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Richard Johnson Goal Designs Inc. Minnesota Web Design Meetup – April 15, 2013 Slides available:

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1 Richard Johnson Goal Designs Inc. Minnesota Web Design Meetup – April 15, 2013 Slides available:

2  Web designed for documents  Server creates pages / browser displays  Data input sent to and processed by the server  Updated pages created on the server and resent

3 Name: <?php echo " Hello ".$HTTP_POST_VARS["yourName"]."! "; ?> Name: <?php echo " Hello ".$HTTP_POST_VARS["yourName"]."! "; ?>

4  Interactive client-side web  Collect input from user  Update display  Communicate with server  Client-side processing enabled by  JavaScript  DOM manipulation  HTTP server messaging

5 $(function() { $("#yourName").keyup(function () { $("#helloName").text("Hello " + this.value + "!"); }); Name: $(function() { $("#yourName").keyup(function () { $("#helloName").text("Hello " + this.value + "!"); }); Name:

6  Simplifies event binding and DOM manipulation  Common API across multiple browsers  Supports plug-in modules to extend functionality  Requires writing JavaScript code to wire

7  Follow good programming practices  Separate: data / display / processing  Simplify connecting data to display  Let us focus on the technologies of the web  HTML  CSS  JavaScript

8 <script src=" angularjs/1.0.6/angular.min.js"> Name: Hello {{yourName}}! <script src=" angularjs/1.0.6/angular.min.js"> Name: Hello {{yourName}}!

9  Compare jQuery imperative wiring  to AngularJS declarative relationships Hello {{yourName}}! Hello {{yourName}}! $(function() { $("#yourName").keyup(function () { $("#helloName").text("Hello " + this.value + "!"); }); $(function() { $("#yourName").keyup(function () { $("#helloName").text("Hello " + this.value + "!"); });

10  jQuery abstracts browser functionality  e.g. DOM traversal, event binding  AngularJS abstracts relationships (and more)  Note: AngularJS, and all web apps, are built on browser functionality

11  HTML is a declarative document language  Browser translates HTML into a Document Object Model (DOM)  DOM is the browser’s in-memory document representation  JavaScript can manipulate the DOM

12  Browsers send a document (i.e. DOM) ready event  AngularJS can intercede and rewrite the DOM  The rewrite is driven by markup in the DOM

13  Software architectural pattern  Separates display from data  Originated with Smalltalk programmers  From work at Xerox PARC in the late 70’swork at Xerox PARC  Models represent knowledge  Views provide a (visual) representation of attached model data  Controllers connect to and control views and models

14  Different variations of the pattern  Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)  Model-View-Presenter (MVP)  Variations differ on…  … connectivity  … cardinality  … directionality

15 “MVC vs MVVM vs MVP. What a controversial topic that many developers can spend hours and hours debating and arguing about. For several years AngularJS was closer to MVC (or rather one of its client- side variants), but over time and thanks to many refactorings and api improvements, it's now closer to MVVM – the $scope object could be considered the ViewModel that is being decorated by a function that we call a Controller. … I hereby declare AngularJS to be MVW framework - Model-View- Whatever. …” Igor Minar – Google AngularJS Development Team

16  Backbone.js Backbone.js  Ember.js Ember.js  Knockout Knockout  Others  Summary from 2012 Throne of JS conference2012 Throne of JS conference

17  Library (Backbone and Knockout)  passive functionality  invoked by the application  Framework (Ember)  provides application architecture  handles common requirements  invokes application code  AngularJS is closer to a framework


19  *I ported my Backbone application to angular. The Code size went down from 5k lines of code to guess what? 750 lines. Not just that.. The code is much cleaner.. Earlier, there was a huge technical debt attached to this implementation in backbone.. Each time I had to sit with it. It took me quite a while to understand all the hooks and how the individual models and classes and views interacted together....Now its a breeze.. * 

20  Working with AJAX in mid-2011  XML for data  XSLT to map XML data to HTML  Considered changing to JSON  Found a link to AngularJS (alpha)

21  AngularJS website:  Examples are live  Phonecat tutorial is worthwhile  My “goto” sources:  Developer guide  API reference

22  Load AngularJS <script src=" angularjs/1.0.6/angular.min.js">  Bootstrap  Declare relationships ng-model="yourName” {{yourName}}

23  One created with each controller  Prototypically inherits from parent  AngularJS has a root scope  Can create isolated scopes (e.g. in directive)



26  Automatic propagation of data changes  Model is single source of truth  Digest cycle

27  Contains the code behind the view  Try to keep lightweight

28  Added to a WordPress site  Custom theme  Page templates with shortcodes  Built summer 2012 (just as AngularJS 1.0 shipped)  Created order form and product location pagesorder form product location Note – it’s a live site (and good wine )  Too much code in the controller - modularize

29  Provides declarative form validation  Input fields declared as: required, email  Form has flags for: $valid, $dirty  Usable as a standalone validation library

30  Directives enhance HTML  Custom element name or attribute (also class and comment)  AngularJS provides over 50  form – element directive  ng-repeat – attribute directive (it’s amazing!) ng-repeat

