 energy audits r 143 Total Opportunities ðPotential Savings > 10 Million kWh usage & 19,870 kW demand ð Annual Savings = $600,000 ð Implementation Costs = $4.2 Million ð Overall Average Payback < 7 Years E2 Program Summary for 2004-2005

7 Current E2 Program Features  Four engineers and three engineering co-op students providing E2 services (including Certified Energy Managers and Qualified Specialists for DOE “Save Energy Now” program)  KEEPS: Pilot program to offer energy management program facilitation to school districts  EUP: Working closely with Energy Use Partnership for a Green City in Louisville, Kentucky  Sustainable Buildings: Solar Technology for Kentucky  KREC: Kentucky Rural Energy Consortium  TDI: Technology Diffusion Initiatives


9 KEEPS Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools Four Components:  Energy Management Program - KPPC facilitates a team of district leadership in creation of an energy policy and an energy plan  Energy Education for teachers and students – National Program NEED  Energy Efficiency Training for facilities personnel – Kentucky School Plant Managers Association  On-site Technical Assistance by KPPC A membership fee will be charged to sustain this program.

10 EUP, SB, KREC Energy Use Partnership –  Facilities Managers and Energy Managers from the Louisville Metro Government, University of Louisville, and Jefferson County Public Schools  Jointly setting goals, doing training and awareness campaign Sustainable Buildings  $1.2 Million to increase awareness of cost-effective applications for solar in Kentucky KREC (Ky Rural Energy Consortium)  Funding research in the areas of bio-based and renewable energy

11 Technology Diffusion Partnership with the Illinois Waste Management Resource Center; the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program; the University of Kentucky; and the Kentucky Small Business Environmental Assistance Program  Technologies are often P2/E2  ADD SOME STUFF HERE

12 Case Study: Leggett and Platt, Inc  Plant used an energy intensive paint and paint pre-treat process.  Through one year of follow-through we have watched this area change dramatically in terms of energy and process chemistry.  New pre-treat does not require heated water and needs fewer water changes.  New paint cures at lower temperatures.  Investigating upgrade to paint oven burners.

13 Case Study: Ambrake  Started with installation of 1GPM flow restrictors on 8 plating lines. Savings: $93,000/yr  As part of a P2 technology diffusion project, conductivity controls are being installed on one plating line and one paint line.  While working with company, opportunities for energy savings were identified as well. JIT manufacturing offers opportunities for significant conservation in both areas.  Implementation??

14 KPPC Contact Info Sieglinde Kinne ………… Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC) 420 Lutz Hall University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40292 Phone: (502) 852-0965 Fax: (502) 852-0964 Web Site: ?

15 KREC’s Vision Statement Support, coordinate, promote and advance research, development, and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, practices and outreach activities of importance to Kentucky agriculture, rural communities and related industries. Work to build public-private partnerships that support Kentucky’s communities through the wise use of energy.

16 What are KPPC’s Roles for KREC?  Coordinate Consortium activities: Overall responsibility for implementing the Kentucky Rural Energy Supply Program Oversight of the program tasks, milestones, deliverables & performance metrics Serving as a clearinghouse to exchange stakeholder knowledge, programs & ongoing activities Identifying technical assistance, technology diffusion & outreach capabilities (E2 Audits) Coordinate collaborative efforts for REEE grants & loans

17 KPPC Energy Audits & Cost Savings Audits Dollars

18 Project Descriptions

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