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The Index for Inclusion. Why have an Index Forum? Purpose To offer regular opportunities to discuss school improvement with other neighbouring schools,

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Presentation on theme: "The Index for Inclusion. Why have an Index Forum? Purpose To offer regular opportunities to discuss school improvement with other neighbouring schools,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Index for Inclusion

2 Why have an Index Forum? Purpose To offer regular opportunities to discuss school improvement with other neighbouring schools, using the shared language of the index for inclusion.

3 A value based approach “ Values are fundamental guides and prompts to action. They spur us forward, give us a sense of direction and define a destination. …To act responsibly in education we have to relate what we do to our values.”

4 What’s the Index for Inclusion? Values based approach to school improvement Promotes conversations with pupils, parents/carers, governors and all staff Self evaluation based on an explicit values framework Explores policy, practice and culture within school

5 Index for Inclusion: Dimensions of Educational Development Creating inclusive CULTURES Producing inclusive POLICIES Evolving inclusive PRACTICES

6 Inclusive Values “Inclusion is about increasing participation for all children and adults. It is about supporting schools to become more responsive to the diversity of children’s backgrounds, interests, experience, knowledge and skills” “The most important perspective on inclusion involves putting particular values into action in education and society. Inclusion then forms a coherent approach to educational and social development. It is a commitment to particular values which accounts for a wish to overcome exclusion and promote inclusion.”

7 A values based Framework Using the Values on the cards: – What do these values mean to you? – How would these values been seen in your school? – What does adopting this value mean to your school?

8 Finding your way around Start on Pages 176-177. Have a look through the indicators and complete using the pencil. An indicator is an aspiration for development Its meaning is clarified by challenging questions How can these indicators be used?

9 Moving Forward Consider ways in which the Index might encourage engagement with priorities that have not previously featured in the school improvement plan. Values? Alliances? Curriculum? Participation?

10 Ideas for use of the Index The questionnaires on pages 178-182 can be used to collect views of stakeholders and to provide evidence to support statements about what needs to happen and what has improved. (You may not wish to use all the questions on a questionnaire – use the document on the disc at the back of the book to edit according to your interests.) Ask the school council, governors, parent groups to use aspects of the index to find out information and bring it back to the index group. (It is not more work for 1 person, but rather a tool to help lots of people.)

11 The Index and Ofsted Direct relevance for targeting actions in relation to Ofsted judgements or anticipated judgements. Evidence base the triangulation of parent/carer, pupil, governor and staff views. It is a self evaluation and development framework. The indicators can be mapped against the 4 Ofsted judgements and overall effectiveness.

12 Achievement of Pupils Rapid and sustained progress over time C2:4, C2:9 Application of wide range of skills in reading, writing, communication and mathematics C1:10, C1:11 Development of understanding C2:3, C2:5 Well prepared for their next stage B1:9, C1:12

13 Quality of Teaching Promotion and assessment of learning C2:7, C2:2 Promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development A2:1, A2:2 Teacher planning, implementation of lessons and homework C2:12, C2:9 Activities within and outside the classroom including additional support C2:11, C2:13 Pupil understanding of their own learning Impact of marking and assessment on learning C2:7, C2:1 High expectations of Teachers A2:5, C2:7

14 Behaviour and Safety Pupil attitudes to learning C2:3, C2:4 Pupil behaviour in different contexts in the school A1:4, B2:6 Exclusions and attendance B2:7, B2:8 Pride in themselves and their school A2:9, B1:11 Bullying B2:9, A1:3 Prevent and tackle discriminatory behaviour A2:7, A2:8 Views expressed by pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors B1:1, A1:5 Pupil understanding and response to risk A2:10, B1:9

15 Leadership and Management Broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs, aptitudes and interest of pupils A1:11, C1:12 Promotion of achievement, good behaviour, successful progression to the next stage B1:9, C2:4 Promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural development A2:1, C1:5 Capacity for improvement B1:2, B1:4 Effectiveness of governors A1:6, B1:1 Help pupils prepare for life in modern democratic Britain and a global society A1:7, A1:8 Partnership working with other schools and the community A1:10, C2:14 Effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements B2:1, A2:10

16 Leadership and Management (cont) Pursuit of excellence evidence base of self evaluation B1:1, A2:1 Satisfaction of pupils and parents/carers A1:5, A1:4 Robust performance management and CPD B1:2, B1 :4

17 Overall Effectiveness Teaching combined with a rich and relevant curriculum contributes to learning and achievement for all B1:8, C2:2 Pupils are fully equipped for their next stage B1:9, C1:12 Highest expectations for and from all A2:5, A1:10 Drive for continuous improvement B1:1, A2:4 Pupils thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community A1:7, A1:1 The indicators listed here, are offered to illustrate the flexibility of this school improvement tool and its relevance to Ofsted.

18 Next Steps… The index is a flexible tool for school improvement. It is NOT something extra. The key is to find your starting point… Ofsted themes? Values? Engagement of school community?

19 Next Steps… Please complete the ‘First Thoughts’ form We want to capture the themes of interest to inform an index network of schools. Norfolk is part of an action research project

20 Background information The index was originally published in 2000 and sent to every school across the country by the then DfES It was sent to schools at the end of July with no covering letter! The index for inclusion has been translated into over 40 languages during the past 12 years It promotes a participatory approach to school improvement as it encourages dialogue within a school community

21 Background information Judith Carter Senior Adviser in Children’s Services was involved with the revisions and 35 Norfolk schools piloted the materials. Questions are written within each indicator to encourage school communities to consider what this would actually ‘look like’ in practice. Clarity of definition of inclusion as ‘participation of all’ ‘developing education settings and systems for all’ and ‘inclusive values into action’.

22 Next Index Forum Meetings Neatherd High School – Wednesday ?? May 2pm – 3.30pm Wymondham High School – Thursday ??? June 2pm – 3.30pm Website – Be great to put up your uses/stories

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