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Streaming Media Reserves: Legality and Logistics in the Academic Library Atlas Systems Webinar November 2, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Streaming Media Reserves: Legality and Logistics in the Academic Library Atlas Systems Webinar November 2, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Streaming Media Reserves: Legality and Logistics in the Academic Library Atlas Systems Webinar November 2, 2011

2 Presented By: Lisa Lazar Performing Arts Librarian Bierce Library The University of Akron 330-972-8424 Carla Myers Access Services Librarian Kraemer Family Library The University of Colorado Colorado Springs 719-255-3908 Streaming Media Reserves

3 Overview  Introduction to Streaming Media Reserves (SMR)  SMR policy  Development of the SMR system  Implementing the SMR system:  Process and workflow  Evaluation, changes, and future  Q & A Streaming Media Reserves

4 Introduction to Streaming Media Reserves (SMR)

5 Media Course Reserves  Traditional Media Course Reserves provides students and instructors with access to media materials (film and music) in support of the academic mission of the University of Akron.  Hard Copy Media Reserve Introduction

6 Challenges With Hard Copy System  Not convenient for busy students and instructors  Students had to come to the library to listen to pieces as media could not be taken from the library  Use was limited to 1 student at a time  Occasionally items would go missing  Inconvenient for instructors when they needed the item for class use. Introduction

7 Can it be improved?  Recognized need for more interactive and efficient ways of getting resources to students.  How could we provide classroom resources in a convenient and easily accessible way?  Some instructors already using online services such as iTunes  Instructors did like the convenience of the online service we offered.  Charged by Library administration to look into the feasibility of a streaming system. Introduction

8 Commercial Options Commercial systems; DocuTek Eres, Digital Campus, Swank  Did not provide us with flexible access to works professors might need and licensing costs were impractical. Introduction

9 Home Grown System Options  Require technical expertise which we personally do not possess.  Place a substantial burden on our Electronic Resources people.  Cost of hardware could be prohibitive Introduction

10 What are other Schools Doing?  Contacted 8 schools to learn more about their media reserves  Some using commercial systems, others using homegrown systems  Also interested in learning how they addressed copyright compliance issues Introduction

11 Best Option for Us Combination & Customization  Collaboration with our campus Information Technology Services utilizing our campuses current course management system, Springboard!  But first, we needed a policy that would be supported by the university... Introduction

12 Streaming Media Reserves Policy & Copyright Compliance

13 New Service Policy Goal is to develop a service which meets the needs of students and instructors while acting in compliance with copyright law. Compliance includes:  Fair Use  Issues with digitizing works and streaming online Researched copyright law and looked for guidance in articles, cases, expert commentary Policy & Copyright

14 Streaming Media Reserves Policy The use of audio, video and mixed media materials for Reserves shall be in accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act including its Fair Use (§ 107) and/or its TEACH Act provisions (§ 110(2)) Policy & Copyright

15 SMR Policy, Cont.  Will make digital copies only for works that are being taught as an integral part of the course.  Only a lawfully obtained copy of the media recording can be considered for use.  The University Libraries will make a good faith effort to purchase a commercially available copy of all requested items. Policy & Copyright

16 SMR Policy, Cont. University Libraries can provide electronic transmissions of the following video/media materials:  Performances (partial or entire) of all non- dramatic literary or musical works; e.g. short- story reading; all music other than opera, music videos and musicals.  Reasonable and limited portions of any dramatic musical works; e.g. choreography, pantomimes, plays, radio and television scripts, movies, ballet, opera, music videos and musicals Policy & Copyright

17 SMR Policy, Cont. University Libraries will not provide electronic transmissions of the following materials:  Materials currently available electronically, e.g. those available in a streaming format in one of our licensed databases.  Media that the students are normally required to purchase for the course, e.g. films or recordings purchased in conjunction with required textbooks and recorded anthologies.  Materials without appropriate permission if the nature, scope, or extent of the copying is judged by University Libraries to exceed the reasonable limits of “fair use” under copyright. Policy & Copyright

