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Some LaTeX features By Andreas Grondoudis 1. Contents This week we'll look at some TeX features Before specifics – Already uploaded on my website; the.

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Presentation on theme: "Some LaTeX features By Andreas Grondoudis 1. Contents This week we'll look at some TeX features Before specifics – Already uploaded on my website; the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some LaTeX features By Andreas Grondoudis 1

2 Contents This week we'll look at some TeX features Before specifics – Already uploaded on my website; the PDF version of : So this week – Inserting and aligning images – Inserting urls – Inserting citations and creating a list of references 2

3 3 {\LaTeX}

4 As you can see Latex has more feature than any one person can know and learn by heart It is the most complete, document management and preparation system It is the choice of academia Most of the times (just like any other application) we learn what we want to use So this session – Inserting images – Inserting URLs – Citations and references 4

5 Basics – document with graphics Step 1 – create a new document Step 2 – use the wizard for a 'Quick Start' Step 3 – remember to tick the 'graphiccx Package' and click OK 5

6 So we have Assuming we have an image ready Step 4 – Use LaTeX and select includegraphics(file) Step 5 select, customise and click ok 6

7 So we got 7 Here is the image we use and the whole page 'default' result Or we can use scale and instead of 1 go to.25-times or 3- times as big

8 placement The [hbtp] – The h is for here – The b is for bottom – The t is for top – The p is for page Lets add some text and manipulate to see the results 8

9 So what will it look like? 9

10 The alignment If we don't tick 'center' which inserts \centering Or \begin{flushleft} … \end{flushleft} Same as \raggedright Or \begin{flushright} … \end{flushright} Or use \raggedleft Notes: – Yes they are vise versa – Not much we can do about the caption (as it is now) Packages: wrapfig; floatfl; picins – The above (ragged) commands will have effect until another command or the end of a markup section } 10

11 Inserting URL Need to insert – \usepackage{url} or \usepackage{hyperref} Both will allow a url address to be entered Only with using the second one will make the link clickable Notes: – Both will use equispaced (/code) font – The clickable will have a border around it To make it look number normal text (while still being a link) – \urlstyle{same} To remove the border – \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 0}} Or 4 0s if 3 don’t work 11

12 12 \usepackage{url}

13 \usepackage{hyperref} 13

14 Hiding the border & looking the same 14

15 References Very important for academic writing. There are more than one way and system of writing and using references. A wiki book is available available Embedded listing: – easy, using numbered references Separate.bib file: – a little bit more work, using a separate file 15

16 Embedded listing Just before the end of the document Use the \begin{thebibliography}.. \end{thebibliogaphy} environment Then list all items used using the \bibitem – \begin{thebibliogaphy} \bibitem{familiar_name} – author, title, year, pages (what we talk about) \bibitem{another_familiar_name} – author, title, year, pages (what we talk about) …. – \end{thebibliography} 16

17 Embedded listing - citing After you have created the bibliography the document can refer to anything in the bibliography with the {familiar_name} Just use \cite{familiar_name} and the citation will be created Creates automatic numbering Inserts a hyperlink cross-referencing the number with the list of references at the bottom of the document – To hide the box from around the link use \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 0}} 17

18 18

19 The end result 19

20 Separate.bib file In addition to the.tex file you must create a.bib file which will include your references The.bib file is a text file that you can create in TexMaker using the Bibliography menubar item For every element on that you are given placeholders for the information Checkout the example on the next page 20

21 The.bib file Pulled own – Master – PhD – Book All you have to do is to go in the {} and simply complete the appropriate detail. Note the first of every entry is where you insert the familiar_name 21

22 Here is the file from my example The file is called 7_source.bib 22

23 Now that we have the.bib file We let the.tex source file know what it will use it. Achieved with two commands at the end The first one is the style of the references The second is the source file (the.bib file without the extension) – If you want to use more than one you can, separate them by commas (but no space after each comma) 23

24 \bibliographystyle {x} 24

25 Citations Citations is the text inside the text that will refer to a name of one of the reference.. So as before Just use \cite{familiar_name} and the citation will be created Creates automatic numbering (when plain is used) Inserts a hyperlink cross-referencing the number with the list of references at the bottom of the document – To hide the box from around the link use \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 0}} 25

26 The.tex file We are not done yet… Have to process.tex, then the.bib, and then the.tex again (and possibly again) 26

27 In order to biblio to work Multiple processing is required First press F1 to quick build – You might get some prompts mentioning that some references are unused Then press F11 (Tools  BibTex) – This makes the bibliography and you get an output to confirm – Note, you might get mistakes, read them and correct them After that you have to F1 one (or maybe more times) to update the pdf 27

28 The end result 28

29 \bibliographystyle{alpha} At F1 – It does NOT change At F11 – The.aux file is changed At F1 At the next F1, no output 29

30 The end result ({alpha}) Obviously a year 2000 does not look good – Use authordate1 instead 30

31 This week’s summary Just mentioned the categories in which LaTeX can be used (and there are many) So we looked at only some specifics – Looked at inserting images – Looked at inserting URLs – Looked at creating references and citations 31

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