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Early Reform and Progressivism Group 5: Keyerria Howard Sloan O’Dell Rebecca Cromer Will O’Dell.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Reform and Progressivism Group 5: Keyerria Howard Sloan O’Dell Rebecca Cromer Will O’Dell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Reform and Progressivism Group 5: Keyerria Howard Sloan O’Dell Rebecca Cromer Will O’Dell

2 Committee of Ten Established (1892) Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education (1918) 1900 John Dewey and the Progressive Movement (1890-1920) 19201940 Progressive Education Association Formed (1919) Eight Year Study Initiated (1933-1941) Charles Eliot, Harvard President and Chairman of the Committee of Ten John Dewey (1859-1952) noted for his work in the Progressivism Movement Hyman G. Rickover (top) and Arthur Bestor (bottom) were the most notable critics of Progressive Education Timeline of Events

3 Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education  Health  Worthy  Home Membership  Command of Fundamental Academic Skills  Vocation  Citizenship  Worthy use of Leisure Time  Ethical Character

4 Most Influential Educator of 20 th Century Progressivism-movement with which he associated Established famous laboratory school at University of Chicago ( 1896) 1920’s and 1930’s- Progressive Education Movement became more known. John Dewey (left) In the textile room of the Dewey School (right) laboratory classroom of the Dewey School

5 Eight Year Study (1933-1941) 1.Earned a slightly higher GPA 2.Earned higher grades in all fields except foreign language 3.Tended to specialize in the same fields as more traditional students 4.Received slightly more academic honors 5.Were judged to be more objective and more precise thinkers 6.Were judged to possess higher intellectual curiosity and greater drive

6 Importance to Education Today The Civil War had a huge impact on the male students because they were taken out of academic programs to serve in the war. It also highlights the diversity of each student’s learning styles which helped them to succeed in the classroom and recognize their individuality. The Progressivism Approach to teaching allowed for students to learn best as they participated in activities and courses that interested them. Today, students have the choice to serve their country or partake in studies that interest them while in school.

7 References Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (2 nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Ecker, P. 1997, In John Dewey September 5, 2010 Shurgursky, D. 1996, In History of Education September 5, 2010 Picture Credits Photos retrieved from Google Images September 5, 2010

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