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ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Presentation of EPIDE et School of second chance - « Défense, 2ème chance »

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Presentation on theme: "ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Presentation of EPIDE et School of second chance - « Défense, 2ème chance »"— Presentation transcript:

1 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Presentation of EPIDE et School of second chance - « Défense, 2ème chance »

2 2 Août 2008 / 2 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE EPIDE is a public organisation  Created by State decision in 2 août 2005  Lead by different ministeries : Defense Employment Town  Défense, 2 nd chance »  in relation with the Voluntary Civil Service

3 3 Août 2008 / 3 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Mission - objectiv  to be in charge of social and labor insertion of young adult with problems at school, at risk at de-socialisation and ready (as volonteers) to find a gobal educational solution to their problem  Favor their first step to labor market  Proposing an adapted educational path, a training contribution to long term social and labor insertion  60.000 young people are intervied, from a total amount of 800.000 every years coming from different orientation

4 4 Août 2008 / 4 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE To realised this, EPIDE is  Creation and leading training center  Organise pedagogical programs in differrent EPIDE center  welcome young adult in Internat during their training which can last in between 6 months and 2 years

5 5 Août 2008 / 5 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Profile of trainees taking part to the program  to be volonteers  to be aged between 18 & 22 years old  to have done the civil service test and to have been identified as in trouble at school  to have no educational skills, neither to have a job  to have no health problem  Young people are civil and volonteer ; they sign a contract with the EPIDE, which is not a working contract.  EPIDE welcomes foreign people, if their situation enable them to apply for a job.

6 6 Août 2008 / 6 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Trainees’ rights and obligations  They are located in a center from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon.  They are under social and health support.  They have to wear a sort of uniform in order to provide any social discrimination.  They have to respect the internal settlement.  They were granted a fee allocation of 150 € / month plus, after a 3 month period, a capitalized additionnal allocation of 150 € / month, which is given at the end of training.  Training and hébergement are totally free of charge for trainees.

7 7 Août 2008 / 7 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE EPIP specific characteristics EPIDE is an actor, which is acting simultaniously on the 4 specific characteristics which are necessary to develop social and professional insertion of the trainees. Training Insertion Socialization Orientation

8 8 Août 2008 / 8 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE A training path under strict conditions  A strict discipline defined by a internal settlement.  Training only in small groups of trainees : between 12 and 15 trainees.  A pedagogical team of 4 trainers for 10 trainees => 40%.

9 9 Août 2008 / 9 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE A 3- Steps pedagogical program  A ground skills : language (French), orthograph, mathematics, social and professional life, …, included in a computer and internet first training.  A civil and behaviour course, which includes practical exercices for everyday life : first aid diploma…  Some very close relations between the center and other local firms, in order to offer some future job opportunities for the trainees in the following sectors : hotel branch, catering industry, house services, transports, build branch, services to enterprises, …

10 10 Août 2008 / 10 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Objectives of the program  To adquire a general training certificate (end of french College diploma) a certificate for ITC and a « citizenship training certificate ».  Pre – training – vocational training should offer to students the access aprenticeship and offer the opportunity to :  follow their training after EPIDE in classical school system,  be helped to find a job : trainership in companies, dual system, term contract, CDI.  the objective of EPIDE is to have 50 % of trainees back to job or training.

11 11 Août 2008 / 12 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Profil du personnel pédagogique et d’encadrement  teachers of ministery of education  trainers from private sector  former military trainers, dealing with behaviour and citizenship courses

12 12 Août 2008 / 13 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Partnership with Cies  In terms of training equipement or materials given by companies people coming to EPIDE to give courses or to speak about their experience  In terms of professionnal integration Présentation of « jobs » to trainees and to welcome them in trainership To provide alternance (apprentissage ou professionnalisation) To employ EPIDE trainees

13 13 Août 2008 / 14 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Partenership with Cies  contract signed at national level - Groupe Flunch,- Fondation Solidarité Caisses d’Epargne - Fédération Française du Bâtiment - Vedior Bis - Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics- Groupe Colas - AFT-IFTIM- La Prévention Routière - Groupe Vinci- Elior / Avenance - Eiffage- Bouygues Construction - Groupement des Professions de Services,- Entreprise et Logement, ….  but as well many local contract sign with SMEs within France

14 14 Août 2008 / 15 ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC D’INSERTION DE LA DÉFENSE Les centres ouverts 22 training centers Budget : 85 M€ a year

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