31  Declarative way to  format displayed data format  filter and sort data arrays filter sort

32  Software architectural components  Services provide data and compute  Exist across views  Depend on other services  AngularJS has 20+  $http – service to communicate with servers $http

33  $http service  Input config object  Returns promise  Communication is asynchronous $http({method: ‘GET’, url: fetchUrl}).success(function(data, status) { // process the data here }).error(function(data, status) { // error handling }); $http({method: ‘GET’, url: fetchUrl}).success(function(data, status) { // process the data here }).error(function(data, status) { // error handling });

34  Promises represent result of an action Promises  Particularly used with asynchronous actions  They are either resolved or rejected

35  DI is a software architectural pattern  Separation of concerns  Service creation independent from usage  Good for  Modular code  Allows AngularJS to wire in correct order  Supports substitution (for patching and testing)

36  Services identified by parameter name  Minification obfuscates the name  Pass names as strings in array angular.module('GoaleryServices').factory('StatusManager', [ 'CloudLogin', '$q', function (cloudLogin, $q) { … angular.module('GoaleryServices').factory('StatusManager', [ 'CloudLogin', '$q', function (cloudLogin, $q) { …

37  Prototype-based scripting language  Dynamic, weakly typed, first-class functions  Great JavaScript book:  Crockford (2008) JavaScript: The Good Parts – O’Reilly

38  JavaScript doesn’t have a compiler  Must execute code to test  Testability was a fundamental objective of AngularJS  Miško Hevery (AngularJS creator)  Previously created JsTestDriver

39  Unit testing support Unit testing  JsTestDriver  Jasmine  DI allows substituting mocks for hard to test code  Server communication  Logging  Angular Scenario Runner – E2E testingE2E testing  Simulates user interations

40  Single web page  Loads the base HTML and included sources once  App changes views dynamically  Server is called upon when needed  Prefer using asynchronous server calls  Data changes  Fetch more data

41  Declarative view specification  HTML augmented with:  Directives, Markup, Filter, Form Controls  Loaded either  with a simple single web page  dynamically into a view as partialsview

42  Define the mapping from URL to view  Can also bind controller  Define URL parameters $routeProvider.when('/Book/:bookId', { templateUrl: 'book.html', controller: BookCntl }); $routeProvider.when('/Book/:bookId/ch/:chapterId', { templateUrl: 'chapter.html', controller: ChapterCntl }); $routeProvider.when('/Book/:bookId', { templateUrl: 'book.html', controller: BookCntl }); $routeProvider.when('/Book/:bookId/ch/:chapterId', { templateUrl: 'chapter.html', controller: ChapterCntl });

43  AngularJS navigation updates the browser address bar  Uses the HTML5 history API – fallback to hash-bang (#!) URL  Users can link to pages in you app  Server must recognize the link pattern and serve the application

44  Directives package reusable HTML Directives  Naming nuance: “myDir” becomes “my-dir”  Conceptual compile and link phases  Can specify: scope, binding, restrictions, etc  Supports transclusion  Consider creating a custom DSL

45  Packaging of JavaScript code  Modules declare dependencies Modules  AngularJS instantiates in correct order  Provides separation of namespaces

46  Open source – MIT License  Built by Google and community  1.0 released June 2012  1.0.6 current (April 2013) 

47  AngularJS 1.0.X are considered stable production releases  Contains bug fixes and documentation updates  AngularJS 1.1.X is unstable development  Next stable feature release will be 1.2.X  Available on the Google CDN  ar.js ar.js  Both full source and minified (angular.min.js)

48  AngularJS includes a jQuery “lite”  Provides the minimal features directly used  Including jQuery will be used instead  Note – jQuery must be included before AngularJS

49  Chrome  Internet Explorer 9+ (others see next slide)  Firefox  Safari  Opera  mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari)

50  IE 8 is officially supported and tested  Declare custom element tags  Routing uses #! mode (IE9 also has no HTML 5 history)  A few other XML namespace declarations  See  IE 6 & 7 support is possible “in theory”  Google doesn’t test these versions  < 1% of U.S. browsers (March 2013)

51  Chrome debugger plugin  Jasmine testing framework plugin

52  AngularJS UI –  Compilation of several projects ▪ AngularJS UI – calendar, date, map, if ▪ UI Bootstrap – Twitter bootstrap components ▪ ng-grid – data grid ▪ UI-Router – enhanced routing with UI states  AngularStrap - strap/ strap/

53  Blog – official announcments Blog  Forums – support Forums  JSFiddle Examples JSFiddle Examples  Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet

54  AngularJS (April 29, 2013) Green & Seshadri – O’Reilly  AngularJS in Action (Fall 2013) Ford & Ruebbelke– Manning

55  Coding in Angular   Front-end Masters Front-end Masters  AngularJS &Testability – Misko Hevery  Javascript the Good Parts – Douglas Crockford

56  Animation support  More flexible (and faster) ngRepeat directive  Powerful promise-based http request interceptors  Dynamically generated directive templates  Initial batch of mobile/touch support

57  “What a web browser would have been had it been designed for web applications”  - Miško Hevery  Upcoming AngularJS presentation  Google Developer Group – Twin Cities  May 1, 2013 at CoCo May 1, 2013 at CoCo

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