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PROV-Ontology (PROV-O) Satya Sahoo, Khalid Belhajjame, James Cheney, Daniel Garijo, Timothy Lebo, Deborah McGuinness, Stephan Zednik, Stian Soiland-Reyes.

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Presentation on theme: "PROV-Ontology (PROV-O) Satya Sahoo, Khalid Belhajjame, James Cheney, Daniel Garijo, Timothy Lebo, Deborah McGuinness, Stephan Zednik, Stian Soiland-Reyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROV-Ontology (PROV-O) Satya Sahoo, Khalid Belhajjame, James Cheney, Daniel Garijo, Timothy Lebo, Deborah McGuinness, Stephan Zednik, Stian Soiland-Reyes. W3C Provenance Working Group

2 1 Index of contents Index: 1.Background 2.Classes 3.Object properties Core binary relationships Common binary relationships N-Ary relationships Journalism example Exploitation

3 2 Background PROV-0 OWL –RL encoding of the PROV-DM Scalable reasoning without sacrificing too much expressive power. Special focus on simplicity and flexibility. Designed for extensibility. Made to facilitate provenance interoperability in the web

4 3 Core classes 1.Elements: Nodes of the provenance graph I.Entity Agent Organization Person System Plan II.Activity

5 4 Core object properties Edges of the provenance graph 1.:activity1 prov:used :entity1. 2.:entity2 prov:wasGeneratedBy :activity1. 3.:activity1 prov:wasAssociatedWith :agent1; prov:wasStartedBy :agent1; prov:wasEndedBy :agent2. 4.:entity2 prov:wasDerivedFrom :entity1. 5.:agent1 prov:actedOnBehalfOf :agent2. 6.:activity2 prov:wasInformedBy :activity1. 7.:activity2 prov:wasStartedByActivity :activity1. :activity1 a prov:Activity. :activity2 a prov:Activity. :entity1 a prov:Entity. :entity2 a prov:Entity. :agent1 a prov:Person, prov:Agent, prov:Entity. :agent2 a prov:Organization, prov:Agent, prov:Entity

6 5 Common object properties Common relationships on the semantic web 1.:entity1 prov:wasAttributedTo :agent1. 2.:entity2 prov:wasQuotedFrom :entity1. 3.:entity2 prov:hadOriginalSource :entity1. 4.:entity2 prov:wasRevisionOf :entity1. 5.:entity2 prov:wasSummaryOf :entity1. 6.:entity2 prov:tracedTO :entity1.

7 6 N-Ary relationships Most of the PROV-DM relationships are qualified. Qualifying attributes examples: Roles Location Time Etc. Modeled through prov:Involvement class element1 Involvement element2 Binary Relationship prov:involved Prov:entity/ prov:activity role location time Other attributes

8 7 Journalism Example All binary relationships point towards the past wasAssociatedWith Alice DataSet (D1) OpenOffice Calc (S1) Satistical Assumptions (stats1) Chart (C1) Chart Making Activity used wasGeneratedBy

9 8 Journalism Example All binary relationships point towards the past wasAssociatedWith Alice DataSet (D1) OpenOffice Calc (S1) Satistical Assumptions (stats1) Chart (C1) Chart Making Activity used wasGeneratedBy

10 9 Journalism Example Example as RDF/Turtle: :Alice a prov:Entity, prov:Agent, prov:Person example:Journalist. :d1 a example:Dataset, prov:Entity ; rdfs:label “Data set". :c1 a example:Chart, prov:Entity; rdfs:label “Chart C1”.; example:fileSize “123424”; prov:wasGeneratedBy : chartMaking. :chartMaking a prov:Activity, example:MakingActivity; rdfs:label “Making the chart”; prov:wasAssociatedWith :Alice; prov:used :d1.

11 10 Journalism Example: qualifying relationships If we want to add extra information to the usage: : chartMaking a prov:Activity, example:MakingActivity; rdfs:label “Making the chart”; prov:wasAssociatedWith :Alice; prov:involved :u1; prov:used :d1. :r1 a prov:Role, example:ReferenceRole; rdfs:label “The entity was used as reference in the creation activity”. :u1 a prov:Usage, prov:Involvement; prov:entity :d1; prov:hadRole :r1; prov:occurredAt [a prov:TimeInstant; prov:inXSDDateTime “2011-09- 19T19:05:40-07:00”].

12 11 Exploitation SPARQL queries: 1.What was used to create the chart C1? SELECT ?usedElement WHERE{ :C1 prov:wasGeneratedBy ?p. ?p prov:used ?usedElement. } 2.Who was associated to the chart making process that led to C1? SELECT ?agent WHERE{ :C1 prov:wasGeneratedBy ?p. ?p prov:wasAssociatedTo ?agent. }

13 12 Exploitation (2) SPARQL queries: 1.At what time was D1 used in the process that led to C1? SELECT ?t WHERE{ :C1 prov:wasGeneratedBy ?p. ?p prov:prov:used :D1. ?p prov:involved ?usage. ?usage a prov:Usage. ?usage prov:entity :D1. ?usage prov:occurredAt ?t. }

14 13 References References: 1.Prov DM: file/default/model/ProvenanceModel.html file/default/model/ProvenanceModel.html 2.ProvRDF: 3.Primer: 4.Best practices document: file/tip/bestpractices/BestPractices.html file/tip/bestpractices/BestPractices.html 5.OWL-RL:

15 14 Acknowledgements Special Thanks to: W3C Provenance Working Group Semantic Web Activity World Wide Web Consortium Contributing members: Reza B'Far, Khalid Belhajjame, James Cheney, Sam Coppens, Stephen Cresswell, Helena Deus, Simon Dobson, Kai Eckert, James Frew, Irini Fundulaki, Yolanda Gil, Paul Groth, Olaf Hartig, Sandro Hawke, Ralph Hodgson, Graham Klyne, Michael Lang, Timothy Lebo, James McCusker, Deborah McGuinness, Simon Miles, Paolo Missier, Luc Moreau, James Myers, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Carl Reed, Christine Runnegar, Satya Sahoo, Yogesh Simmhan, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Eric Stephan, Ed Summers, Ted Thibodeau, Curt Tilmes, Stephan Zednik andJun Zhao.

16 PROV-Ontology (PROV-O) Satya Sahoo, Khalid Belhajjame, James Cheney, Daniel Garijo, Timothy Lebo, Deborah McGuinness, Stephan Zednik, Stian Soiland-Reyes. W3C Provenance Working Group

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