18 SMR Policy, Cont.  The following copyright notice shall appear on the instructor’s Springboard! course page: The media materials on this site are copyright protected and are intended only for the use of students currently enrolled in this course and may not be retained or further disseminated.  Authentication through the instructor’s Springboard! course page will be used to limit access to the media files to only those students currently enrolled in the course. Policy & Copyright

19 SMR Policy, Cont.  University Libraries will eliminate access to the converted files at the completion of the course.  University Libraries may store course files for future use. Policy & Copyright

20 Administrative & Legal Evaluation  Policy was approved by University of Akron Libraries administration  Policy was sent to our campus Office of General Council for evaluation.  Approved our interpretation of copyright law and service policy  Gave the green light to begin the implementation of the service!  Start with music files Policy & Copyright

21 21 Developing the SMR System

22 Collaboration with Information Technology Services  Support of Administration from both areas  Initial meetings more “top-heavy”  Cautious until policy approved  Core group met bi-monthly for about a year  Concept to first pilot: app. 2 years System Development

23 Why Springboard! ?  Course Management System  Flexible framework for storing and providing online course materials  Course pages (content)  Identities (people, groups)  Roles – how identities can interact with content  Connected to personnel and registration information (PeopleSoft); automatically creates roles and permissions based an identity’s relationship to a course System Development

24 Why Springboard!? (continued)  Springboard! could be modified  Existing solution  Commitment/support of institution  Faculty, students already familiar  Supported mainly by other department System Development

25 What Specifically Was Needed  A method to digitize music files and create secure players to stream them  An administrative area in SpringBoard!  A delivery methodology in SpringBoard!  An archives for digitized files and players System Development

26  SpringBoard! controls access to materials through permissions  We also needed to prevent copying and non-compliant use of materials once they are accessible System Development... All done in compliance with copyright law

27 Solution: Digitizing Music and Creating players  Rip in iTunes (easy, no licensing problems)  MP3s at 256 kps/44.1 kHz  Add piece specific metadata with an ID3 editor  Each one is put into an individual Flash Player  Streaming, not download  Encrypted stream  Mp3 file in separate location than player  No retraceable URL  Displays metadata we have chosen with selected labels System Development

28 Solution: Administration  ITS created an identity in SpringBoard for SMR administrators (Media.Reserves)  Created a “course” where players are placed into modules (webpages), and modules are organized and named to create playlists  Can keep ongoing record of modules and playlists System Development

29 Solution: Delivery Method  ITS created role of media instructor  Faculty adds Media.Reserves to class as a media instructor  Media.Reserves adds listening modules to classes System Development

30 Solution: Archiving Streaming Files  ITS media server – houses actual mp3 files – not searchable or accessible; player only contains links  ITS created sequestered portion of Springboard!’s Learning Object Repository (LOR) that is only accessible to library streaming media reserves for searchable archives  Library uploads players to the Library LOR  Adds Metadata to player in LOR (Modified the GEM metadata schema option to fit musical recordings) System Development

31 31 Implementing the SMR System: Process & Workflow

32 Cooperation! People from three library departments + outside department all collaborate on this project:  Performing Arts Librarian (Research and Learning services  Reserves Manager (Access Services)  Music Cataloger (Electronic Services)  Information Technology Services (outside) Will show detailed step by step, then recap

33 SMR Request Process  Initiated by the instructor, often in collaboration with the Performing Arts Librarian.  Faculty provides the SMR Manager with request form which contains course information and complete citation information for the piece.  Also explain how the work is an integral part of their class instructional activities. System Implementation

34 Streaming Media Reserve Request Form System Implementation

35 Streaming Media Reserve Request Form System Implementation

36 Copyright Compliance  SMR Manager determines if the item is available through one of our licensed databases or our media collection.  If not, SMR Manager evaluates the request for copyright compliance.  Performing Arts Librarian can help initiate a purchase request for items which we do not own.  If item is not compliance the SMR Manager contact the instructor to explore alternative options.  Once compliance is assured, copy of form given to Electronic Services (Cataloging) for processing and metadata System Implementation

