Spectrometer Solenoid Update Steve Virostek - LBNL MICE VC 150 August 23, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Spectrometer Solenoid Update Steve Virostek - LBNL MICE VC 150 August 23, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectrometer Solenoid Update Steve Virostek - LBNL MICE VC 150 August 23, 2012

2 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 2 -- 2 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL TopicsTopics Summary of initial magnet training Summary of initial magnet training Burned out HTS lead Burned out HTS lead Second series of magnet training Second series of magnet training Schedule Schedule Summary of initial magnet training Summary of initial magnet training Burned out HTS lead Burned out HTS lead Second series of magnet training Second series of magnet training Schedule Schedule

3 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 3 -- 3 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL Initial Magnet Training First magnet cooldown completed on 5/25/12 First magnet cooldown completed on 5/25/12 Excess cooling capacity found to be >3 W Excess cooling capacity found to be >3 W Start of training delayed by helium shortage Start of training delayed by helium shortage LHe issue solved with help from Fermilab LHe issue solved with help from Fermilab Seven training runs were carried out between 6/13/12 and 7/3/12 Seven training runs were carried out between 6/13/12 and 7/3/12 Quench currents ranged from 185 A in all coils to 185 A in M1 and 245 A in M2 and E1/C/E2 Quench currents ranged from 185 A in all coils to 185 A in M1 and 245 A in M2 and E1/C/E2 Frequency of runs largely dictated by LHe supply Frequency of runs largely dictated by LHe supply First magnet cooldown completed on 5/25/12 First magnet cooldown completed on 5/25/12 Excess cooling capacity found to be >3 W Excess cooling capacity found to be >3 W Start of training delayed by helium shortage Start of training delayed by helium shortage LHe issue solved with help from Fermilab LHe issue solved with help from Fermilab Seven training runs were carried out between 6/13/12 and 7/3/12 Seven training runs were carried out between 6/13/12 and 7/3/12 Quench currents ranged from 185 A in all coils to 185 A in M1 and 245 A in M2 and E1/C/E2 Quench currents ranged from 185 A in all coils to 185 A in M1 and 245 A in M2 and E1/C/E2 Frequency of runs largely dictated by LHe supply Frequency of runs largely dictated by LHe supply

4 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 4 -- 4 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL Magnet Training (cont’d) Numerous issues have arisen during the training that delayed progress but, for the most part, have been solved Numerous issues have arisen during the training that delayed progress but, for the most part, have been solved These include: LHe supply, level gauges wiring problem, cold mass leaks to atmosphere, inadvertent quench triggered by QP system, circuit breaker trips, power supply stability These include: LHe supply, level gauges wiring problem, cold mass leaks to atmosphere, inadvertent quench triggered by QP system, circuit breaker trips, power supply stability The most severe problem was a burnout of one of the six high-current HTS leads The most severe problem was a burnout of one of the six high-current HTS leads Numerous issues have arisen during the training that delayed progress but, for the most part, have been solved Numerous issues have arisen during the training that delayed progress but, for the most part, have been solved These include: LHe supply, level gauges wiring problem, cold mass leaks to atmosphere, inadvertent quench triggered by QP system, circuit breaker trips, power supply stability These include: LHe supply, level gauges wiring problem, cold mass leaks to atmosphere, inadvertent quench triggered by QP system, circuit breaker trips, power supply stability The most severe problem was a burnout of one of the six high-current HTS leads The most severe problem was a burnout of one of the six high-current HTS leads

5 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 5 -- 5 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL HTS Lead Burnout During the 7/3/12 training run, it was discovered that the ‘E’ HTS lead connected to one of the end coils had burned out During the 7/3/12 training run, it was discovered that the ‘E’ HTS lead connected to one of the end coils had burned out Subsequent review of the test data revealed that the lead had exhibited a constant resistance of ~100  during all of the recent training runs Subsequent review of the test data revealed that the lead had exhibited a constant resistance of ~100  during all of the recent training runs The voltage across the lead had never reached a level sufficient to trip the quench system until it spiked above the 100 mV threshold at 245 A The voltage across the lead had never reached a level sufficient to trip the quench system until it spiked above the 100 mV threshold at 245 A The quenched lead burned out before the system could sufficiently reduce the magnet current The quenched lead burned out before the system could sufficiently reduce the magnet current During the 7/3/12 training run, it was discovered that the ‘E’ HTS lead connected to one of the end coils had burned out During the 7/3/12 training run, it was discovered that the ‘E’ HTS lead connected to one of the end coils had burned out Subsequent review of the test data revealed that the lead had exhibited a constant resistance of ~100  during all of the recent training runs Subsequent review of the test data revealed that the lead had exhibited a constant resistance of ~100  during all of the recent training runs The voltage across the lead had never reached a level sufficient to trip the quench system until it spiked above the 100 mV threshold at 245 A The voltage across the lead had never reached a level sufficient to trip the quench system until it spiked above the 100 mV threshold at 245 A The quenched lead burned out before the system could sufficiently reduce the magnet current The quenched lead burned out before the system could sufficiently reduce the magnet current

