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OR-PR 156 Fabricate a Velcro Closure for an AFO. Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Measure proximal M-L of AFO  Multiply this measurement x2  Add 4” to.

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Presentation on theme: "OR-PR 156 Fabricate a Velcro Closure for an AFO. Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Measure proximal M-L of AFO  Multiply this measurement x2  Add 4” to."— Presentation transcript:

1 OR-PR 156 Fabricate a Velcro Closure for an AFO

2 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Measure proximal M-L of AFO  Multiply this measurement x2  Add 4” to the result M-L Formula (M-L x 2) + 4

3 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Measure proximal M-L of AFO  Multiply this measurement x2  For a metal AFO, add 2” Formula (M-L x 2) + 2 M-L

4 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Cut out 1 ½” wide Dacron strap to length previously determined (M-L of AFO X2)+x” 1 ½”

5 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Cut out 1 ½” wide Dacron strap to length previously determined  Measure in ¾” from each end ¾”

6 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Cut out 1 ½” wide Dacron strap to length previously determined  Measure in ¾” from each end  Fold ends over

7 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Measure and mark ½ strap length  Cut out a strip of velcro loop ½ strap length + ¾”  Cut out a strip of velcro hook ½ strap length - 1” LoopHook ½ strap length ½ strap length + ¾” ½ strap length - 1”

8 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Place velcro loop over Dacron strap as shown  Place velcro hook on strap, overlapping pile 1/8” and leaving a 3/8” exposed Dacron tab 3/8” 1/8”

9 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Sew the velcro to the Dacron strip in the direction shown (red arrows denote backstitching over existing stitching)

10 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  Sew the velcro to the Dacron strip in the direction shown (red arrows denote backstitching over existing stitching)  Punch 2 holes for speedy rivets through pile end of strap 3/8”-1/2” in as shown

11 Fabricating the Velcro Strap  The strap is now finished  The billet is next

12 Fabricating the Billet  Cut out 1 ½” wide Dacron strap 3 ½” long  Select a 1 ½” rectangular metal loop

13 Fabricating the Billet  Slip Dacron strap through loop and fold back on itself 1”

14 Fabricating the Billet  Fold remaining end over  Sew around edges of billet  Punch 2 holes for speedy rivets

15 Fabricating the Billet  Turn the billet over and it’s completed  The next item to be made is the pad

16 Fabricating the Pad  Measure proximal anterior opening of AFO width

17 Fabricating the Pad  Measure proximal anterior opening of AFO  Cut out a ⅛” thick felt rectangle 2 ¾” wide and the length previously measured 2 ¾” AFO opening width

18 Fabricating the Pad  Cut out a Naughahyde rectangle ⅜” smaller than felt in both width and length  Miter the corners slightly

19 Fabricating the Pad  Center and place Naughahyde on top of felt

20 Fabricating the Pad  Sew around perimeter of Naughahyde ⅛” from edges  Miter felt pad corners slightly

21 Fabricating the Pad  Measure in ½” from both top and bottom of pad and ⅝” in from both ends and mark  Measure in ½” from these marks and remark ½” ⅝” ½” ⅝”

22 Fabricating the Pad  Cut through Naughahyde only from mark to mark (do not cut into felt!)

23 Fabricating the Pad  Cut through Naughahyde only from mark to mark (do not cut into felt!)  Slip strap through slots

24 Fabricating the Pad  Your velcro strap project is now complete


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