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User ****. (1) In the specialist section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the specialist! EDIT – available for account owner only! LINK.

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Presentation on theme: "User ****. (1) In the specialist section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the specialist! EDIT – available for account owner only! LINK."— Presentation transcript:

1 user ****


3 (1) In the specialist section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the specialist! EDIT – available for account owner only! LINK this Profile to a Research Center: when click this one can declare his/her affiliation to one Research Center. (2) In the Research Center section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the Research Center! EDIT – available for account owner only! LINK this Profile to a Project or Network: when click this one can declare his/her involvement to one Network or Project. (3) In the Partner Matching section one can: Add New – declare his/her interest in cooperation on a certain topic from FP7 recent calls! DETAILS – see detailed profile of registration!


5 Attention! EDIT – your account data (login data) not your Specialist profile!!

6 (1) In the specialist section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the specialist! EDIT – available for account owner only! LINK this Profile to a Research Center: when click this one can declare his/her affiliation to one Research Center.

7 (1) In the specialist section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the specialist! Possibility to print and save.pdf file for profile!

8 (1) In the specialist section one can find: EDIT – available for account owner only!

9 (1) In the specialist section one can find: EDIT – available for account owner only!

10 (1) In the specialist section one can find: LINK this Profile to a Research Center: when click this one can declare his/her affiliation to one Research Center.

11 (1) In the specialist section one can find: LINK this Profile to a Research Center: when click this one can declare his/her affiliation to one Research Center.

12 (2) In the Research Center section one can find: DETAILS – see detailed profile of the Research Center! EDIT – available for account owner only! LINK this Profile to a Project or Network: when click this one can declare his/her involvement to one Network or Project.

13 (2) In the Research Center section one can find: LINK this Profile to a Project or Network: when click this one can declare his/her involvement to one Network or Project.

14 (3) Search example:

15 Search criteria Specialists working in nanotechnologies field from Romania Research Centers working in nanotechnologies field from Romania Projects and networks from nanotechnologies field from Romanian coordinators Partner interested in collaboration in FP7 NMP 2008 latest call from Romania articles available in other MINOS-EURONET dissemination tools such as MNT Bulletin and WBM

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