37 Processing the Piece – Music Cataloger Rip the piece using iTunes  iTunes metadata not sufficient  Needed and ID3 editor allows us to incorporate in desired citation information System Implementation

38 Incorporating Metadata Edit using PA Software ID3 Editor System Implementation

39 Our Players System Implementation

40 Processing Through ITS  Incorporate naming convention for pieces: ‘Composer-Name of Piece’  Upload MP3 to our Flash Media Server  Music Cataloger notifies Reserves Manager that ripping/metadata is completed  Reserves manager emails ITS folks to let them know that MP3 files pending to be converted to players  They create the player and encrypt it with digital security  Reply when the players are ready to go System Implementation

41 Processing Through SpringBoard!  Ensure that the instructor has added Media.Reserves as a media instructor  Upload the item to the Learning Objects Repository (LOR) System Implementation

42 Publishing to the LOR System Implementation

43 Editing the Metadata in Springboard! System Implementation

44 Create a Dynamic Link to the Player System Implementation

45 Pull the Players to the Instructors Springboard! Page System Implementation

46 Edit Course & Import Components System Implementation

47 Select Components to Copy System Implementation

48 Players Appear on Instructors Springboard! Page System Implementation

49 Rest of the Process  Email the instructor that the players are posted to their page  At the end of the semester the ‘trust’ is broken so that links no longer work  Instructors can view the title and name of the piece but will be unable to access the player.  Player may be stored on Media.Reserves page for use in future semesters System Implementation

50 Subsequent Use  At the end of the semester the ‘trust’ is broken so that links no longer work; instructors can view the title of the piece and name of the composer but will be unable to access the player  Players are archived for use in future semesters  For subsequent use the instructor must contact the SMR Manager to initiate a new request  SMR Manager repeats the process from ‘Creating the Dynamic Link’ System Implementation

51 Overview of Flow  Choose pieces (Faculty, poss. PA Lib.)  Faculty submits forms to Res. Manager  Manager checks copyright compliance and availability (PA may buy needed recordings)  Music Cataloger rips pieces and adds metadata  Res. Man. sends to ITS  ITS creates players  Res. Man uploads players to LOR and adds to faculty SpringBoard! pages System Implementation

52 Conclusion: Results thus far and the Future

53 Evaluation: Response of Faculty and Students Developed survey to have students & instructor evaluate players, ease of use, metadata, and areas for improvement Feedback:  “Just as fast & easy to use as Naxos”  “The Loading time was actually superior to Naxos”  “Information about the piece and about the composer or maybe links to this information”  “Maybe also when it was premiered and who conducted/performed the piece at the premiere”  “I didn’t like having each track in a separate player” Conclusion

54 Changes Already made:  Changed ripping/metadata from reserves function to cataloging function  Try other ripping software Looking at:  Look for a way to automate copying the metadata  Alternative archiving methods  Alternative to Flash  Migrate to less hand-holding of faculty Conclusion

55 Future? Reserves manager:  Stream film  Collaborate with faculty to find additional uses for SMR Performing Arts Librarian  Assist faculty in adding other digital materials, library and otherwise – scores, links to encyclopedias  Use SpringBoard! as way to becoming “embedded” in classes  Promote and combine all online listening options Conclusion

56 Thank You! Thanks for your attention today! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! Conclusion

57 With Thanks… ITS:  Wendy Lampner, Manager of Design & Development Services  John Kelly- Senior Systems Analyst Programmer  Andrew Bonecutter- Technology Consultant  Patrick Tabatcher- Senior Multi-Media Producer Music Faculty:  Dr. Laurie Lashbrook, Professor of Voice  Dr. Brooks Toliver, Professor of Music History  Ms. Patty LaNasa, Instructor of Bach to Rock  Dr. Nikola Resanovic, Professor of Composition Our support at Bierce Library at the University of Akron Conclusion

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