IPv6: Application perspective Zaid Ali Chairman/President SFBAY ISOC www.sfbayisoc.org.

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Presentation on theme: "IPv6: Application perspective Zaid Ali Chairman/President SFBAY ISOC www.sfbayisoc.org."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPv6: Application perspective Zaid Ali Chairman/President SFBAY ISOC www.sfbayisoc.org

2 About SFBAY ISOC Founded Feb 2009 to support ISOC mission ISOC (founded 1992) – Internet is for everyone – More than 80 chapters around the world – 44 thousand individual members – Individuals who want to influence the future of the Internet – Org home for IETF & IAB.

3 SFBAY ISOC Initiatives Broadband technology program (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) IPv6 technology Trust/identity initiative Open Standards Cyber crime Distance Education Silicon Valley corporate involvement gTLD INET IPv6 Panel 2010 http://www.sfbayisoc.org/join

4 The IPv4 and IPv6 world Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) – First developed for the original ARPANET in 1978 – Deployed globally with organic growth of the Internet as an experiment – Total of 4 billion IP addresses available (2 32 ) – Well entrenched and used by every ISP and hosting company to connect customers to the Internet – Allocated based on documented need Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) – Design started in 1993 when IETF forecasts showed IPv4 depletion between 2010 and 2017 – Completed, tested, and available for production since 1999 – Total of 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IP addresses available (2 128 ). – Used and managed similar to IPv4

5 IPv4 Utilization * as of 3 February 2011 (courtesy of ARIN)

6 The /8 landscape courtesy of ARIN

7 Each RIR received its last /8 from IANA on 3 February 2011. The IANA free pool of IPv4 addresses has reached 0%. While each RIR currently has IPv4 addresses to allocate, it is impossible to predict when each RIR will run out. As of today ARIN has roughly 5 /8 available. IPv4: The situation room

8 IPv6: The situation room courtesy of APNIC

9 IPv6: The network growth courtesy of RIPE: http://v6asns.ripe.net/v/6

10 IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables

11 Do you have a plan? SaaS/Applications – Ready??

12 How does IPv6 readiness impact my business? Do I have my key technical staff trained? How do I get there? SaaS/Applications – Basic questions

13 Start with a simple plan! Setup a Tunnel broker. Implement IPv6 on your LAN. Learn from it! Push your transit providers – Tunnel if need be! Put 1 web server – experiment traffic with AAAA. Start to slowly turn on v6 in application stack. Bring Name Server to v6. Configure BGP/OSPF etc. SaaS/Applications – Formulate a plan

14 Cost!!! – Equipment – Staff training – Losing out to competitors (Mobile explosion) – Poor performance over time with NAT alternatives – Business continuity Consequences of waiting

15 World IPv6 Day June 8 th 2011 – Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai, Limelight, Meebo, Mozilla, Juniper etc 24 hour test flight. http://isoc.org/wp/worldipv6day/

16 Quite behind – Load balancers/Content switches – Lack of dual stack support – IPv6 support mostly in software – Must do IPv6 in Hardware (ASIC, L3 TCAM) – CPE upgrade/changed – Opportunity to pack new features and differentiate – Vendors need to drive IPv6 innovation, not wait for customer demand! Vendors

17 Thank You

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