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Troubleshooting Training Course.  Visual and General Test  Perform System Test (Mode  Perform System Test)  Identify The Error  If you need Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Troubleshooting Training Course.  Visual and General Test  Perform System Test (Mode  Perform System Test)  Identify The Error  If you need Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troubleshooting Training Course

2  Visual and General Test  Perform System Test (Mode  Perform System Test)  Identify The Error  If you need Technical support write down the results of this test before you contact technical support

3  Automatic Error Detection  Automatic and manual self test that test all errors and can locate the exact phase and group of the fault.

4  E3– Unable to Connect Capacitor Group  E5- Misfiring  E6- Network Synchronization  E7- Over Temperature  E10-Resonance

5  Errors that do not disable the system completely will be indicated in the upper section of the controller screen and will indicate to which group the error is associated.

6  Errors that disable all of the system operation will be displayed on the main section of the controller screen.

7  Unable to connect Error  Monitored Signals: X (reactance) of the connected capacitor(s), on all three phases.  Averaging/Delay: 8 consecutive network cycles of exceeding the limit.  Limits: 10% from nominal value.  What action is taken: The particular group is disconnected and disabled.  Error Reset: Automatically (see below) or manually by activating self test.  Automatic Reset Delay: The system repeats the self test on defective groups only, after 1 minute. If the same groups are detected faulty again, the test repeats after 2 minutes and the interval is doubled each test until maximum 10 repeats (with delay of 512 minutes = 8.5 hours). If the result of each test is not identical to the previous one – the repeat interval is set back to 1 minute.

8  Find Errors and Locate the source of the fault (group and phase )  Mode  Perform System Test Mode of Operation Menu Measuring Screen

9 Group Test Report Screen Group Details Screen - Group OK Group Details Screen - Group with Error 3 Background Readings

10 controller Switching Module Firing Fuse Bus bars Fuse Power Supply

11  Led Tester  Firing signals are the signals that the controller sends to the Switching modules in order to open the Thyristors

12  Misfiring  Monitored Signals: THD of capacitor current in the first two phases.  Averaging/Delay: 2 consecutive network cycles of exceeding the limit.  Limits: 300%.  What action is taken: The particular group is disconnected and disabled. If detected during normal operation – self test is activated.  Error Reset: Automatically (see below) or manually by activating self test.  Automatic Reset Delay: The system repeats the self test on defective groups only after 1 minute. If the same groups are detected faulty again, the test repeats after 2 minutes and the interval is doubled each test until maximum 10 repeats (with delay of 512 minutes = 8.5 hours). If the result of each test is not identical to the previous one – the repeat interval is set to 1 minute.

13  Test all the relevant firing cables and connectors disconnect and reconnect the connectors and test the system again.  Disable E5 and test if the system works properly now, test the Thd of the network if it is very high maybe the E5 should be disabled.  If this is not the case the controller firing card or the SWM firing card are the next suspects.  Sometimes because of E3 in one phase E5 can be detected but the cause is E3, reactors shortcut can also cause E5.

14  Network synchronization  Monitored Signals: L1-L2 Voltage (in three phase system).  Averaging/Delay: 500 consecutive network cycles of internal PLL synchronization error.  Limits: Internal PLL failed to synchronize to signal.  What action is taken: System disconnects.  Error Reset: Automatically.  Automatic Reset Delay: 250 consecutive network cycles of error-free PLL operation.

15  Test the voltage in L1- L2 terminals of the controller (with a multimeter) a valid voltage signal Should be detected.  If a valid voltage is not detected make sure that the controller will receive the signal.  If there is a valid voltage in the terminals the controller should be checked.

16  Over Temperature  Monitored Signals: External Thermostats.  Averaging/Delay: Immediate.  Limits: Depends on external thermostats.  What action is taken: System disconnects.  Error Reset: Automatically.  Automatic Reset Delay: Immediate.

17  55° Thermostat Activates an Deactivate the SWM Fan  85°C and 120°C Thermostats Deactivate the whole System controller Switching Module 55°C Thermostat 85°C N.O Thermostat 120°C N.C Thermostats Reactors

18  Resonance  Monitored Signals: Mains and Load current, on all three phases and 63 harmonics.  Averaging/Delay: 10 consecutive network cycles of exceeding the limit, counted for each phase and harmony separately.  Limits: I MAIN -I LOAD >X%*I CAP(NOMINAL). X% is 50% for normal limit and 30% for sensitive limit.  What action is taken: System disconnects.  Error Reset: Automatically.  Automatic Reset Delay: The system disconnects for 10 seconds for first occurrence and doubles the time for each occurrence happened within 20 seconds from the end of previous disconnection, until a maximum of 3000 seconds.

19  Measurements must be performed and analyzed to understand the source of resonance.

20  Menu  System Setup  Site Installation  Modify The Above  Next few times  in Error Detection screen chose Customize  disable the needed Errors

21  L C M – Load Caps Mains  What is it used for? To see if the system is connected and measuring correctly.  Menu  L C M Combined  Total KVAr Meters  Mode  Manual insert one group manually  Expected results after inserting the group:  Load should not change  Caps should show the expected KVAr from this group  Mains should show the former value minus the Caps Value

22  Test that the measured currents match the expected currents

23  Menu  System Information  Events  The Events log, saves all system events, Errors, changes in status changes in setup, power losses, etc… And the time and date of these events.  The Events log can help us understand the source of a problem  The Events log can be downloaded into a computer

24  The controller needs to have a communication Card, if there is no communication card use the Service Card  The communication protocol is RS-485 Com to RS485 AdapterPCMCI to RS485 AdapterService Card

25  Tools  Led tester  Service card  Laptop Computer  Communication Adapter for the Laptop  Multimeter  Current clamp  Fuse for the Switching module  Fuse for control module  Power Fuse  Optional: firing cards, switching module, Capacitors

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