6 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 6 -- 6 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL HTS Lead Burnout Top: recently failed lead; middle: previously failed lead; bottom: new lead

7 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 7 -- 7 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL HTS Lead Resistances HTS lead resistances measured over numerous training cycles Failed Lead New Lead 10x better, but worrisome In the noise

8 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 8 -- 8 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL 2 nd Series of Training Runs The magnet was warmed up in order to replace the failed lead thru an access port The magnet was warmed up in order to replace the failed lead thru an access port Pumpout of the insulating vacuum and cooldown completed 8/9/12 Pumpout of the insulating vacuum and cooldown completed 8/9/12 Four training quenches carried out so far: Four training quenches carried out so far: M1=110 A, M2=134A, E1/C/E2=135A M1=110 A, M2=134A, E1/C/E2=135A M1=132 A, M2=163A, E1/C/E2=161A M1=132 A, M2=163A, E1/C/E2=161A M1=141 A, M2=168A, E1/C/E2=169A M1=141 A, M2=168A, E1/C/E2=169A M1=144 A, M2=174A, E1/C/E2=174A M1=144 A, M2=174A, E1/C/E2=174A Another training run to be carried out today Another training run to be carried out today The magnet was warmed up in order to replace the failed lead thru an access port The magnet was warmed up in order to replace the failed lead thru an access port Pumpout of the insulating vacuum and cooldown completed 8/9/12 Pumpout of the insulating vacuum and cooldown completed 8/9/12 Four training quenches carried out so far: Four training quenches carried out so far: M1=110 A, M2=134A, E1/C/E2=135A M1=110 A, M2=134A, E1/C/E2=135A M1=132 A, M2=163A, E1/C/E2=161A M1=132 A, M2=163A, E1/C/E2=161A M1=141 A, M2=168A, E1/C/E2=169A M1=141 A, M2=168A, E1/C/E2=169A M1=144 A, M2=174A, E1/C/E2=174A M1=144 A, M2=174A, E1/C/E2=174A Another training run to be carried out today Another training run to be carried out today

9 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 9 -- 9 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL 2 nd Series of Training Runs The reason for the lower current quenches is not known The reason for the lower current quenches is not known Our analysis of the data suggests that these are normal training quenches that are similar in nature to the previous series Our analysis of the data suggests that these are normal training quenches that are similar in nature to the previous series The fast DAQ/QP system appears to be functioning normally, and the power supplies are stable (in manual mode) The fast DAQ/QP system appears to be functioning normally, and the power supplies are stable (in manual mode) The reason for the lower current quenches is not known The reason for the lower current quenches is not known Our analysis of the data suggests that these are normal training quenches that are similar in nature to the previous series Our analysis of the data suggests that these are normal training quenches that are similar in nature to the previous series The fast DAQ/QP system appears to be functioning normally, and the power supplies are stable (in manual mode) The fast DAQ/QP system appears to be functioning normally, and the power supplies are stable (in manual mode)

10 LBNL MICE VC 150 23 August 2012 - 10 - Spectrometer Solenoid Update  Steve Virostek  LBNL ScheduleSchedule The schedule is a bit uncertain due to the unpredictability of the training The schedule is a bit uncertain due to the unpredictability of the training Once the training and warmup are complete, the support feet need to be welded on and the magnet prepared for shipping Once the training and warmup are complete, the support feet need to be welded on and the magnet prepared for shipping LBNL on site technical manpower has been limited in recent weeks due to budget issues LBNL on site technical manpower has been limited in recent weeks due to budget issues Progress on the second unit has been somewhat slowed as well Progress on the second unit has been somewhat slowed as well The schedule is a bit uncertain due to the unpredictability of the training The schedule is a bit uncertain due to the unpredictability of the training Once the training and warmup are complete, the support feet need to be welded on and the magnet prepared for shipping Once the training and warmup are complete, the support feet need to be welded on and the magnet prepared for shipping LBNL on site technical manpower has been limited in recent weeks due to budget issues LBNL on site technical manpower has been limited in recent weeks due to budget issues Progress on the second unit has been somewhat slowed as well Progress on the second unit has been somewhat slowed as well

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