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Research & Development ICASSP'2006 - Analysis of Model Adaptation on Non-Native Speech for Multiple Accent Speech Recognition D. Jouvet & K. Bartkova France.

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Presentation on theme: "Research & Development ICASSP'2006 - Analysis of Model Adaptation on Non-Native Speech for Multiple Accent Speech Recognition D. Jouvet & K. Bartkova France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research & Development ICASSP'2006 - Analysis of Model Adaptation on Non-Native Speech for Multiple Accent Speech Recognition D. Jouvet & K. Bartkova France Télécom - R&D

2 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Overview  Multiple foreign accent speech corpus  Baseline native speech modeling and results  Modeling non-native speech variants Phonological rules Units trained on foreign data Selection of variants  Adaptation on non-native speech On all types of foreign accents Only on subsets of foreign accents  Conclusion

3 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Multiple Foreign Accent Speech Corpus  83 French words and expressions collected over telephone Cluster Language groupTest set Originating countries (24 in total) French 94 speakers France, Belgium, Switzerland, … EsEnDe Spanish35 speakers Spain English96 speakers USA, UK, Ireland, … German113 speakers Germany, Austria Other Italian56 speakers Italy Portuguese17 speakers Portugal African50 speakers Senegal, Congo, Mali, … Arabic53 speakers Algeria, Tunisia, Marocco Turkish53 speakers Turkey Cambodian48 speakers Cambodia Asian69 speakersChina, Vietnam

4 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Baseline Modeling and Results Using Native Speech Models  Modeling : MFCC, HMM, Gaussian mixtures, Context-dependent models  Baseline M1.A1: native French acoustic units only (model M1) trained on large French data speech corpus (acoustic parameters A1)  Large dispersion of recognition performances across speaker language groups (error rates: 6% for German speakers … 12% for English & Spanish speakers)

5 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Modeling Non-Native Speech Variants Variants Derived through Phonological Rules  Vowels apertures  open / close allowed:e ⇨ (e + ɛ )  Possible denasalization of nasal sounds: ɛ ̃ ⇨ ( ɛ ̃ + ɛ N), where N = n, m or ŋ  Difficulty to pronounce front rounded vowel /y/ ( ⇨ /u/) & semi-vowel /Y/ ( ⇨ /w/)  Application of rules  Model M2  Significant improvement for many language groups (not all), but overall better

6 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Modeling Non-Native Speech Variants Adding Units Trained on Foreign Data Foreign standard units  Standard training e.g. German units trained from German words uttered by German speakers: φ_de_DE  For each French units, corresponding foreign units are added for recognition French units adapted on foreign data  Mapping between French and foreign units for training, for example Paris_uk  p_uk. a_uk. r_uk. i_uk. s_uk  p_fr. a_fr. r_fr. i_fr. s_fr  Hence, here, French units adapted on English speech material: φ_fr_UK e_sp_SP e_fr_FR e_uk_UK e_de_DE e_fr_SP e_fr_FR e_fr_UK e_fr_DE  Model M3  Model M4

7 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Modeling Non-Native Speech Variants Adding Units Trained on Foreign Data  Adding "standard foreign units" vs "French units adapted on foreign data"  Better results are obtained when adding French units adapted on foreign data Improvement on non-native speech Even for languages that do not correspond to added units

8 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Modeling Non-Native Speech Variants Adding a Selection of Foreign Adapted Units  Instead of keeping all variants (units) added for each phoneme, only the most frequently ones are kept (model M5) (statistics using force alignments on adaptation set)  Degradation performances (due to added units) on French speakers smaller  Improvement on language groups associated to added units smaller  Better results on other language groups

9 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Adaptation on Non-native Speech  Adaptation set: about same size as test set Exhibits similar non-native accents (same countries) Generic models M1.A1 & M2.A1 French native units without / with phonological rules Generic model M3.A1 French native units & standard foreign units Generic models M4.A1 & M5.A1 French native units & French units adapted on foreign data Accent adapted models M1.A5 & M2.A5 Accent adapted model M3.A5 Accent adapted models M4.A5 & M5.A5 Non-native speech adaptation corpus French words pronunced by foreign speakers, …

10 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Adaptation on Non-native Speech Adaptation using all Types of Accents  Behavior of various modeling variants after all accents adaptation is similar to the behavior obtained with generic models

11 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Adaptation on Non-native Speech Impact of Types of Accents (1)  Experiments using the best model (model M5)  Reference results with generic parameters (model M5.A1)  Adaptation using data from French speakers only ( model M5.A2 ) corresponds task and context adaptation  Adaptation using data from limited set of accents: Spanish, English and German speakers only (model M5.A3)  Adaptation using data from other types of accents: Italian, Portuguese, … and Asian speakers only (model M5.A4)  And results after adaptation using all types of accents (model M5.A5)

12 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Adaptation on Non-native Speech Impact of Types of Accents (2)  Adaptation on French speakers only ( M5.A2 ) improves on almost all accented data  Best results obtained with adaptation on all types of accents ( M5.A5 )

13 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Adaptation on Non-native Speech Impact of Types of Accents (3)  After adaptation on only a few types of accents: Es, En, De ( i.e. model M5.A3 ) Large improvement achieved on all accented data including on accents that are not present in adaptation set

14 Research & Development Multilingual Units for Modeling Pronunciation Variants – ICASSP'2006 - Conclusion  Non-native speech recognition takes benefit of variants Application of phonological rules and introduction of units trained on foreign data Selection of variants is beneficial  Adaptation on non-native speech provides important improvement for each type of modeling, and variants are still useful  Adaptation on speech data representing a limited set of foreign accents is also beneficial for other types of accents

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